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導(dǎo)語:NI USB-5680功率儀表

2008年1月7日消息,美國國家儀器(NI)宣布推出該公司的第一款USB控制的RMS RF功率儀表,此儀表可提供小體積的用于自動化測試、測量和監(jiān)督應(yīng)用的靈活性解決方案。6 GHz NI USB-5680功率儀表以高測量精確性和寬泛的動態(tài)包裝特征展現(xiàn)在用戶面前,并且不占用很大的空間。其動力供應(yīng)僅來自于USB線纜,新功率儀表也是便攜式應(yīng)用的理想選擇,因?yàn)槠鋬H用100 mA電流,不用再提供額外的電源。 傳統(tǒng)的功率儀表以功率傳感器或?qū)Ь€定位接近測試中的單元,及通過纜線連接位于傳統(tǒng)儀表包裝中精確的A/D轉(zhuǎn)換器。利用最新的PC和A/D轉(zhuǎn)換器技術(shù),USB-5680在一個體積小于9.6立方英尺的包裝中將兩者結(jié)合起來,比具有同等效果的benchtop體積要小。USB-5680可直接且簡易地在任何PC或PXI控制器上與USB接口相連接。
由于頻率比較寬,高動態(tài)范圍和測量的精確性,工程師們可以利用USB-5680 RMS功率儀表進(jìn)行廣泛的應(yīng)用。 特點(diǎn): 頻率范圍廣:50 MHz 到6 GHz 體積?。?.5 X 3.0 X 5.6 cm (3.35 X 1.18 X 2.2英寸) 高動態(tài)范圍:63 dB 振幅精確性:±0.18 dB 為實(shí)現(xiàn)全部儀表的性能,USB-5680結(jié)合執(zhí)行軟面板和直觀的軟件庫幫助工程師快速安裝他們的系統(tǒng)。需要測試連續(xù)的高達(dá)6Hz RF信號波的工程師可利用配有VXIplug&play兼容執(zhí)行軟件面板的卓越配置以促進(jìn)交互式控制。在自動化測試和測量系統(tǒng)中結(jié)合USB-5680,工程師們可以應(yīng)用簡單的應(yīng)用程序編程接口(API),結(jié)合NI的LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI和微軟NET環(huán)境進(jìn)行編程。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] NI Introduces USB-Controlled RMS RF Power Meter [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]NEWS RELEASE – Jan. 7, 2008 – National Instruments today announced the company’s first USB-controlled true RMS RF power meter, which provides a highly flexible solution for automated test, measurement and monitoring applications in a small footprint. The 6 GHz NI USB-5680 power meter features high measurement accuracy and wide dynamic range packaged in a size similar to a typical power head. In automated test applications, the small size frees up valuable rack space without sacrificing performance. Powered solely from the USB cable, the new power meter is also ideal for portable applications because it consumes only 100 mA of current without an external power supply. Traditional power meters feature a power sensor or head located close to the unit under test and connect via cable to an accurate A/D converter located in conventional instrumentation housing. Using the latest PC and A/D converter technologies, the USB-5680 combines both the sensor and the A/D converter in one package occupying less than 9.6 cubic inches – much smaller than the benchtop equivalent. The USB-5680 simply connects directly to an available USB port on any PC or PXI controller. With a broad frequency range, high dynamic range and precise measurement accuracy, engineers can use the USB-5680 true RMS power meter for a broad range of applications. Features include: • Small size: 8.5 by 3.0 by 5.6 cm (3.35 by 1.18 by 2.2in) • Wide frequency range: 50 MHz to 6 GHz • High dynamic range: 63 dB • Amplitude accuracy: ±0.18 dB To realize full instrumentation capabilities, the USB-5680 comes with a full-featured, executable soft front panel and intuitive, easy-to-use software libraries to help engineers quickly set up their systems. Engineers who need to measure continuous wave RF signals up to 6 GHz can use the USB-5680 in a stand-alone configuration with a VXIplug&play-compatible executable soft front panel to facilitate interactive control. To incorporate the USB-5680 in an automated test and measurement system, engineers simply use the intuitive application programming interface (API) with their programming environments of choice including NI LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI and the Microsoft .NET environment.[/color][/font]








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  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
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  • 高壓變頻器
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  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
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