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安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)于2008年1月8日宣布,全球微電子應(yīng)用的半導(dǎo)體解決方案提供商STMicroelectronics,已經(jīng)將安捷倫的Momentum電磁模擬器作為RFIC設(shè)計過程的一部分。此整合將加速STMicroelectronics的RFIC設(shè)計流程,并使其更加現(xiàn)代化。 安捷倫EEsof EDA 部門歐洲銷售經(jīng)理Claudette Venet 說:“我們與STMicroelectronics公司已合作很久了,從其采用安捷倫EDA平臺和工具開始,包括應(yīng)用我們的RF設(shè)計環(huán)境。在我們早期的訪問程序開始就是我們主要的參與商,為我們的發(fā)展隊(duì)伍提供有價值的指導(dǎo),利用EM工具滿足公司的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。我們很高興我們一起的協(xié)作能幫助改善STMicroelectronics的設(shè)計流程,并能為其的繼續(xù)發(fā)展和未來成功添磚加瓦?!? STMicroelectronics前端技術(shù)生產(chǎn)部副總裁Philippe Magarshack說:“當(dāng)安捷倫開發(fā)其Momentum解決方案時,其就聽取了我們關(guān)于工具協(xié)同性的要求,并對一級PFIC設(shè)計流程做出響應(yīng)。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化Momentum將增加我們設(shè)計師們的生產(chǎn)力和靈活性,并減少基于RF設(shè)計的新CMOS讀出時間?!? 安捷倫Momentum是一個3-D平面EM模擬器,結(jié)合全波和準(zhǔn)靜態(tài)EM解算器用于被動的、相互連接且連桿的建模。針對RFIC設(shè)計,其可以在半波長的大型結(jié)構(gòu)上不用犧牲精確性而減少模擬時間。其能接受任意設(shè)計的幾何體和精確的模擬復(fù)雜EM影響,包括趨膚效應(yīng)、底層效應(yīng)、厚金屬效應(yīng)和多重絕緣體。 安捷倫Momentum的最新增強(qiáng)版,協(xié)同兩家公司的共同努力,將其完全整合到基于Cadence的設(shè)計流程中,允許STMicroelectronics設(shè)計師們在CMOS過程中,在互連且復(fù)雜的螺旋感應(yīng)器上執(zhí)行最適宜的建模。 關(guān)于安捷倫的EEsof EDA軟件 安捷倫EEsof EDA RF混合信號電路和系統(tǒng)設(shè)計軟件的工業(yè)領(lǐng)先提供商。此軟件與測試設(shè)備兼容,可被用于設(shè)計公司的測試測量設(shè)備。更多關(guān)于所有安捷倫EDA軟件請登錄:www.agilent.com/find/eesof 。 [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Agilent Technologies Announces that STMicroelectronics has Standardized on Agilent‘s RF Momentum Electromagnetic Simulator [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that STMicroelectronics, a global provider of semiconductor solutions for microelectronics applications, has standardized on Agilent‘s Momentum electromagnetic (EM) simulator as part of its RFIC design process. This integration will speed and streamline STMicroelectronics‘ RFIC design flow. "We have a long-standing relationship with STMicroelectronics that began several years ago with their adoption of Agilent‘s EDA platforms and tools, including our RF Design Environment," said Claudette Venet, Europe sales manager with Agilent‘s EEsof EDA division. "They have been a key participant in our Early Access Program, providing valuable guidance to our development team and resulting in an EM tool that meets the company‘s high standards. I am pleased that our work together will help improve STMicroelectronics‘ design flow and fuel its continued growth and success." "When Agilent developed its Momentum solution, they listened to our request for tools interoperability and quickly responded with a best-in-class RFIC design flow," said Philippe Magarshack, vice president, front-end technology manufacturing, STMicroelectronics. "Standardizing on Momentum will increase our designers‘ productivity and flexibility, and reduce time-to-tape-out for new CMOS-based RF designs." Agilent Momentum is a 3-D planar EM simulator that combines full-wave and quasi-static EM solvers for passive, interconnect and parasitic modeling. For RFIC design it reduces simulation time without sacrificing accuracy on large structures under a half wavelength. It accepts arbitrary design geometries and accurately simulates complex EM effects including skin effect, substrate effect, thick metal effect and multiple dielectrics. Agilent Momentum‘s latest enhancements, along with the joint effort of the two companies to completely integrate it into the Cadence-based design flow allows STMicroelectronics designers to perform optimum modeling on interconnect and complex spiral inductors on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes such as HCMOS9 and CMOS65. About Agilent EEsof EDA Software Agilent EEsof EDA is an industry-leading provider of RF-mixed signal circuit and system design software. The software is compatible with and is used to design the company‘s test and measurement equipment. Additional information about all of Agilent‘s EDA software is available at www.agilent.com/find/eesof[/color][/font]








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