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新儀器能提供非常精確且深度洞察力的設(shè)備和設(shè)計,從而使生產(chǎn)力實現(xiàn)量的變化。 安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)宣布推出行業(yè)上第一個脈沖函數(shù)任意噪聲發(fā)生器,提供結(jié)合多種波形的高質(zhì)量信號。此設(shè)備是通用目標(biāo)平臺測試或高級系列數(shù)據(jù)重力測試的理想選擇。 應(yīng)用此儀器后,設(shè)計和測試工程師們在處于壓力情況下,就可以向市場推出設(shè)計周期縮短且質(zhì)量目標(biāo)高的產(chǎn)品。此外,市場上的差異性意味著獨特的測試功能性。 安捷倫81150A脈沖函數(shù)任意噪聲發(fā)生器可為脈沖發(fā)生提供多用途波形,還可以為壓力測試提供噪聲發(fā)生。此發(fā)生器是用于連接安捷倫5/6/80000 Infiniium實時示波鏡或用于系列數(shù)據(jù)測試的DCA-J取樣示波鏡的最優(yōu)化促進設(shè)備。其整合到一個儀器中的一體化設(shè)備可最小化電纜、空間和測試時間的使用。 工程師們需要創(chuàng)造理想的和最差的信號,以得到精確且具有深度洞察力的設(shè)備和設(shè)計,如:半導(dǎo)體電路、傳感器和調(diào)節(jié)器。安捷倫81150A精確的信號可幫助工程師測試他們的設(shè)備而不是信號源。當(dāng)信號真實度有問題時,需要解決的是信號質(zhì)量而不是信號數(shù)量。 安捷倫數(shù)字光子測試部門副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Alois Hauk說:“多用途波形和精確的信號是開發(fā)低設(shè)計周期高質(zhì)量產(chǎn)品的關(guān)鍵因素。脈沖函數(shù)任意噪聲發(fā)生器通過每一個發(fā)展階段支持工程師,專利型噪聲發(fā)生器可幫助工程師改變生產(chǎn)力?!? 用于重復(fù)壓力測試的標(biāo)準化、確定性噪聲及任意噪聲發(fā)生可提供一體化性能。各種不同的壓力測試可通過簡單地校準波形因素而實現(xiàn),或是利用波峰到波峰的變化顯示信號質(zhì)量的指示器,底部表示為方形電壓。 安捷倫81150A脈沖函數(shù)任意噪聲發(fā)聲器的特征包括: 1. 精確測試設(shè)備而不是測試信號源,在任意頻率下固有抖動為8 ps rms。 2. 13個標(biāo)準函數(shù),模塊性能可達10 MHz,可測量80多個種類。 3. 一體化到一個儀器中,可最小化電纜、空間和測試時間的使用 4. 區(qū)別性輸出,用于一級設(shè)備的高壓擴大器。 安捷倫81150A將在于2008年2月4-7號在加州Santa Clara 舉行的DesignCon展會上展出。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Agilent Technologies Introduces Industry‘s First Pulse Function Arbitrary Noise Generator [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]New Instrument Class Offers Most Accurate and Accelerated Insight into Devices and Designs, Enables Quantum Leap in Productivity Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced the industry‘s first pulse function arbitrary noise generator, which provides superior signal quality combined with versatile waveforms. It is ideal for general purpose bench tests or advanced serial data stress tests. Design and test engineers are under pressure to get products to market faster with reduced design schedules and higher quality goals. In addition, differentiation in the market means unique test functionality. A new class of instrument is needed to achieve these objectives. The Agilent 81150A pulse function arbitrary noise generator provides versatile waveforms for pulse generation as well as noise generation for stress testing. It is the optimum stimulus for use in conjunction with Agilent‘s 5/6/80000 Infiniium real-time oscilloscope or DCA-J sampling oscilloscope for serial data testing. Its integration into one instrument minimizes cabling, space and test time. Engineers need to create ideal and worst-case signals to get accurate and accelerated insight into devices and designs such as semiconductor circuits, sensors or modulators. The accurate signals of the Agilent 81150A help engineers test their device, not the signal source. When signal fidelity matters, just enough signal quality is not enough. "Versatile waveforms and the most precise signals are key contributors for developing quality products with a reduced design cycle," said Alois Hauk, vice president and general manager of Digital Photonic Test at Agilent. "The pulse function arbitrary noise generator supports the engineer through each development phase, and the patented noise generator gives engineers a quantum leap in productivity." Calibrated and deterministic noise for repeatable stress tests, and random noise generation provide all-in-one capability. Various stress tests can be achieved by simply adjusting the crest factor, an indicator of signal quality using peak-to-peak and root mean square voltages. Features of the Agilent 81150A pulse function arbitrary noise generator include: • accurate signals test the device, not the source, with intrinsic jitter of 8 ps rms at any frequency; • 13 standard functions, modulation capabilities up to 10 MHz and more than 80 measurement types; • integration into one instrument, which minimizes cabling, space and test time; and • differential output and high-voltage amplifier for state-of-the-art devices. The Agilent 81150A will be shown for the first time at DesignCon in Santa Clara, Calif., Feb. 4-7, 2008, Booth 305. [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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