



安捷倫科技(NYSE: A)宣布推出緊湊型微波模擬信號發(fā)生器,此發(fā)生器具有低成本特性,并且是安捷倫MXG信號發(fā)生器平臺的延伸,提供的頻率范圍覆蓋20, 32 或是40赫茲。表現(xiàn)為高轉(zhuǎn)換頻率、高可靠性和易維護(自身)的特點,此中間性能的信號發(fā)生器為工作在寬帶部件和系統(tǒng)上的制造研發(fā)工程師提供大范圍測量所需的性能。 安捷倫N5183A MXG是一款經(jīng)濟型,連續(xù)波信號發(fā)生器,專門設計用于優(yōu)化正常運行時間并減少成本。其少于或是等同于900微秒轉(zhuǎn)換速度,可使產(chǎn)量得到迅速提高。設計簡單且維護方便(可自身維護),能夠減少一天的停工期,使用戶在室內(nèi)對儀器進行維護修理成為可能,此項功能不僅能優(yōu)化運行時間還能夠降低成本。 安捷倫N5183A MXG的另一個特征是其杰出的性能——傳遞高輸出功率和卓越精確性。輸出功率可達+18 dBm到20GHz,能夠克服損失、驅(qū)動高功率設備。此外,其表現(xiàn)為等級精確性,具有0.6到0.8 dB分級衰減器,其它安捷倫N5183A MXG的配件包括模擬調(diào)制和脈沖調(diào)制,所有部件都被安裝在一個緊湊的2U(3英寸高)包裝盒中,更能節(jié)省空間。 安捷倫信號發(fā)射部門副總裁Andy Botka說:“快速轉(zhuǎn)換速度和低成本特性是寬帶部件和研發(fā)工程師們最關注的需求。由于其性價比高且產(chǎn)品可以買到,性能靈活,新安捷倫N5183A MXG為用戶提供了他們所需要的性能及領先的競爭能力?!? 安捷倫的N5183A MXG為HP/ Agilent發(fā)生器提供了切實可行的替代版。其設計能與8340, 8360 及8370系列發(fā)生器相兼容,并適用ESG, PSG和8662A/8663A解決方案。 價格和售貨情況 安捷倫的新N5183A MXG微波模擬信號發(fā)生器價格如下: N5183A Opt 520 MXG微波模擬信號發(fā)生器 100 kHz到20 GHz $18,000 N5183A Opt 532 MXG微波模擬信號發(fā)生器 100 kHz到32 GHz $26,000 N5183A Opt 540 MXG微波模擬信號發(fā)生器 100 kHz到40 GHz $30,000 更多關于安捷倫新微波模擬信號發(fā)生器信息,請登錄:www.agilent.com/find/N5183A ,圖片下載:www.agilent.com/find/N5183A_images . [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Agilent Technologies Announces Compact Microwave Analog Signal Generator with Fast Switching Speeds, Low Cost of Ownership [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the availability of a compact microwave analog signal generator that delivers a low cost of ownership and is an extension to the popular Agilent MXG signal generator platform, providing frequency coverage to 20, 32 or 40 GHz. Featuring fast frequency switching speeds, high reliability and easy self-maintenance, this mid-performance signal generator provides manufacturing and R&D engineers working on broadband components and systems with the performance required to make a wide range of broadband measurements. It is especially well suited for EW, radar, military communications and broadband wireless access applications. The Agilent N5183A MXG is an economy class, signal generator specifically designed to maximize uptime and reduce cost of ownership. Its less than or equal to 900-microsecond switching speed enables a dramatic increase in throughput. A simple design delivers easy self-maintenance that reduces downtime to one working day, making it possible for users to maintain or repair the instrument in-house. Not only does this capability maximize uptime, it also drives a lower cost of ownership. Another key feature of the Agilent N5183A MXG is its outstanding performance —— delivering a combination of high output power and excellent level accuracy. With +18 dBm to 20 GHz output power, it is able to overcome losses and drive high-power devices. Additionally, it features a level accuracy, with optional step attenuator, of 0.6 to 0.8 dB. Other options to the Agilent N5183A MXG include analog modulation and pulse modulation —— all housed in a compact 2U (3 inch high) package that better uses rack space. "Fast switching speed and lower cost of ownership are key requirements for today‘s broadband component manufacturing and R&D engineers," said Andy Botka, vice president of Agilent‘s Signal Sources Division. "With its available options and price/performance flexibility, the new Agilent N5183A MXG provides users with the capabilities they need to address these issues, while staying ahead of their competition." Agilent‘s N5183A MXG offers a viable replacement to legacy HP/Agilent signal generators. It is programming compatible with the 8340, 8360 and 8370 Series signal generators as well as the ESG, PSG and 8662A/8663A solutions. U.S. Pricing and Availability Agilent‘s new N5183A MXG microwave analog signal generator is now available. Pricing is as follows: N5183A Opt 520 Agilent MXG microwave analog signal generator, 100 kHz to 20 GHz $18,000 N5183A Opt 532 Agilent MXG microwave analog signal generator, 100 kHz to 32 GHz $26,000 N5183A Opt 540 Agilent MXG microwave analog signal generator, 100 kHz to 40 GHz $30,000 For information about Agilent‘s new microwave analog signal generator, go to www.agilent.com/find/N5183A. Photos of the Agilent N5183A MXG are available at www.agilent.com/find/N5183A_images.[/color][/font]








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