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瑞典斯德哥爾摩2008年2月15日消息:基金會現(xiàn)場總線瑞典營銷委員會(FF SW MC)因成功開展2008年培訓(xùn)和營銷計劃而興奮不已。成立于2007年10月的瑞典營銷委員會,承諾將基金會現(xiàn)場總線技術(shù)在瑞典市場推廣開來,通過供應(yīng)商培訓(xùn)、貿(mào)易展銷參與和終端用戶研討會等一系列服務(wù)進(jìn)行推廣。 委員會于2月5日舉辦了第一屆基金會現(xiàn)場總線培訓(xùn)研討會,有來自斯德哥爾摩地區(qū)的22位代表參加了研討會。以介紹基金會技術(shù)為開始,隨后培訓(xùn)了一系列術(shù)語,以用于信息規(guī)模整合的基金會技術(shù)應(yīng)用為重點,遍及過程制造工廠、改善的業(yè)務(wù)智能性傳遞和過程完整性領(lǐng)域。 在研討會上的發(fā)言人包括:Travis Hesketh和Roger Highton。 Roger Highton歡迎瑞典研討會代表的到來,他說到:學(xué)習(xí)基金會技術(shù)的需求已經(jīng)超出了我們的預(yù)期,同時也很榮幸能成為此成長中的瑞典組織的一部分。后續(xù)培訓(xùn)的日子里,參加者可以擁有更多主動權(quán),管理自己內(nèi)部公司的培訓(xùn)和用戶的培訓(xùn)。 在2月5號培訓(xùn)之后,F(xiàn)F-SW MC會員于2月6-7號在斯德哥爾摩Quality Hotel Globe 酒店舉辦的‘itf Automationsdager(r) 2008‘自動化技術(shù)大會上,演示了數(shù)臺基金會現(xiàn)場總線設(shè)備和主機。在維期兩天的支持大會上,基金會現(xiàn)場總線EMEA Steering委員會副主席Travis Hesketh贈與了“基金會現(xiàn)場總線控制技術(shù)能否影響過程工廠的周期成本”論文,在論文中,他展示了通過執(zhí)行基金會技術(shù)實現(xiàn)的重要的CAPEX和OPEX節(jié)省架構(gòu)。
FF SW MC主席對集團(tuán)的促銷活動感到非常滿意,并說到:此活動對于在瑞典推動基金會技術(shù)的發(fā)展是卓有成效的開始。通過三天的培訓(xùn),一些終端用戶,執(zhí)行者和提供商已經(jīng)能夠獲得清晰的信息,基金會技術(shù)為操作的優(yōu)越性提供了自動化架構(gòu)。 FF SW MC的研討會計劃將包括在哥特堡2008年10月7-9號的Process Teknik展會。 更多信息請寫郵件至:sweden_info@fieldbus.org,此地址需安裝基金會現(xiàn)場總線 關(guān)于基金會現(xiàn)場總線 基金會現(xiàn)場總線是一個非贏利組織,由全球超過350家領(lǐng)先的自動化過程和生產(chǎn)公司組成,目的在于為發(fā)展一個唯一的、國際的、互用的現(xiàn)場總線提供一個開放中立的環(huán)境。在這個環(huán)境里,終端用戶、生產(chǎn)商、大學(xué)和研究機構(gòu)共同努力開發(fā)技術(shù),提供開發(fā)工具、支持和培訓(xùn),調(diào)整實驗和示范,使得產(chǎn)品具有互用性。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Swedish Marketing Committee Successfully Starts 2008 Training & Marketing Schedule [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]Stockholm, Sweden, February 15, 2008 — The Fieldbus Foundation Swedish marketing committee (FF SW MC) is delighted with the successful start to its 2008 training and marketing schedule. Established in October 2007, the group is committed to promoting the adoption of FOUNDATION fieldbus technology throughout the Swedish market through a range of activities including supplier training sessions, trade show participation and end user training seminars. The committee held its first FOUNDATION fieldbus training seminar on February 5 which was attended by 22 delegates from the Stockholm region. The day commenced with an introduction to FOUNDATION technology and terminology followed by a series of training sessions focused on the use of FOUNDATION technology for the open scaleable integration of information across process manufacturing plants, the delivery of improved business intelligence, and increased process integrity. Speakers at the seminar included Travis Hesketh and Roger Highton of the Fieldbus Foundation EMEA Steering Committee. Roger Highton welcomed the reception from the Swedish seminar delegates, "The demand for learning about FOUNDATION technology has exceeded our expectations and it is a privilege to be part of this growing Swedish organization." He continued, "Following these training sessions today, attendees will be more able to conduct their own in-house company training and the training of their customer base." Following the training day on 5 February, the FF-SW MC members demonstrated several FOUNDATION fieldbus devices and hosts on a stand at the ‘itf Automationsdager(r) 2008‘ automation technology conference and exhibition held at the Quality Hotel Globe, Stockholm from 6-7 February. At the supporting two day conference program, Travis Hesketh, Vice-Chairman Fieldbus Foundation EMEA Steering Committee, presented a paper "Can Fieldbus Foundation control technology influence the life cycle costs for process plants?" in which he demonstrated the significant CAPEX and OPEX savings achievable through the implementation of FOUNDATION technology. Otto Erixon, Chairman - FF SW MC, was satisfied with the group‘s launch of its promotional activities. "This has been a productive start to our plans to promote FOUNDATION technology in Sweden. Several end users, implementers and suppliers have been able to take a clear message away with them over the last 3 days - that FOUNDATION technology provides an automation infrastructure for operational excellence." The FF SW MC‘s program of seminar locations will include the Process Teknik exhibition in Gothenburg, 7-9 October 2008. For more information contact: sweden_info@fieldbus.org . About the Fieldbus Foundation The Fieldbus Foundation is a global not-for-profit corporation consisting of leading process end users and automation companies. Within the Fieldbus Foundation, end users, manufacturers, universities and research organisations work together to develop an automation infrastructure that provides process integrity, business intelligence and open scalable integration in a managed environment. For more information, visit their web site at www.fieldbus.org. [/color][/font]








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  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
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  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
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  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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