



2008年2月25日消息,英維思下屬企業(yè)Wonderware連續(xù)五年獲得SCP證書。Wonderware技術支持中心小組成功地完成了證明過程,涉及在服務行業(yè)中對最佳行為實施單獨且嚴格的測量,此測量遍及全球,并以基準的形式支持機構組織。 服務戰(zhàn)略公司SCP審計員Gordy Stauffer說:“2007年評估審計結果顯示W(wǎng)onderware技術支持中心正在實現(xiàn)SCP支持標準中定義的與嚴格要求相關的卓越性能和等級。” 獲得SCP支持標準證書,需進行全面的在線審計以證實公司滿足近100種不同業(yè)務因素的要求。鑒定機構必須證明該公司在年度審計后將繼續(xù)致力于高性能標準,就像Wonderware在過去幾年中所做的。 Wonderware客戶支持服務機構及相關鑒定網(wǎng)絡支持提供商為全球100,000名客戶提供技術支持。這些全球支持和服務一道,在信息自動化解決方案領域內(nèi)提供了大量專門技術支持,遍及各個行業(yè)。Wonderware被鑒定為培訓提供商、應用顧問和服務支持提供商,在軟件投資方面協(xié)助公司實現(xiàn)高回報率。 為了獲得SCP證書,公司必須在客戶支持服務中達到并超過嚴格的服務要求,必須通過一些包括客戶反饋、服務傳遞、培訓、高質(zhì)量管理、銷售服務、調(diào)研、企業(yè)評價及戰(zhàn)略在內(nèi)的各種評價。 Wonderware 技術支持主管Neal Hatton 說:“SCP審計認證過程證實了Wonderware在操作優(yōu)越性上做出的貢獻及全力滿足用戶需求的承諾。我們技術支持中心杰出的技術專家致力于為全球用戶提供高質(zhì)量的客戶支持。此具有尖端、熟練技術的公司能提供技術支持和問題解決方案,支持2000多個獨立的Wonderware擴展網(wǎng),并支持提供商提供全球范圍內(nèi)的用戶服務?!? [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Wonderware earns SCP certification [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]Feb. 25, 2008 —— For the fifth consecutive year, Wonderware, a business unit of Invensys, has achieved the Service Capability and Performance (SCP) certification. The Wonderware Technical Support Center team successfully completed the certification process, involving independent, rigorous measures of best practices in the services industry which represents a benchmark for support organizations around the globe. "The results of the 2007 assessment audit demonstrate that the Wonderware Technical Support Center is achieving an excellent level of performance relative to the stringent requirements defined in the SCP Support Standard," said Gordy Stauffer, SCP auditor for Service Strategies Corp. Achieving certification under the SCP Support Standard requires comprehensive on-site audits to confirm that companies meet the requirements of approximately 100 different business elements. Certified organizations must demonstrate their continued commitment to high-performance standards through annual re-certification audits as Wonderware has done for each of the past five years. The Wonderware customer support and services organization, and the associated network of Wonderware certified support providers, deliver technical support to more than 100,000 customers worldwide. These global support and services teams offer extensive expertise in information and automation solutions across a broad variety of industries. Wonderware certified training providers, application consultants and certified support providers assist companies in achieving the highest returns on their software investments. To achieve SCP certification, a company must exceed stringent requirements in customer support services. Companies are judged in several categories including customer feedback, services delivery, training, total quality management, sales and services, research and development, and corporate commitment and strategy. "The SCP audit and certification process confirms Wonderware‘s dedication to operational excellence and its commitment to achieving the highest possible levels in customer satisfaction," said Neal Hatton, Wonderware director of technical support. "This outstanding team of Wonderware Technical Support Center professionals is dedicated to providing the company‘s worldwide customers with the highest quality of customer support. This extremely skilled corporate orga nization provides detailed technical assistance and problem resolution, and backs an expansive network of more than 2,000 individual Wonderware certified support providers that offer day-to-day support to customers around the world."[/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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