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Fab utilization于第四季度開始上漲 相反晶片業(yè)績開始下滑



導(dǎo)語:Fab utilization于第四季度開始上漲 相反晶片業(yè)績開始下滑

據(jù)國際半導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)能統(tǒng)計(SICAS):整個半導(dǎo)體fab utilization在2007年第四秀度,從原來的89.5%上漲到了89.9%,比2007年第一季度增長了2.7%。 與此同時,半導(dǎo)體晶片卻以每周都下跌的趨勢于第四季度跌至1.7%,與第二季度7.6%的增長與第三季度6%的增長相比,下跌幅度可謂驚人。 就foundry wafers來說,第二季度實現(xiàn)了一個大增長,從第一季度的78.6%增長到了92.7%,到第四季度時,從第三季度的94.4%降到了93.8%,這也是行業(yè)內(nèi)部過量存貨的原因。 晶片增長放緩始于foundry層。在第四季度,晶片從第二季度就開始下滑,從22.9%下降至第三季度的14.7%又降至1.3%。 這一數(shù)據(jù)使得許多營銷研究公司開始重新修訂他們的全年計劃。在周三,iSuppli就宣布了其準(zhǔn)備消減其在半導(dǎo)體行業(yè)的預(yù)期投資,削弱性價比。也是在這一周,Gartner也做出了將其2008年的預(yù)先估算減至3.4%,與上一季度的6.2%相比,減少了一半,究其原因大多是被存儲行業(yè)影響的。
原英文由EDN 資深編輯Steffora Mutschler 撰寫
[FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Fab utilization up in Q4, but wafer starts slowing [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]By Ann Steffora Mutschler, Senior Editor —— Electronic News, 3/6/2008 Total semiconductor fab utilization rose to 89.9% in Q4 2007 from 89.5% in Q3 2007, up from 89% in Q2 2007, and 2.7% higher than utilization in Q1 2007, according to a report released this week from semiconductor wafer fab capacity and utilization worldwide statistics program Semiconductor International Capacity Statistics (SICAS). At the same time, growth of actual semiconductor wafer starts per week fell to 1.7% in Q4 compared to growth of 6% for Q3, and 7.6 % growth for Q2. In terms of foundry wafers, utilization dropped to 93.8% in Q4, from 94.4% in Q3. Utilization in Q2 was 92.7%, a significant improvement from 78.6% in Q1, when the industry was plagued with an overabundance of inventory. Actual wafer start growth slowed at the foundry level, as well. In Q4, growth of actual wafer starts at foundries dipped to 1.3% from 14.7% in Q3, and from 22.9% in Q2. This data has fueled a number of market research firms to trim their expectations for the year. On Wednesday, iSuppli announced it is preparing to cut its semiconductor revenue forecast for the year, given weakening pricing and demand. Also this week, Gartner Inc nearly halved its previous estimates for 2008 to 3.4%, compared with 6.2% last quarter on a more-cautious demand-side outlook, much of which is being influenced by memory.[/color][/font]








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