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安捷倫科技與ACD/Labs就Method Development軟件達成協(xié)議



導語:安捷倫科技與ACD/Labs就Method Development軟件達成協(xié)議

安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)和Advanced Chemistry Development Inc. (ACD/Labs)于當天宣布其已經(jīng)簽訂協(xié)議,于3月1日起生效,與ACD/AutoChrom共同營銷ChemStation軟件,用于為安捷倫HPLC、快速解決方案LC和LC/MS系統(tǒng)提供自動化。此新軟件設計用于幫助色譜分析師在最短的時間內(nèi)開發(fā)更好、更豐富的方法。 ACD/AutoChrom通過安捷倫ChemStation結合全套儀表控制,實現(xiàn)直接的,合理的計算機輔助開發(fā)。AutoChrom可與色譜柱、溶劑、緩沖器放映設備及自動優(yōu)化方法相結合,實現(xiàn)基于MS和UV光譜相似基礎之上注射之間的部件跟蹤自動化,使得其比任何時候都容易估測放映設備的結果。一旦設備完成,數(shù)據(jù)就會被自動地從ChemStation開始轉移,返回到AutoChrom用于處理、詮釋、協(xié)助制定決策,節(jié)省時間幫助用戶更好的執(zhí)行下一步的決策。 安捷倫產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理Michael Frank說:“我們對AutoChrom自動生成復雜的注射次序印象深刻,如智能溶劑和緩沖器結合及精密數(shù)據(jù)評估工具,將為用戶節(jié)省大量的時間。我們還非常高興的是AutoChrom能與我們快速解決方案的LC系統(tǒng)相兼容,是市場上非常靈活的LC。” ACD/Labs.產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理Michael McBrien說:“ACD/Labs很高興能與安捷倫合作,在設計之初我們之間就有合作,AutoChrom將實行進一步合作,最大化客戶利益?!? ChemStation目前支持安捷倫1100, 1200和1200 SL系列液體色譜分析儀和G1946和G1956質(zhì)量色譜分析儀模塊。支持安捷倫6100系列質(zhì)量分光儀的開發(fā),有望在第四季度將產(chǎn)品推向市場。ChemStation可從ACD/Labs.公司獲得,更多信息請登錄:www.acdlabs.com/autochrom/chemstation. Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs) 是世界上唯一真正地把化學結構與分析化學信息有機結合的化學軟件公司。創(chuàng)新的ChemAnalytics系列軟件包,旨在幫助全世界的化學工作者解決諸如化學結構的光譜確認、未知物結構的解析、色譜分離、藥物化學、新藥制劑的預先配制、系統(tǒng)命名生成以及化學專利和出版等各種難題。同時,ACD/Labs所創(chuàng)建的引人注目的分析信息系統(tǒng)的解決方案將在化學和制藥研究過程中提供十分有效的幫助。 ACD/Labs成立于1993年, 總部位于加拿大多倫多市,擁有一支由100多名有敬業(yè)精神的的專業(yè)人員組成的隊伍, 他們不懈地努力為全世界的制藥、生物技術、化學和材料科學的科研機構和企業(yè)提供ACD/Labs創(chuàng)新的技術和完善的服務。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Agilent Technologies and ACD/Labs Sign Collaborative Marketing Agreement on Method Development Software [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and Advanced Chemistry Development Inc. (ACD/Labs) today announced that they have signed an agreement, effective March 1, to co-market ACD/AutoChrom for ChemStation software that automates method development for Agilent HPLC, Rapid Resolution LC and LC/MS systems. This new software is designed to help chromatographers develop better, more robust methods, in less time. ACD/AutoChrom combines full instrument control via Agilent ChemStation with the ability to direct rational, computer-assisted method development. AutoChrom can perform flexible combinations of column, solvent and buffer screening experiments, as well as automatic method optimization. Automated component tracking between injections based on MS and UV spectral similarity make it easier than ever to evaluate the results of screening experiments. Once the experiments are complete, the data are automatically transferred from ChemStation, back to AutoChrom for processing, interpretation and assisted decision-making, saving time and helping the user make better decisions about the next experiment to perform. "We are very impressed with the ability of AutoChrom to automatically generate complex injection sequences, such as intelligent solvent and buffer combinations and the sophisticated data evaluation tools, which will save the user a significant amount of time," said Michael Frank, Agilent product manager, Pharmaceutical Solutions. "We are also happy that AutoChrom is compatible with our Rapid Resolution LC system, the most flexible LC on the market." "ACD/Labs is pleased to continue our collaboration with Agilent," said Michael McBrien, Chromatography product manager, ACD/Labs. "We have worked with them in the past when designing our method development tools; AutoChrom takes the collaboration a step further to maximize benefit to users of the most popular chromatographic data systems in the world." ACD/AutoChrom for ChemStation currently supports Agilent 1100, 1200 and 1200 SL Series liquid chromatographs, and model G1946 and G1956 mass spectrometers. Support for Agilent 6100 Series mass spectrometers is in development, and is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2008. ACD/AutoChrom for ChemStation is available from ACD/Labs. For more information, visit www.acdlabs.com/autochrom/chemstation. About ACD/Labs Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs) is a chemistry software company offering solutions that truly integrate chemical structures with analytical chemistry information to produce ChemAnalytics. ACD/Labs creates innovative software packages that aid chemical research scientists worldwide with spectroscopic validation of structures, elucidation of unknown substances, chromatographic separation, medicinal chemistry, preformulation of novel drug agents, systematic nomenclature generation, and chemical patenting and publication. Combined, ACD/Labs‘ solutions create an analytical informatics system that provides dramatic feed-forward effects on the chemical and pharmaceutical research process. Founded in 1994, and headquartered in Toronto, Canada, ACD/Labs employs a team of over 145 dedicated individuals whose continual efforts carry ACD/Labs‘ innovative technologies into pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical and materials companies throughout the world. Information about Advanced Chemistry Development and its products is available at www.acdlabs.com/autochrom.[/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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