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NI推出Cabled PCI Express技術(shù)和可選擇性便攜式電腦控制的第一代VXI-MXI Express控制器 新控制器通過一個(gè)薄而靈活的盒子,提供高帶寬,低延遲遙控。 2008年3月4日消息,NI于當(dāng)天宣布推出其行業(yè)上第一個(gè)利用cabled PCI Express技術(shù)傳送高帶寬低延遲性VXI界面的VXI-MXI-Express控制器。與大型VXI-MXI-2相比,Cabled PCI Express可以大大減小VXI-MXI-Express cable的尺寸,并改善性能。 VXI-8360T VXI-MXI-Express控制器表現(xiàn)為29 MB/s持續(xù)不同的輸出,用于快速遙控和性能施展。由于軟件與其它NI遙控器相兼容,工程師們可用極小的或是現(xiàn)存軟件更新VXI-MXI-Express控制器。工程師們還可以利用VXI-8360T在一個(gè)多底盤系統(tǒng)配置中在底盤之間連接觸發(fā)器和clock lines,提供給他們相同的觸發(fā)和同步功能。VXI-8360T控制器從NI處添加了VXI控制器和嵌入式控制器,為測試工程師們提供了選擇VXI控制器的自由性。
VXI-MXI-Express控制器可與大量軟件一起工作,包括NI LabVIEW,LabWindows™/CVI 和用于微軟視頻的 Measurement Studio。Cabled PCI Express是用于其它產(chǎn)品的行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),如與外部RAID陣列和PXI系統(tǒng)遙控的連接性。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] NI Announces First VXI-MXI-Express Controller with Cabled PCI Express Technology and Optional Laptop Control [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]New Controller Offers High-Bandwidth, Low-Latency Remote Control Across a Thin Flexible, Cable NEWS RELEASE – March 4, 2008 – National Instruments today announced the industry’s first VXI-MXI-Express controller using cabled PCI Express technology to deliver a high-bandwidth, low-latency VXI interface. Cabled PCI Express greatly reduces the size of the VXI-MXI-Express cable compared to the larger VXI-MXI-2 cables while maintaining similar or improved performance. With the NI VXI-8360T VXI-MXI-Express remote controller, test engineers can use general-purpose desktop and laptop computers to control VXI chassis across a thin, flexible cable that extends up to 7 m. Using NI VXI remote controllers, engineers can upgrade their computers or laptops at any time to take advantage of the latest computer processing technology while using the same high-speed VXIbus interface. The VXI-8360T VXI-MXI-Express controller features up to 29 MB/s of sustained throughput for fast remote control and performance comparable to the existing VXI-MXI-2 interface. Because the software is compatible with other NI remote controllers, engineers can upgrade to the VXI-MXI-Express controller with minimal or no change to existing software. Engineers also can use the VXI-8360T to connect the trigger and clock lines between chassis in a multi-chassis system configuration, giving them the same triggering and synchronization functionality as VXI-MXI-2. The VXI-8360T controller adds to the wide range of VXI remote and embedded controllers available from NI, giving test engineers the freedom to choose the VXI controller option that best fits their application needs. The VXI-MXI-Express controller works with a variety of software including NI LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI and Measurement Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio. Cabled PCI Express is an industry standard used in other products, such as connectivity to external RAID arrays and remote control of PXI systems. [/color][/font]










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