

倫茨新8400變頻器驅(qū)動系列有BaseLine, StateLine和HighLine,使得為驅(qū)動軸選擇正確的變頻器成為很簡單的事。倫茨還將帶著這些新品參加于4月21號到25號的漢諾威展會,展位號為14,36。 所有版本驅(qū)動器使用同種操作、設計、物流和服務選項。這使得在與變頻器一起工作時,操作變得非常的簡單,成本節(jié)省體現(xiàn)在整個機器的使用周期中,增加機器長期使用的附加值。在與齒輪馬達連接時,倫茨還提供了來自一處的全套驅(qū)動軸。 倫茨是驅(qū)動自動化技術的專家,首次推出的8400變頻器驅(qū)動有BaseLine, StateLine HighLine,BaseLine的功率等級范圍在0.25-2.2KW(230V單相)到0.37-3 kW (400/500V三相)。StateLine和HighLine的應用功率范圍為0.25-2.2KW(單相),還可在初始為三相的時候提供0.37-11KW的等級范圍。 8400 BaseLine可被作為一個控壓變速驅(qū)動器,或是用作無位置傳感器矢量操作,適用于連續(xù)應用,如簡單的傳送帶系統(tǒng),泵和風扇。從功能性和驅(qū)動行為方面來說,是個進入級模塊。
除8400 BaseLine之外,8400 StateLine還提供用于和緩的低磨損加速度S-ramps功能,一個特有的飛行重啟電路,實現(xiàn)平穩(wěn)的慣性滑行著陸和完整的剎車操作。除此之外,HTL編碼器可被連接到8400 StateLine,由此擴展其潛在的應用。典型應用包括擠壓機,線驅(qū)動和行驅(qū)動,高速滾壓門和簡單抬升降臺,及動態(tài)變速驅(qū)動器。8400 StateLine和HighLine擁有CANopen界面,作為用于通信或是診斷的標準。其還有別一個插入界面,用于擴展普通總線系統(tǒng),如PROFIBUS, POWERLINK, EtherCat及PROFINET. 在此系列的第三層,除StateLine的功能范圍之外,HighLine 8400變頻器驅(qū)動可被安裝在全價完整的定位控制。這些變頻器也因此被推薦為有效的驅(qū)動應用,如旋轉(zhuǎn)給料機,進料系統(tǒng),用于倉儲系統(tǒng)的滾動門和滑動門。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Lenze launches new range of frequency inverters [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]Lenze’s new 8400 inverter drives series offers impressive, consistent scaling. The clear functional grading of the BaseLine, StateLine and HighLine versions makes selecting the right inverter for the drive axis a very simple process. Lenze will present the 8400 Inverter Drives as the newest member of the L-force drive and automation platform at the Hanover Fair from 21 to 25 April in Hall 14, booth H36. All versions share the same kind of handling, operation, programming, logistics and service options. This makes working with the inverters incredibly simple. The cost savings available in all life cycle phases of a machine increase the value-added in the long term. In conjunction with matching geared motors, Lenze also supplies complete drive axes from one source. Lenze, the specialist in drive and automation technology, is initially launching the 8400 inverter drives as BaseLine, StateLine and HighLine. The BaseLine is available with power ratings of between 0.25 and 2.2 kW (230V single phase) and 0.37 to 3 kW (400/500V three phase). The StateLine and HighLine versions cover the single-phase power ratings of 0.25 to 2.2 kW, also five different power ratings are initially available for three phase between 0.37 and 11 kW. The 8400 BaseLine can be used as a voltage-controlled variable speed drive or in sensorless vector operation where it is suitable for continuous applications such as simple conveyor systems, pumps and fans. In terms of functionality and drive behaviour, it is the entry-level model. In addition to the scope of the 8400 BaseLine, the 8400 StateLine offers functions such as S-ramps for gentle, lowwear acceleration, a unique flying restart circuit to smoothly pick up freewheeling loads and integrated brake handling to control service brakes. In addition to this, an HTL encoder can be connected to the 8400 StateLine, thereby extending its potential range of use. Typical applications include extruders, line and travelling drives, high-speed roller doors and simple lift tables or dynamic variable speed drives. The 8400 StateLine and HighLine have a CANopen interface fitted as standard for communication or diagnostics purposes. It also features another plug-in interface for extending to common fieldbus systems such as PROFIBUS, POWERLINK, EtherCat or PROFINET. At the third level of this series, in addition to the functional range of the StateLine, the HighLine 8400 inverter drives are equipped with full-value integrated positioning control. These inverters are therefore recommended as efficient drives for applications like rotary feeders, filling systems, rolling and sliding doors or for positioning tasks in warehouse systems.[/color][/font]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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