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通用發(fā)那科智能平臺攜手Cavium OCTEON處理器


來源:GE 智能平臺

導語:通用發(fā)那科智能平臺攜手Cavium OCTEON處理器

2008年3月13日,為了加強通用發(fā)那科在市場中的領導地位,推廣其處理器解決方案,通用發(fā)那科在MVACEC(致力于下一代COTS網(wǎng)絡硬件和軟件解決方案的論壇峰會)大會上宣布與Cavium Networks建立戰(zhàn)略關系。 GE Fanuc智能平臺的AdvancedMC(tm), PCI-X, PCI Express和AdvancedTCA(tm)平臺將基于Cavium的路標之上,用于高性能、低功率多核處理器的OCTEON(tm)多核MIPS64(tm)家族。GE Fanuc智能平臺在論壇上演示了其基于信息包處理平臺的現(xiàn)行OCTEON。 GE Fanuc智能平臺先前已經(jīng)推出了一系列基于OCTEON信息包處理技術,包括Telum(tm) NPA-38×4 和 NPA-58×4高性能信息包處理器AdvancedMCs,WANic(tm) 3850,3860 PCI-X(tm)高性能信息包處理器、AT-5800高性能信息包處理器AdvancedTCA。公司還已經(jīng)開始研發(fā)基于Cavium新近推出的5400和5600 silicon之上的新產(chǎn)品。 GE Fanuc智能平臺產(chǎn)品部總經(jīng)理Adrian Bernhard說:“此平臺是兩家公司高度協(xié)作的成果,結合兩家公司的實力,使強大的,靈活的解決方案能用于即時處理的過程需求。我們正在將Cavium OCTEON處理器的高級技術能力帶向發(fā)那科智能平臺所服務的所有行業(yè),包括通信、軍事工業(yè)市場。與我們關鍵的信息包處理器戰(zhàn)略軟件聯(lián)盟——6Wind, AFORE和Qosmos。我們能夠為我們的客戶傳遞真正的實際價值。我們能夠滿足未來高性能IP通信和安全訪問應用的要求?!? Cavium Networks營銷副總裁Rajiv Khemani說:“我們很高興能與GE Fanuc的智能平臺合作,我們共同的合作努力將使網(wǎng)絡和電信行業(yè)及我們的普通客戶在很大程度上受益。” [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms to Leverage Cavium OCTEON Processors [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]March 13, 2008 —— Reinforcing their commitment to maintaining and extending the companies‘ leadership position in the development of open, carrier-grade advanced packet processor solutions across a broad range of markets, GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms announced a strategic relationship with Cavium Networks. The relationship was announced at MVACEC (Mountain View Alliance Communications Ecosystem Conference, San Francisco Conference Center), a forum dedicated to next generation COTS network hardware and software solutions. GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms‘ AdvancedMC(tm), PCI-X, PCI Express and AdvancedTCA(tm) platforms will be based on Cavium‘s roadmap for its OCTEON(tm) multi-core MIPS64(tm) family of high-performance, low-power, multi-core processors. GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms is demonstrating its current OCTEON-based packet processing platform at the forum. GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms has previously announced a range of products based on OCTEON packet processing technology, including the Telum(tm) NPA-38×4 and NPA-58×4 high performance packet processor AdvancedMCs, the WANic(tm) 3850 and 3860 PCI-X(tm) high performance packet processors and the AT-5800 high-performance packet processor AdvancedTCA blade. The company has already begun work on developing new products based on Cavium‘s recently-announced 5400 and 5600 silicon. "This is a relationship that is highly synergistic, leveraging the two companies‘ strengths to enable the development of powerful, flexible solutions for the most demanding packet processing requirements," said Adrian Bernhard, General Manager, and Commercial Products at GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms. "We are bringing the superior technology capabilities of the Cavium OCTEON processors to the wide range of industries GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms serves, including telecommunications, military and industrial markets. Together with our key packet processor strategic software alliances – 6Wind, AFORE and Qosmos – we are capable of delivering real customer value as, collectively, we address the future requirements for high performance IP communications and secure access applications." "We are delighted to be working closely with GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms," said Rajiv Khemani. Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Cavium Networks. "Our combined efforts will greatly benefit the networking and telecom industry and our common customers who are looking for extraordinary performance that can be delivered in constrained power and space environments with state-of-the-art features." [/color][/font]








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