TI推出微型 400-MA低功率DC/DC轉(zhuǎn)換器



導(dǎo)語(yǔ):TI推出微型 400-MA低功率DC/DC轉(zhuǎn)換器

達(dá)拉斯(2008年3月18日)消息,德州儀器有限公司(NYSE: TXN)推出一款空間節(jié)省型400-mA降壓型轉(zhuǎn)換器,應(yīng)用便攜式設(shè)計(jì)。95%的有效轉(zhuǎn)換,可使其應(yīng)用在移動(dòng)手機(jī)、便攜式航海系統(tǒng)、低功率DSP和微控制器應(yīng)用。參見(jiàn):www.ti.com/tps62270-pr 。 TI的TPS62270 DC/DC同步轉(zhuǎn)換器,能有效地調(diào)節(jié)輸出電壓,使電壓在+/-1.5精度情況下低于0.9V,使設(shè)備能夠?yàn)門I最新的C5000DSP供以動(dòng)力,低功率MSP430微控制器和具有超精度控制器核的控制器提供必要條件。開(kāi)關(guān)的電壓選擇插頭可使設(shè)計(jì)者在兩個(gè)固定的電壓級(jí)之間,通過(guò)控制動(dòng)態(tài)電壓比例固定和縮減功率損耗。
TPS62270能提供高達(dá)400mA的輸出電流,可以用一塊小鋰離子電池給以供電,輸入電壓為2.0 V到6V。在輕負(fù)荷操作情況下,轉(zhuǎn)化器可自動(dòng)進(jìn)入功率節(jié)省模塊,消耗電流僅為15-uA。針對(duì)低噪音應(yīng)用,設(shè)備可被強(qiáng)制調(diào)成固定頻率的脈沖寬度。在關(guān)閉模式下,TPS62270的電流損耗能被減少到1uA。 2.25-MHz DC/DC轉(zhuǎn)換器適用于任何便攜式設(shè)計(jì) 新轉(zhuǎn)換器擴(kuò)展了于2007年推出的TPS622x家族系列。TPS62240支持的輸出電流可達(dá)300 mA、TPS62260 為600 mA、TPS62290為1 A.TI提供了全套評(píng)估模塊和應(yīng)用說(shuō)明書(shū)。評(píng)估模塊的Gerber文件還可從power.ti.com獲得。 售貨情況 TPS62270有六個(gè)針腳,為2 mm x 2 mm x 0.8 mm包裝,可從TI和其授權(quán)分銷商處訂購(gòu)。TPS62270的建議零售價(jià)為1.05美元(一次性購(gòu)買>1000件) [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]TI INTRODUCES TINY 400-MA LOW-POWER DC/DC CONVERTER FOR PORTABLE DESIGNS [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]DALLAS (March 18, 2008) - Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) introduced today a space-saving, 400-mA step-down converter for portable designs. The 95-percent efficient converter extends battery life in mobile phones, portable navigation systems and low-power DSP and microcontroller applications. See: www.ti.com/tps62270-pr. TI‘s TPS62270 synchronous DC/DC converter efficiently regulates output voltages down to 0.9 V with +/-1.5 percent accuracy, enabling the device to power TI‘s newest C5000 DSPs, low-power MSP430 microcontrollers and controllers with ultra-precise processor core supply requirements. The switcher‘s voltage select (Vsel) pin gives designers the ability to switch between two fixed voltage levels to customize and cut power consumption in the processor core through dynamic voltage scaling. The TPS62270 provides up to 400 mA of output current, and can be powered by a single-cell lithium-ion battery with an input voltage range of 2.0 V to 6 V. The converter automatically enters a power save mode during light load operating conditions, consuming only 15-uA of quiescent current. For low-noise applications, the device can be forced into fixed frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) mode by pulling the MODE pin high. In the shutdown mode, the TPS62270‘s current consumption is reduced to less than 1 uA. 2.25-MHz DC/DC converters for any portable design The new converter expands TI‘s TPS622x family introduced in 2007. TPS62240 supports output currents up to 300 mA; the TPS62260 supports up to 600 mA; and the TPS62290 supports up to 1 A. TI offers a full range of evaluation modules and application notes. Gerber files of the evaluation modules are also available through power.ti.com. Available today The TPS62270 comes in a 6-pin, 2 mm x 2 mm x 0.8 mm SON package, and is shipping in volume from TI and its authorized distributors. Suggested retail pricing for the TPS62270 is $1.05 in 1,000-piece quantities.[/color][/font]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺(jué)
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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