



丹佛斯工業(yè)自動化將參加世界上最大的工業(yè)設備展——漢諾威展會,該展會于四月21日到25日在德國漢諾威舉行。今年是丹佛斯成立75周年,所以丹佛斯歡迎用戶駐足參觀其最新產品及解決方案。 經驗 專業(yè) 創(chuàng)新 漢諾威展會從第一次舉辦到現(xiàn)在,已經有60年的歷史了,并且漢諾威展會也已經是工業(yè)技術、原材料和產品信息的大型國際展會。今年,丹佛斯將展出除頻率轉換器之外的全套工業(yè)自動化產品,并同時展出其特殊的應用解決方案。 工業(yè)自動化產品的特征被分為三個部分: 壓力溫度傳感器——丹佛斯在piezo-resistive和薄膜技術之上推出一系列壓力傳送器。丹佛斯的傳感器可處理大范圍的壓力間隔時間,用于非常費力的工業(yè)環(huán)境。丹佛斯溫度傳感器可以被修改以適應個別需要,同樣地,丹佛斯豐富的經驗使得丹佛斯成為解決您測量需求的理想合作伙伴。 液體控制——丹佛斯直接操作的螺線管閥存在于大范圍的原料層和性能層。丹佛斯有豐富經驗的員工將在旁邊處理一些特殊應用,幫助尋找正確的用于客戶的解決方案。 壓力溫度開關——丹佛斯是壓力溫度控制方面的專家,擁有75年的經驗。丹佛斯真誠邀請您參展其展位,感受應用于鍋爐應用的新式壓力開關。 除獨立部件之外,丹佛斯能夠設計特殊解決方案,該解決方案能夠應用一種或多種核心技術。無論你需要什么,請參訪丹佛斯的展位(9廳D68),可從具有75年專業(yè)經驗工程專家處得到真?zhèn)鳌? [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Meet the Danfoss Industrial Automation team at the Hannover Messe 2008 [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]Danfoss Industrial Automation will be at the world’s largest industrial equipment exhibition in Hannover, Germany from 21 to 25 April. This year marks Danfoss’ 75th anniversary, so come and visit our stand to see our latest offerings. Experience, expertise and innovation The Hannover Messe has become the leading international showcase for industrial technologies, materials and product ideas since it was first held 60 years ago. This year, Danfoss will be displaying a full range of products for the Industrial Automation market in addition to Frequency Converters and Gear Motors, and we’ll also be showcasing our special application solutions. The Industrial Automation part of the stand will feature products divided into three main categories: • Pressure and temperature sensors – Danfoss has a broad range of cartridge pressure transmitters based on both piezo-resistive and thin film technologies. Our sensors can handle a wide range of pressure intervals and withstand the most demanding industrial environments. Our temperature sensors can be modified to suit individual needs, and our wealth of experience makes us an ideal partner to help you solve your measurement needs. • Fluid controls – Danfoss’ direct operated, servo operated and assisted lift solenoid valves are available in a range of materials and performance levels. Our experienced staff will be on hand to discuss your specific application and help find the right solution for your needs. • Pressure and temperature switches – We’re specialists in the design and manufacture of pressure and temperature controls, and we have 75 years of experience to prove it. Come and see our new range of pressure switches for boiler applications which offer a number of significant advantages. In addition to individual components, Danfoss can design special solutions which draw on one or more of our core technologies. Whatever your needs, come and visit the Danfoss display at Hall 9, Stand D68 and reap the benefits of 75 years of engineering expertise. [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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