



丹佛斯新推出的耐用的、可靠的、易整修的Rte壓力開關可提供與RT同樣的特點,但是經(jīng)過EEX批準可用于具有高危險性因素的地方。 信任度和認可度 對于許多壓縮機生產(chǎn)商來說,丹佛斯RT壓力開關是一個值得信任的元件,因為其安全性和可靠性而出名。由于具備手動重新安置的特點,當其它控制元件失去作用的時候,RT被推薦用于安全關閉??蛻舯灰髴媚切┩ㄟ^EEX-批準的產(chǎn)品,用危險因數(shù)很高的地方,現(xiàn)在引進Rte則被設置用于滿足他們的需求。 Rte擁有CE和ATEX批準: CE EX II 2 G EEX ia IIC T5 CE marked, according to EN 60947-4/-5 CE marked, according to PED 97/23/EC category IV, safety equipment: RTE6AEW, RTE6AEB, RTE6AES CCC, China Compulsory Certificate
Mehrer Kompressoren是德國一個大型的位置壓縮機生產(chǎn)商,是第一個應用RTe.標準的公司之一。Mehrer已經(jīng)是丹佛斯RT開關的用戶,但是需要由EEX-核準的開關,用于有可燃氣體和蒸汽出現(xiàn)的生產(chǎn)過程中。丹佛斯通過開發(fā)配有說明的EEX核準的Rte回應其客戶,使其成為安全的處理易爆氣體的理想選擇。 Rte可被當作一個溫度開關,壓力開關及差壓開關使用。更多技術說明請登錄網(wǎng)站。 Mehrer采用EEX核準的RT用于支持他們以前采用的由另一個廠家供應的開關,由于其可以很容易且很快地安裝。其所需的裝線和調整時間非常的少。 丹佛斯一直試圖回報他們的客戶需求,利用RTe,一款嶄新的用于提高產(chǎn)量的已經(jīng)被用在投資解決方案中,并已經(jīng)從用戶處收到了積極的反饋。Mehrer Kompressoren對此Rte非常的滿意。 在丹佛斯EEx-批準系列產(chǎn)品中,用戶還可以發(fā)現(xiàn)閥門,壓力和溫度傳送器和溫度傳感器。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Switch to safety when explosions are a risk [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]Durable, reliable, and easy to adjust – the RTe pressure switch offers the same features as the RT – but now has EEX approval for use in areas with high risk of explosion. Trusted and approved For many compressor manufacturers, the Danfoss RT pressure switch is a trusted component, renowned for its safety and reliability. With a manual reset feature, the RT is recommended for safety shut-offs – often where other controls have failed. The customers were requesting an EEX-approved version of this product for use in situations where explosions are a risk factor – and now the introduction of the RTe is set to meet their demands. The RTe has CE and ATEX approvals: Mehrer Kompressoren, a large German manufacturer of piston compressors, was one of the first companies to adopt the RTe. Mehrer were already using Danfoss RT switches, but needed EEX-approved switches for situations where flammable gases and vapours are present in their production processes. Danfoss responded to its customer’s needs by developing the EEX-approved RTe with specifications such as metal housing, which make it ideal for handling explosive gasses safely. The RTe is available as a temperature switch, a pressure switch as well as a differential pressure switch. For further technical specifications please visit our website. Mehrer adopted the EEX-approved RT in favour of their previous switch, supplied by another manufacturer, because it is easier and quicker to install. It requires considerably less time to wire and make adjustments. Danfoss always try to respond to customer demand: with the RTe, a new and improved product has been added to the portfolio and it has already received positive feedback from customers, among them Mehrer Kompressoren who is satisfied with both the process and the product. In our range of EEx- approved products, you will also find valves, pressure and temp transmitters and temperature sensors. [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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