



阿爾斯通宣布經(jīng)獲得一項合同:為位于德國西北部Hamm鎮(zhèn)附近的Westfalen燃煤型電廠的兩個800WW機組提供鍋爐,該電廠由RWE Power AG.運營,兩個新燃煤機組在世界上將是最清潔且最有效的機組。 該合同價值約有5億歐元,阿爾斯通將提供完整的鍋爐和輔助設(shè)備,包括建站和試運轉(zhuǎn)。當(dāng)在2011年完工時,新機組將實現(xiàn)46%的循環(huán)效率,是現(xiàn)存的煙煤燃燒型電廠效率的36%。 新Westfalen超臨界鍋爐的溫度可達600°C,將減少所有的氣體釋放,包括二氧化碳在內(nèi),與以前老機組相比,將減少三分之一的排放量。由于采用阿爾斯通的高級技術(shù)解決方案,氮的氧化物與硫的氧化物都會明顯減少。除了出眾的環(huán)境保護優(yōu)勢之外,阿爾斯通的高效超臨界技術(shù)提供了低燃燒成本,操作靈活性和高實用性。 RWE Power AG的CEO Dr. Johannes Lambertz說:“在Hamm,我們正在建立一個非常高級的燃煤電廠,該廠建成之后,與原來的舊機組相比,每年在發(fā)電的同時減少250萬噸CO2的排放量。在阿爾斯通,我們已經(jīng)建立了一個有能力的且經(jīng)驗豐富的小組,用以執(zhí)行大量的發(fā)電類項目?!? 阿爾斯通是世界領(lǐng)先的鍋爐技術(shù)供應(yīng)商,在全球范圍內(nèi)已經(jīng)安裝了的鍋爐總輸出功率超過420,000 MW。阿爾斯通還是超臨界鍋爐技術(shù)的領(lǐng)先提供商,在世界范圍內(nèi)提供的或是許可證許可的總功率輸出約有150,000 MW。 阿爾斯通電力系統(tǒng)總裁Philippe Joubert說:“作為一個清潔燃煤技術(shù)的全球領(lǐng)先者,阿爾斯通擁有專門的技術(shù)知識,利用這些,可在提供非常清潔的電力技術(shù)的同時滿足客戶的特殊需求?!? [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Alstom to supply most advanced clean coal combustion technology to RWE power plant in Germany [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]Alstom has won a contract to supply the boilers for two 800 MW units at the existing coal-fired Westfalen Power Station, located in the North-Western part of Germany near the town of Hamm and operated by RWE Power AG. The two new bituminous coal-fired units will be among the cleanest and most efficient in the world. Under the terms of the contract, the value of which is approximately 500 million euros, Alstom will supply the complete boiler islands and auxiliary equipment, including erection and commissioning. When completed in 2011, the new units will achieve cycle efficiencies of about 46%, substantially more than the European average of 36% efficiency for existing bituminous coal-fired plants. The new Westfalen supercritical boilers with steam temperatures of 600°C will reduce all emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), by about one-third compared to the fleet of older units. Thanks to the application of Alstom’s advanced technical solutions, the levels of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions will be reduced very significantly. In addition to superior environmental performance, Alstom’s high-efficiency supercritical technology provides lower fuel costs, operating flexibility and high unit availability. “At Hamm we are erecting one of the most advanced bituminous coal-fired twin unit plants worldwide that-compared with old units- helps save some 2.5 million tons of CO2 annually while generating the same power. In Alstom, we have found a competent and experienced partner with whom we have already implemented a number of power plant projects," said Dr. Johannes Lambertz, CEO of RWE Power AG. Alstom is the world leader in boiler technology, having installed boilers with a combined output of more than 420,000 MW globally. Alstom is also a leading provider of supercritical boilers, having supplied or licensed more than 150,000 MW around the world. “As a global leader in the deployment of clean coal combustion technologies, Alstom has the technical expertise which allows it to propose clean power solutions that answer the customer’s specific needs while offering the cleanest power available today.” said Philippe Joubert, President Alstom Power Systems.[/color][/font]








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