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艾默生Scenario®仿真技術(shù)為Fawley 發(fā)電廠帶來機(jī)遇



導(dǎo)語:艾默生Scenario®仿真技術(shù)為Fawley 發(fā)電廠帶來機(jī)遇

2008年4月29日信息,F(xiàn)awley兩個1000 MW(2X500-MW)發(fā)電機(jī)組的發(fā)電站,擔(dān)負(fù)著為漢普郡近一百萬人供電的重任。該電廠能否快速有效地啟動與電網(wǎng)保持同步,以滿足需求,并節(jié)省成本是一個非常重要的問題。從2008年1月起,近40年歷史的燃油廠——由英國最大的電力提供商RWE npower運(yùn)營,現(xiàn)有客戶680萬,已經(jīng)決定采用艾默生過程管理公司的Scenario®仿真技術(shù)幫助實現(xiàn)上述目標(biāo)。 Fawley發(fā)電站模擬器能反映電廠實際的Ovation®專家控制系統(tǒng),用于監(jiān)視和控制鍋爐,渦輪和其它關(guān)鍵的過程和系統(tǒng)。Fawley的高保真模擬器解決方案擁有虛擬控制器技術(shù),在一個單獨(dú)PC中留有五個模擬控制器,通過明顯降低腳本實現(xiàn)高層次的負(fù)擔(dān)能力和可伸縮性提供機(jī)會。在Fawley,4,100個模擬I/O點(diǎn)存在于12個Ovation虛擬控制器中。 Scenario模擬解決方案是一個很有價值的培訓(xùn)工具——既能用于現(xiàn)有員工的向上性教育,又能滿足在安全操作過程中新員工的培訓(xùn)。此培訓(xùn)能力對這種肩負(fù)重任的電廠來說是非常有價值的。此種環(huán)境下,模擬仿真技術(shù)可被用于培訓(xùn)新員工,同時培養(yǎng)現(xiàn)有員工,幫助他們更加熟悉新控制戰(zhàn)略,甚至是無人操作。通過實現(xiàn)以上所述,當(dāng)需要百萬瓦特功率時,電廠不僅可以更快的與電網(wǎng)保持同步,而且還能在必要的參數(shù)下避免昂貴的設(shè)備損失。 RWE npower電氣儀表部門領(lǐng)導(dǎo)David Marmot說:“由于具備模擬器,新操作員可以更有經(jīng)驗地實現(xiàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),實現(xiàn)快速培訓(xùn)?!?同時指出:模擬器是一個正式操作員培訓(xùn)程序中的關(guān)鍵組件。通過培訓(xùn)員工如何快速啟動機(jī)組滿足峰值需求,擁有此機(jī)會,我們不僅能加強(qiáng)電廠的操作性能,還能加強(qiáng)我們的金融收益。” 經(jīng)過很好訓(xùn)練的操作員能處理異常的操作情況,可明顯減少維修費(fèi)用。由于此,F(xiàn)awley電廠有20種故障,都可將預(yù)制訂的程序?qū)懭肽M器,對員工進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)使其知道如何應(yīng)對緊急情況。 艾默生擁有十年的發(fā)電行業(yè)實踐經(jīng)驗,包括設(shè)計、施工和模擬工程。世界范圍內(nèi)的領(lǐng)先生產(chǎn)商都依賴于艾默生的Scenario工程模擬解決方案,加強(qiáng)整個電廠操作過程中的安全性和可靠性。利用回接系統(tǒng)、算術(shù)模塊和綜合優(yōu)先模塊,Scenario能提供一整套的培訓(xùn)和工程模擬解決方案,用以滿足每個工廠獨(dú)特的操作特性。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Emerson’s Scenario® Simulation Technology Offers Opportunities for Faster Startup and More Efficient Grid Synchronization at Fawley Power Station [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]PITTSBURGH, PA (April 29, 2008) — Fawley Power Station, a two unit, 1,000-MW (2X500-MW) power generation facility, plays an important role in meeting the electricity needs of approximately one million people in Hampshire, United Kingdom. It is essential that this peaking plant quickly and efficiently startup and synchronize to the grid in order to cost-effectively respond to seasonal spikes in demand. Since January 2008, the nearly 40-year-old, oil-fired plant, which is owned by RWE npower, the UK’s largest electricity supplier with approximately 6.8 million customers, has been relying on Emerson Process Management’s Scenario® simulation technology to help achieve these goals. The Fawley Station simulator mirrors the plant’s actual Ovation® expert control system, which monitors and controls the boiler, turbine and other critical plant processes/systems. Fawley’s high-fidelity simulator solution features virtual controller technology, in which up to five virtual controllers reside in a single PC, offering opportunities for achieving higher levels of affordability and scalability with a significantly reduced footprint. At Fawley, 4,100 simulated I/O points exist within 12 Ovation virtual controllers. The Scenario simulation solution is a valuable training tool – both for the ongoing education of existing employees as well as for qualifying new employees for safe and efficient plant operation. This training capability is particularly valuable for operators in peaking plants, which operate based on fluctuating demand. In this environment, simulation technology can be used to train new operators, while keeping current operators sharp and helping them become familiar with new control strategies – even when the plant is not in operation. By doing so, when megawatts are needed, the plant can synchronize to the grid not only more quickly, but also within the necessary parameters to avoid costly equipment damage. "With the simulator, new operators can come up to the standards of more experienced and trained operators much sooner than would be possible if they were interacting with the control system only when the unit was operating,” said David Marmot, electrical & instrumentation lead, RWE npower, who notes that the simulator is a key component of a formal operator training program. “By training operators how to start the unit faster to meet peak demand, we have the opportunity to not only enhance the plant’s operational performance, but our financial performance, as well.” Well-trained operators who are prepared to handle abnormal operating situations can significantly reduce costly plant trips. With that in mind, Fawley had 20 malfunctions – including critical malfunctions – pre-programmed into the simulator to train operators how to respond to emergency situations. Emerson has decades of real-world power industry experience designing, engineering and supporting simulation projects. Leading power producers around the world rely on Emerson’s Scenario engineered simulation solutions to enhance the safety, reliability and overall operations of their plants. Utilizing tie-back logic, algorithmic models and comprehensive first-principle models, Scenario can provide a full range of training and engineering simulation solutions tailored to meet the unique operational challenges of each facility. [/color][/font]








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