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加拿大SUNCOR 能源公司項(xiàng)目應(yīng)用霍尼韋爾模擬技術(shù)



導(dǎo)語:加拿大SUNCOR 能源公司項(xiàng)目應(yīng)用霍尼韋爾模擬技術(shù)

該技術(shù)用于協(xié)助Operational Readiness Initiatives實(shí)現(xiàn)第一期產(chǎn)油目標(biāo)。 2008年5月14日消息,霍尼韋爾(NYSE:HON)宣布其將為加拿大Suncor能源公司在北亞伯達(dá)Voyager 油砂質(zhì)量改善操作的操作員,提供模擬器技術(shù)培訓(xùn)。Suncor將利用霍尼韋爾的UniSim®模擬技術(shù)作為“Operational Readiness Initiatives”的一個(gè)整合部分,用于培訓(xùn)操作員工并保持設(shè)備安全和有效的工廠啟動。 Suncor公司正在更新設(shè)備,包括計(jì)劃的Voyageur 質(zhì)量改善設(shè)備、過程瀝青。Suncor公司的目標(biāo)就是在2012年,將油砂生產(chǎn)量提高到每天55萬桶。 通過在特殊的離線過程中培訓(xùn)操作人員,像Suncor這樣的公司可以幫助操作人員更好地在現(xiàn)場操作復(fù)雜的過程,避免潛在的毀損、安全危機(jī)以及無計(jì)劃的停產(chǎn)。培訓(xùn)部件還能使新設(shè)備開始生產(chǎn)快速化。除操作人員培訓(xùn)外,工廠還將UniSim與高級過程控制技術(shù)整合,進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化整個(gè)生產(chǎn)。 霍尼韋爾過程解決方案公司(加拿大)區(qū)域總經(jīng)理Tom Macleod說:“操作員培訓(xùn)是工廠安全、可靠和有效的核心部分。所有三個(gè)部分對于在綠色領(lǐng)域成功啟動和繼續(xù)操作是非常關(guān)鍵的。如Voyageur,通過為潛在的問題預(yù)備好操作員,生產(chǎn)商可提高避免損毀的機(jī)率。” Suncor在20世紀(jì)60年代時(shí)就擁有領(lǐng)先的瀝青提煉技術(shù),還是加拿大油砂行業(yè)的一個(gè)大的個(gè)體投資商。北亞伯達(dá)的油砂存儲量緊跟沙特阿拉伯,位居世界第二。 更多勻于UniSim的信息和其它關(guān)于霍尼韋爾解決方案改善業(yè)務(wù)性能的信息,請登錄:www.honeywell.com/ps [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] Suncor voyageur expansion embraces Honeywell simulation technology [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]Technology to Assist Operational Readiness Initiatives to Achieve First Oil Target Dates CALGARY, Alberta, May 14, 2008 – Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced it has been selected to provide operator training simulator technology for Suncor Energy Inc.’s Voyager Oil Sands Upgrader Operation in Northern Alberta. Suncor will use Honeywell’s UniSim® simulation technology as an integral part of the “Operational Readiness Initiatives” to train the operations staff and facilitate safe and efficient plant start-up. Suncor’s upgrading facilities, including the planned Voyageur Upgrader, process bitumen, a very heavy hydrocarbon, into synthetic crude oil. Suncor’s goal is to increase oil sands production capacity by 550,000 barrels of oil per day by 2012. By training operators on specific processes offline, companies like Suncor can help operators better navigate complex process scenarios and avoid incidents that could potentially lead to plant upsets, safety risks and unplanned downtime. The training component also enables new facilities to begin production faster. In addition to operator training, plants can also integrate UniSim with advanced process control technology to further optimize overall production. “Operator training is at the heart of plant safety, reliability and efficiency – all three of which are critical for a successful startup and continuing operations at green field facilities such as Voyageur,” said Tom Macleod, regional general manager for Honeywell Process Solutions Canada. “By effectively preparing operators for potential problems, manufacturers increase their chances for avoiding upsets that lead to lost production and catastrophic accidents. Keeping the process running smoothly and workers safe benefits the company greatly across the board.” Suncor pioneered bitumen extraction and refining in the late 1960s and is still the single-largest investor in Canada’s oil sands industry. Northern Alberta’s oil sands are the world’s second-largest oil reserve, following Saudi Arabia. For more information about UniSim and other Honeywell solutions that improve business performance, visit www.honeywell.com/ps[/color][/font]










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