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西門子能源公司宣布其一項訂單,為韓國POSCO電力組合循環(huán)電廠的5號機組和6號機組提供關(guān)鍵部件。POSCO電廠是韓國最大的獨立的發(fā)電廠。5號機組預計于2010年12月實行商業(yè)運作,6號機組隨后在2011年夏天投入運作。該訂單包括在長期協(xié)議中議定的燃氣渦輪機服務在內(nèi)價值約2.65億歐元。 位于韓國首爾附近Incheon的POSCO聯(lián)合循環(huán)電廠,目前的總發(fā)電量為1800兆瓦(MW)。可增加額外的1000MW發(fā)電量的5號機組和6號機組將在現(xiàn)有的1到4號機組現(xiàn)場建設。西門子能源將提供四個燃氣渦輪機(SGT6-5000F),兩個蒸汽渦輪機(SST6-5000)和六個發(fā)電機(SGen6-1000A)。西門子將按照合同中規(guī)定的為這些渦輪機提供長達12年的后續(xù)服務。 韓國目前電廠的總發(fā)電量約為730億瓦特。韓國的電力需求將在未來五年內(nèi)將以每年5%的速度增長。由首爾政府制定的發(fā)展計劃中,額外的發(fā)電量到2020年需達到200億瓦特。該1000MW的兩個機組將會為此計劃做出巨大貢獻,不但滿足大城市的用電需求而且還能實現(xiàn)環(huán)保。 西門子能源部Fossil發(fā)電部CEO Michael Suess說:“ 40多年來,西門子為韓國的工業(yè)發(fā)展做出巨大貢獻,繼Bugok的一二期工程,Yulchon和Incheon的一二期工程之后,這是西門子為韓國所做的第六個電力訂單。” [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]

[font=times] Siemens to Supply Power Plant Components for South Korea [/font]

[font=times][Color=#708090]Siemens Energy has been awarded an order to supply key components for units five and six of the POSCO Power combined-cycle power plant in South Korea. POSCO Power Corporation, the end user, is the largest Korean independent power producer. Unit five is scheduled to start commercial operation in December 2010, unit six is due to follow in the summer of 2011. The order volume, which includes gas turbine services defined in a long term program agreement, is approximately EUR 265 million ($417.2 million 417 200 000). The POSCO Power combined-cycle power plant with a current total capacity of 1,800 megawatts (MW), is located in Incheon near the capital Seoul. Units five and six with an additional capacity of 1,000 MW will be built on the site of the existing units one to four. Siemens Energy will supply four gas turbines (SGT6-5000F), two steam turbines (SST6-5000), and six generators (SGen6-1000A). Siemens will service these gas turbines as stipulated in the long term program for a period of 12 years. South Korea currently has an installed power plant capacity of approximately 73 gigawatts. Power demand in South Korea is forecast to increase by five percent per annum over the next few years. The development plan drawn up by the government in Seoul makes provision for additional power plant capacity amounting to 20 gigawatts by the year 2020. With a capacity of 1,000 MW, the two new natural-gas-fired units will make an important contribution toward meeting the rapidly-increasing power demand in the Seoul metropolitan area in an ecologically-friendly and economical manner. For more than 40 years, Siemens has been contributing to the country‘s industrial development. "Following the orders for the Bugok I and II, Yulchon and Incheon I and II plants, this is the sixth power plant order posted by Siemens in South Korea in recent years," said Michael Suess, CEO of Siemens Energy Division Fossil Power Generation.[/color][/font]









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