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Ethernet-Centric Networking Knowledge Center



導(dǎo)語:Ethernet-Centric Networking Knowledge Center

[font=Arial]Industrial plants have production equipment that is instrumented for measurement and control, and is connected into the factory management information system. Increasingly, Ethernet is the chosen data protocol. GarrettCom, Inc. is an industry leader in providing cost-effective, off-the-shelf Industrial networking products for challenging industrial environments. GarrettCom‘s Magnum products emphasize fiber capabilities for industrial automation, power utility, telecommunications, and outdoor markets such as traffic control and video surveillance. Planning for the Successful Integration of Substation Communications There are many benefits to building an integrated network for substation communications including cost effectiveness and the ease of adding new systems to an established network. To achieve these benefits, planners must understand and define a long term strategic architecture. It must take into account the varied needs of different networking applications. These include control systems such as SCADA, measurement systems including metering, protection signaling among power systems, and other emerging requirements such as security video surveillance. Without an overall network plan, an established network may inhibit rather than help the implementation of future systems. This article outlines many of the requirements of an integrated network and the tools available to planners to plan and implement a successful integrated substation network. Featured Product
Power over Ethernet — The Industrial Opportunity Today It took 10 years or longer for Enterprise-based Ethernet technologies to be adapted for use in industrial applications. Power over Ethernet (PoE) is taking considerably less time. This white paper is devoted to the implications of PoE for industrial applications, and predictions for the adaptation time table; as well as briefly addressing the technology behind it. Dual-Homing: Bringing Redundancy to the Edge of the Network In the past, the choices for redundancy for edge-of-the-network devices were too limited, too expensive, and too complicated to be considered in most industrial systems. Dual-homing technology in small industrial Ethernet switches is changing the picture. This white paper gives an overview of dual-homing technology; what it is, how it works, and its applications. Multibus — The hard choices of integration include decisions of how to connect proprietary systems Transferring from one industrial bus is often challenging. This white paper hopes to help you avoid some of the challenges by providing information on industrial networks, proprietary networks, and open standard networks; along with overviews of industrial Ethernet, network integration, and gateways. Secure Industrial Control Utilizing High Speed Ethernet Networks and Web Management Explore the state of network security options at the switch level. This white paper provides an elementary roadmap for industrial operations to plan for and deploy secure systems to take advantage of the advanced network technologies that can support great efficiency, reliability, and security in plant and remote operations.[/font]








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