



新工廠過程模擬器通過在關(guān)鍵生產(chǎn)車間提高可靠性和有效性傳送最佳的經(jīng)營(yíng)業(yè)績(jī) 霍尼韋爾(NYSE:HON)宣布其獲得一項(xiàng)合同:為世界上最大的油氣公司之一的StatoilHydro公司,提供過程模擬器和操作員培訓(xùn)系統(tǒng),將用于其在丹麥的Kalundborg精煉廠。 利用霍尼韋爾的UniSim™模擬技術(shù)對(duì)新模擬器進(jìn)行開發(fā),分三個(gè)階段安裝,計(jì)劃于2009年年底結(jié)束。StatoilHydro將利用模擬器培訓(xùn)新操作員,提供復(fù)習(xí)課程和自我培訓(xùn)模塊。模擬器還將被用作設(shè)計(jì)、開發(fā)和執(zhí)行平臺(tái),用于高級(jí)過程控制,以便于提高Kaludborg的操作效率。 霍尼韋爾還提供允許過程和系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)輸入模擬器的工具,從而在冶煉廠支持未來的外形配置變化。 StatoilHydro項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Torben Ravn Andersen說:“我們選擇霍尼韋爾,是因?yàn)檫^程模擬器為我們提供了我們所希望的特性,同時(shí)也因?yàn)槠淇梢耘c我們現(xiàn)存的控制系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行輕松的整合和維護(hù)。操作員培訓(xùn)對(duì)于我們來說非常重要,因?yàn)檫@是技能設(shè)置和操作安全性關(guān)系之間最重要的部分,好的培訓(xùn)能提供好的操作員,近而提供安全、可靠且穩(wěn)定的工廠操作?!? 霍尼韋爾過程解決方案斯堪的納維亞的銷售主任Seth Bergström說:“模擬器和操作員培訓(xùn)系統(tǒng)是如何提高經(jīng)營(yíng)業(yè)績(jī)、促進(jìn)安全性、可靠性和有效性的最好例子。StatoilHydro合同強(qiáng)調(diào)了我們正在看到的操作員培訓(xùn)和操作支持工具的投資趨勢(shì)。主要原因是許多工廠操作員退休,新員工上崗都需要培訓(xùn)必須的技能,這對(duì)于我們來說非常重要?!? 更多關(guān)于UniSim和其它霍尼韋爾解決方案的信息請(qǐng)登錄:http://www.honeywell.com/ps . [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY TO HELP STATOILHYDRO KALUNDBORG STRENGTHEN OPERATOR SKILLS [/font] [font=times][color=#708090]New Plant Process Simulator to Deliver Better Business Performance by Improving Safety, Reliability and Efficiency at Key Production Plant Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced a contract to supply StatoilHydro, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, with a plant process simulator and operator training system that will be used at the company’s Kalundborg Refinery in Denmark. The new simulator will be developed using Honeywell’s UniSim™ simulation technology and is being installed in three phases, with final delivery planned for the end of 2009. StatoilHydro will use the simulator to train new plant operators and provide refresher courses and self-training modules. The simulator will also be used as a design, development and implementation platform for advanced process control in order to improve operational efficiency at Kaludborg. Honeywell will also supply tools that allow process and system data to be imported into the simulator, thereby supporting alignment with any future configuration changes at the refinery. “We selected Honeywell because their process simulator provided us with the features we were looking for, and because it was easy to integrate and maintain with our existing control system,” said Torben Ravn Andersen, project manager, StatoilHydro. “Operator training is very important to us as there is a direct correlation between skill set and operational safety. Better training provides better operators that give safer, more secure and stable plant operation. At the end of the day, improving our operators’ skills sets benefits the overall efficiency and output of the plant.” “The simulator and operator training system are prime examples of how we are improving business performance for customers through technology that promotes safety, reliability and efficiency,” said Seth Bergström, sales leader for Honeywell Process Solutions Scandinavia. “The StatoilHydro contract underscores a trend we are seeing toward investment in operator training and operations support tools. The primary reason is that many plant operators are retiring and being replaced by a new generation of workers who must learn the requisite skills.” For more information about UniSim and other Honeywell solutions that improve business performance, visit www.honeywell.com/ps. [/color][/font]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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