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安捷倫科技有限公司(NYSE: A)于當(dāng)天宣布推出一個用于OBSAI的完整的連接測試解決方案,支持控制點3,RP3-01,控制點1以及用在基站架構(gòu)中BaseBand子系統(tǒng)和Radiohead子系統(tǒng)的以太網(wǎng)界面。這對于OBSAI互連器來說是一個非常可靠的鏈接解決方案。其加速了軟硬件的調(diào)試功能,同時并減少了互用性測試時間,使市場可極早地提供基于OBSAI的系統(tǒng)。 基站中位于系統(tǒng)之間的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)高速光電互連器的出現(xiàn),正在推動著在調(diào)試程序和測試方法方面的改變,互相協(xié)同性與大量的測試也變得越來越重要。此外,在測試期間,所有子系統(tǒng)在測試時間可以不顯示,這對于仿效缺失設(shè)備變得非常重要,以保證在測試下的合適操作。 安捷倫測試平臺提供了多波段激勵和帶有結(jié)構(gòu)解碼功能的實時分析性能,用于廣泛的鏈路層測試。這些性能加快了通過提供二進(jìn)制層和結(jié)構(gòu)層功能的發(fā)展,用于測試矢量產(chǎn)生的分級協(xié)議顯示器和自動化工具,允許用戶執(zhí)行有效地仿效、事故檢修和檢驗設(shè)計。 由于可靠性對基點來說至關(guān)重要,所以使每一個帶有高可靠性測試設(shè)備的子系統(tǒng)功能生效也非常重要。為了最大化測量結(jié)果的精確性和可靠性,除在市場上與關(guān)鍵設(shè)備生產(chǎn)商親密合作,安捷倫已經(jīng)使重要的子系統(tǒng)得以確認(rèn)。安捷倫基點鏈接測試模塊結(jié)合錯誤觸發(fā)和錯誤發(fā)生計算報告在多通道上給出了精確的錯誤注射性能。 自從OBSAI架構(gòu)以模塊形式出現(xiàn)并且可升級,對于測試環(huán)境來說關(guān)鍵設(shè)備之一就是提供相同程度的可測量性。由于安捷倫平臺有模塊架構(gòu),測試環(huán)境才可被擴(kuò)展以適應(yīng)子系統(tǒng)測試需求。此外,基于軟件環(huán)境的邏輯分析儀可幫助每個用戶根據(jù)他們自己的測試需求進(jìn)行定制。 安捷倫數(shù)字化測試部副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Sigi Gross說:“該解決方案的推出闡明了安捷倫承諾的利用他們在邏輯、連續(xù)協(xié)議和網(wǎng)絡(luò)測試方面的專門技術(shù),幫助我們的用戶向帶有新組套工具的數(shù)字化技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換移動設(shè)備?!? [FONT=times] original text [/FONT] [font=times] Agilent Technologies Introduces Most Reliable Link Test Solution for OBSAI Standard Interconnects [/font] [font=times][Color=#708090]Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced a complete link test solution for Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) interconnects, supporting Reference Point 3, RP3-01, Reference Point 1, and Ethernet Interfaces used between the BaseBand subsystem and Radiohead subsystems within a base station architecture. This is the most reliable link test solution for OBSAI interconnects. It accelerates hardware and software debug, and reduces interoperability testing time, enabling earlier availability of OBSAI-based systems in the market. The emergence of standard high-speed electrical and optical, protocol-based interconnects between subsystems in base stations is driving changes in the debug and test methodologies; interoperability and robust testing are becoming increasingly important. In addition, as all subsystems may not be present during the test time, it becomes crucial to emulate missing devices to ensure proper operation of the device under test. Agilent‘s test platform provides multichannel stimulus and real-time analysis capabilities with frame decoding for extensive link layer test. These capabilities accelerate development by providing bit-level to frame-level functionality, hierarchical protocol display and automated tools for test-vector generation that allow users to efficiently emulate, troubleshoot and verify designs. Because reliability is essential for base stations, it is critical to validate the performance of each subsystem with test equipment that has a high level of reliability. To maximize the accuracy and dependability of the measurement results, Agilent has performed intensive subsystem validation in addition to working closely with the key equipment manufacturers in the marketplace. The Agilent base station link test module provides deterministic error injection capabilities on multiple channels combined with error-triggering and error-occurrence counting reports. Since OBSAI architectures are modular and scalable, one of the key requirements for the test environment is to offer the same degree of scalability. Thanks to the modular architecture of the Agilent platform, the test environment can be extended to fit exactly with the subsystem‘s test needs. Moreover, the logic analyzer-based software environment helps each user customize the views according to his or her own test needs. "The introduction of this solution illustrates Agilent‘s commitment to use its expertise in logic, serial protocol and network test to help our customers transform mobile device architectures to digital technologies with a new set of tools that are well integrated into the wireless use model," said Sigi Gross, vice president and general manager of Agilent‘s Digital Test Division. [/color][/font]








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