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變電站和變電站系統(tǒng)幫助管理峰值需求用于可靠性供電。 瑞士蘇黎2008年7月31日消息,全球領先的電力自動化技術(shù)集團ABB,已從KLL處獲得價值三千一百萬美元的電力訂單,提供兩個交鑰匙變電站和在瑞士Tierfehd水力發(fā)電廠用于水力蓄能工廠的輔助電力設備。 該合同于2008年第二季度簽訂,是KLL在Tierfehd安裝擴展和更新的一部分,該項目將于2011年完成。ABB將提供并安裝兩個氣體絕緣裝置變電站,額定電壓為220 kV和50kV,與空氣絕緣部件一起,完成變電站的自動化系統(tǒng)。 ABB電力系統(tǒng)部門領導Peter Leupp說:“ABB的技術(shù)將幫助穩(wěn)定區(qū)域電網(wǎng),并充分利用電能。這是ABB能夠提供完整的系統(tǒng)的電力解決方案滿足用戶需求并支持可循環(huán)能源的最好實例?!? KLL是NOK的一部分,NOK每年產(chǎn)電460,000,000kWh。另一個額定功率為1000瓦抽水渦輪蓄水廠,計劃于2015年開始,其能安裝在Linthal鎮(zhèn)子附近600米以下的山里。 抽水蓄能式變電站能對波動功率需求產(chǎn)生快速反應,并且是當今唯一一個大規(guī)模儲能變電站。在低需求時期,剩余功率被用來把水抽到更高水位的蓄水池中。當用電需求增長時,水則用于推動渦輪而發(fā)電。 水力發(fā)電是經(jīng)濟、清潔且非常容易控制的可循環(huán)發(fā)電方式之一。其作為一種預備能量可用于管理需求峰值,是一種很環(huán)保的解決方案,尤其是與可靠性低的資源相結(jié)合,如風能。 [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]
ABB wins $31-million power order in Switzerland
[/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Substations and systems to help manage peak demand for reliable power Zurich, July 31, 2008 – ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won an order worth $31 million from Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG (KLL) to supply two turnkey substations and auxiliary power equipment for a hydro storage power plant facility at the Tierfehd hydro power plant in Switzerland. Booked in the second quarter of 2008, the order is part of KLL’s refurbishment and expansion plans for its installations at Tierfehd, which are due to be completed in 2011. ABB will supply and install two gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) substations, rated at 220 kilovolts (kV) and 50 kV, along with air-insulated components and the complete substation automation system. "ABB’s technologies will help to stabilize the regional grid and make better use of the generation capacity available in Switzerland,” said Peter Leupp, Head of ABB’s Power Systems division. “It is a good example of how ABB can provide complete tailored solutions to meet customers’ needs and also support the use of renewable energy.” Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG, owned in part by the canton of Glarus and the Axpo subsidiaries Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke AG (NOK), produces 460 million kWh of electricity every year. The construction of a pumped-storage power facility with a pump/turbine rating of 1000 megawatts is planned for 2015. It will be built inside a mountain, 600 meters below the surface near the town of Linthal. Pumped-storage power stations can respond quickly to fluctuating power demands, and are the only large-scale means of storing power available today. During periods of low demand, excess power is used to pump water into a higher reservoir. When demand for power increases, the water is released back through a turbine, generating electricity. Hydropower is one of the cleanest, cheapest and most easily controlled methods of renewable power generation. Its use as a reserve to manage demand peaks is an environmentally attractive solution, particularly in combination with less reliable renewable resources such as wind power. [/color][/font]










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