KUKA機(jī)器人帶你玩轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)字建筑——對(duì)話機(jī)器人數(shù)字建造先鋒Johannes Braumann和袁烽教授



導(dǎo)語(yǔ):在活動(dòng)期間,我們采訪到來(lái)自?shī)W地利的Johannes Braumann教授和同濟(jì)大學(xué)建筑與城市規(guī)劃學(xué)院數(shù)字設(shè)計(jì)研究中心袁烽教授。 Braumann教授是Robots in Architecture“世界機(jī)器人在建筑中應(yīng)用協(xié)會(huì)”的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)辦人之一,也是本次數(shù)字建造營(yíng)的主題演講嘉賓和項(xiàng)目導(dǎo)師。他和袁烽博士將為我們解讀機(jī)器人在建筑和創(chuàng)意領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用和最新趨勢(shì)。


On July 4, an creative outdoor sculpture displayed at the exhibition hall of Tongji Architecture and Urban Planning College drew a lot of attention from students and faculty members. The “Swarm Fabrication”, one of many digital fabrication projects on display at the DADA “ Digital Factory” Workshop Exhibition, was not fabricated by human hands but completed by two collaborative KUKA robots.


The week-long DADA 2015 “Digital Factory” Robot Fabrication Workshop from June 27 to July 4 at Tongji University attracted students from many renowned universities around the world including the University of South California, University of Michigan, Hong Kong University, Tongji University and Tsinghua University. More than 120 students spent 9 days at the workshop to deliver a series of creative digital projects, covering robotics ceramic printing, robotics wood tectonics and robot team fabrication.


We’ve spoken with Professor Johannes Braumann, co-founder of Robot in Architecture Association and Doctor Yuan Feng from Architecture and Urban Planning College, Tongji University at the exhibition.They have shared their insights on the potential of industrial robots in creative industry, development trends and future plans. (Johannes Braumann referred as “ J ”and Yuan Feng as “ Yuan” in the interview.)


Q: Industrial robots are widely used in manufacturing but in architecture and creative industry, it seems there are still a lot of potential and possibilities. Can you tell us more about the current development in these sectors? 


J: The application of robots in creative industry is still quite recent. But In the past ten years, we have seen quite rapid development in using industrial robots in architecture and design. I have also noticed many companies in the creative industry began to show increasing interests in robotics. As to the academic world, at the very beginning most activities were of experimental nature but now we see more and more serious projects involving industrial robots and many universities in Asia are actively looking into to this area. I think there is very good academic atmosphere to drive the development forward.


Q: In architecture and creative due to different nature of these industries, will robots play a different role compared to their application in manufacturing ?


J: Indeed that creative industry has different needs and requirement for industrial robots. In manufacturing, robots are often doing repetitive work therefore you only need to program the robot once and it will do a perfect job for a long time. But in creative industry, designers are always trying new things and working on new projects, which means we need to provide them with flexible software that allows them to realize ideas in a very quick way. This also applies to academia and universities because they only have students there for a couple of hours each week so they have to be more efficient with time.


Q: You led the development of KUKA|prc, a plugin that enables robot control from within architectural software. Can you tell us more about your cooperation with KUKA ? Why choose KUKA robots to work with?


J: I started the cooperation with KUKA many years ago. At the beginning of my research, I was just trying to look for a milling machine to do some experimenting projects. At that time KUKA was the only industrial robot manufacturer that can offer integrated milling solution. Since then I have been working with engineers of KUKA  Austria for a long time. They have seen potential and value of robots application in architecture and have been quite supportive for my research. 


For me, KUKA robots are well designed and I like the way they work. Most of my ideas can be realized with KUKA robots and I can easily integrate the system with my software. This may just be my personal opinion but I do think the design of KUKA robot has a large appeal to people in the design world. In terms of the interface, KUKA’s control panel is also nicely designed so even for those outside the engineering world, it is still accessible. That I believe is a big reason why so many universities choose KUKA robots.



Q: Rob|Arch conference next year will be held in Australia. We know the past two sessions gained supported from many renowned universities &institutions around the world. Will it be possible for the conference to come to China? 


J:Robots in architecture is an industry association and an open platform for everybody interested in the creative use of industrial robots. It is fund by me together with Sigrid Brell-Cokcan. In 2012, we held the first conference in Vienna and in 2014, we went to Michigan. Next year, we will hold the third conference in Melbourne, which will be the first time we have this event in Asia. We have gain a lot of support from local universities like Sydney Universities and RMIT. In Australia, robot’s application in architecture is hit topic and as far as I know, nearly half of the design schools have robots. I think in universities, there is a tendency to choose KUKA robots. This is especially true in Asia, like Australia where we see that if one university chose KUKA robots, the others are likely to follow as they can exchange knowledge and it is quick and easier to start with.I certainly think it is possible for us to hold this conference in China. This is why I wanted to work more with KUKA China to know local projects and companies. 


Q : Do you see yourself as engineer, architect, programmer or mentor? 


J:In fact I’m not coming from engineering or computer science. I’m from an architect. I got into robotics in a naive way when I was working at Vienna   university. I think my architecture background is quite beneficially as I won’t be confined by certain rules and I understand the unique needs of architecture. As to my role, I really this it is a mix of educator and engineer. I enjoy school environment very much and I like to spend time with my students. They’re always willing to try new ideas and I’m often inspired by them.


Q: Tongji University is a leading institution in architecture and engineering education in China. What is your view on robot’s application in architecture and creative industry? 


Yuan: Robot’s application in architecture is still new in China. In recent years, we have seen the trend of use of robots in cross-industry applications increasing. People in the creative industry start to see possibilities brought by this technology. In creative sectors, industrial robots can be seen as a new media or platform. They are “empowered” by human brains and they can do lot of work that can’t be done by human hands.

Q:目前,國(guó)內(nèi)的建筑設(shè)計(jì)院校對(duì)機(jī)器人的應(yīng)用情況如何?同濟(jì)和KUKA有哪些合作? 同濟(jì)大學(xué)建筑與城市規(guī)劃學(xué)院是否會(huì)和“世界機(jī)器人在建筑中應(yīng)用協(xié)會(huì)”有更緊密的合作?

Q: How do you see China in terms of robots application in design and architecture? Will there be more cooperation with Professor Johannes Braumman and Robots in Architecture ? 



Yuan: Robots in Architecture presents an open platform for anyone interested in robotics in the architecture industry to share ideas and it connects academic pioneers, educators and professionals from all over the world. In China, only three architecture and design institutions have industrial robots. Our Rob Team of two KUKA robots have done many creative projects in the past three years. For universities, when we choose a robot to work with, we certainly would consider several factors, like reliability, accuracy, easy to use and maintenance. KUKA robots answered all our requests. We’re pleased to work with KUKA.

Another good news for us is we have already signed a memo with Professor Braumann to make Tongji the home of Robots in Architecture in Asia. We are looking forward to our future cooperation in this area.











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  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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