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德州奧斯?。?008年10月15日)消息,Usiminas是世界頂級鋼鐵生產(chǎn)商之一,正在應用艾默生過程管理公司的智能無線網(wǎng)絡,用于保護有價值的工廠資產(chǎn),并避免未知的停產(chǎn)。 八個Rosemount®無線溫度傳送器被安裝在用于生產(chǎn)鋼板的"backup"輥上,測量輥軸油的溫度。一個智能無線網(wǎng)關可收集這些關鍵的信息并傳送至公司的分散控制系統(tǒng)(DCS)。操作員利用這些無線數(shù)據(jù)與輥反饋的由硬接線網(wǎng)絡收集的數(shù)據(jù)一起自動監(jiān)測軸承的運行狀態(tài),保持鋼板制造過程能平穩(wěn)進行。 Usiminas儀器監(jiān)管人Carlos Augusto Souza de Oliveira說:“由艾默生設備得到的精確數(shù)據(jù)可以更好地維護軸承,避免未知的停產(chǎn)。在這以前,我們已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷了兩次未知停產(chǎn)事故,原因則是軸承過熱造成?!? 當輥軸被損壞后,鋼板制造過程至少要停產(chǎn)六小時。Usiminas為了維修軸承則要支付40,000至175000美元,每一次事故公司還要少生產(chǎn)600公噸產(chǎn)品。 自組織無線網(wǎng)絡可為Usiminas提供完整的數(shù)據(jù),甚至是溫度傳感器在極熱、有水和有潤滑脂的情況下。公司想知道新技術是否可以保證在如此極端的環(huán)境中,網(wǎng)絡是否可能與DCS實現(xiàn)通信。 Oliveira說:“無線設備在這種苛刻的環(huán)境下操作是非常可靠耐用的,自從被安裝以后,其電池和通信都沒有出現(xiàn)問題。”新技術的安裝和試運行也很便捷。 Oliveira還說:“安裝常規(guī)的維護程序需要15天,但是安裝些程序我們可以立即完成,試運行上常規(guī)程序需要2天,艾默生的程序則只需4個小時 。” 常規(guī)的硬接線溫度傳感器在應對極熱、臟亂的條件時顯的很困難,其傳感器在常規(guī)維護中也不是很得心應手。Usiminas計劃用無線溫度傳送器取代接線監(jiān)測器 Oliveira說:“此外,我們還計劃在各個測量點使用溫度、壓力和振動監(jiān)測器,所以現(xiàn)場無線網(wǎng)絡將是我們的選擇。這些測量的記錄還可以被人工讀寫記錄。我們還喜歡應用無線PH傳送器監(jiān)測每個地方的廢水排放,目前這些數(shù)據(jù)在主要的出水口處收集?!? [font=times]original text [/font] [font=times]Emerson‘s Smart Wireless Network Delivers Maintenance Savings, Prevents Unscheduled Shut Downs at Heavy Plate Steel Mill in Ipatinga, Brazil[/font] [font=times][color=#708090]Self-organizing network of Rosemount® wireless temperature transmitters, Smart Wireless gateway works reliably to protect assets despite harsh plant conditions AUSTIN, TEXAS (October 15, 2008) – Usiminas (Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A.), one of the world‘s top steel producers, is using a Smart Wireless network from Emerson Process Management to protect valuable plant assets and to avoid unscheduled stoppages at its heavy plate mill in Ipatinga, Brazil. Eight Rosemount® wireless temperature transmitters installed on the "backup" rolls that are part of the facility‘s process to produce steel plates measure the temperature of the roll bearing oil. A Smart Wireless gateway collects this critical information and transmits it to the company‘s distributed control system (DCS). Operators use this wireless data, along with the rolls‘ return oil temperatures collected by a hard wired network, to automatically monitor the state of bearing health and to keep the steel plate-making process running smoothly. "This more accurate and redundant data allow us to better maintain the roll bearings and to avoid unscheduled shut downs," said Carlos Augusto Souza de Oliveira, Usiminas instrumentation supervisor. "Previously, we would have experienced from one to two unplanned shut-downs a year because of damage to overheated bearings." When roll bearings are damaged, it takes at least six hours to shut down the steel plate-making process and replace the set of backup rolls. Usiminas pays from $40,000 to $175,000 to repair each bearing. The company can also lose a minimum of 600 metric tons in production during such an event. The self-organizing wireless network consistently provides Usiminas with data even though the temperature transmitters are subjected to extreme heat, water, oil and grease. The company wanted to know if the new technology could endure such an abusive environment and whether the network could communicate with its DCS. "The wireless equipment is reliable and robust despite the harsh conditions under which it is operating," said Oliveira. "We have had no problems with the devices, their batteries or communications since installation." Installation and commissioning of the new technology was quick and easy. "We performed the installation as we were doing regular maintenance over the course of 15 days. But if we could have scheduled it all at once, it would have taken about two days," Oliveira said. "We spent four hours commissioning these devices. It would have taken two or three days to commission wired instruments." The hot, dirty conditions are also rough on the hard wired temperature sensors and their cables, and the sensors are very difficult and dangerous to access during regular maintenance. Usiminas plans to replace these wired monitors with wireless temperature transmitters. "In addition, we plan to use temperature, pressure and vibration monitors at measurement points throughout the plant, and a field wireless network has become an option for us. These measurements are now being read and recorded manually," Oliveira said. "We would also like to use wireless pH transmitters to monitor wastewater effluent in each area where it‘s generated. Currently these data are collected only at the main outfall." [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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