



三菱重工推出2款高速全“干切”齒輪加工機(jī)床:“SE15A”插齒機(jī)床的小型工件加工和“GE25A”帶倒角裝置的齒輪滾切機(jī)床 東京, 08年10月20日消息:三菱重工業(yè)株式會(huì)社(三菱重工)將參加在日本東京國際展覽中心舉行維期5天(10月30-11月4日)的第24屆日本國際機(jī)床展(J I M TOF 2008年,),并展出其新近開發(fā)的兩款“干切”式齒輪加工機(jī)床,在加工過程中該機(jī)器不使用任何切削液. SE15A機(jī)床 “SE15A”可以處理外徑高達(dá)150毫米的工件,可被增加到公司“東南”系列干切插齒機(jī)中,進(jìn)行操作。新“GE25A”是一款齒輪滾齒機(jī),可在新近增加的倒角設(shè)備中獲得(或見到)。 SE15A,可處理高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的小型工件,可在兩種不同的外圍設(shè)備安排中獲得,一種是獨(dú)立類,一種是生產(chǎn)線配置型,以滿足客戶特殊生產(chǎn)環(huán)境的需求。 SE15A ,一個(gè)完全“干切”型工具,不需要切削油,就可以減少切割工具和清潔工具的磨損,在工件切割過程中,不產(chǎn)生油霧或廢油,因此有助于工作環(huán)境的清潔,同時(shí)也解決了環(huán)保的要求。該機(jī)器與通常用的與油相關(guān)的設(shè)備相比,消除了電的使用,如:油循環(huán)泵和切削油冷卻器,與現(xiàn)有的加工小尺寸工件的“濕切”機(jī)SD15CNC相比,節(jié)省了20%的能源。
由于具備平衡軸,其可被配置在機(jī)器傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng)的齒輪系中。SE15A大大降低了振動(dòng)和噪音,并能夠使機(jī)器以每分鐘2000的軸行程的最高速度平穩(wěn)運(yùn)行,比現(xiàn)用的模型快了近50%。與新機(jī)器設(shè)計(jì)一起,其要求的安裝空間要比SD15CNC少18%。通過模塊化外圍設(shè)備和一個(gè)輸送機(jī)系統(tǒng),SE15A設(shè)備安裝變得非常簡單。用于設(shè)置機(jī)器條件和圖形化顯示器的操作軟件,操作起來非常容易,進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)了該模塊的可操作性和易維護(hù)性。 新GE25A滾齒機(jī)床 新GE25A是基于現(xiàn)用的GE25A系統(tǒng)之上的設(shè)備,被安裝在齒輪倒角設(shè)備上。鑒于用戶對(duì)新器的喜歡,新機(jī)器的滾刀在本月初就進(jìn)行了宣傳說明,其應(yīng)用的是DryCut III薄膜鍍層技術(shù)。經(jīng)過這些精煉后,新GE25A實(shí)現(xiàn)了客車最后減速齒輪40秒的高速循環(huán)時(shí)間,并具有非常精確的滾銑性能。消除倒角則要求先前的GE25A模型擁有更多緊湊的齒輪切割線,使用滾銑機(jī)器之后都可以解決。
GE25A完全有能力切割外徑高達(dá)250毫米的工件,如汽車的最終減速齒輪,符合日本工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)N8級(jí)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的250m/min高速標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。此提高得益于提高了環(huán)狀裝料標(biāo)定點(diǎn)的數(shù)量,工件的自動(dòng)換檔數(shù)改為了4個(gè),雙倍于先前的模塊。通過整合倒角和滾刀操作,加強(qiáng)了生產(chǎn)力,更多更緊湊的齒輪切割線成為了可能。為了改善工作環(huán)境,工件加工要求在一個(gè)全封閉環(huán)境內(nèi),防止加工碎屑亂射。同SE15A一樣,新GE25A的安裝也非常的簡單。 展望未來,隨著干切機(jī)器的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,三菱重工將推出第三代干切工具,與現(xiàn)有的工具相比,第三代擁有更強(qiáng)的耐磨性,為用戶提供結(jié)合干切機(jī)床的切割系統(tǒng)。公司將大力開展?fàn)I銷活動(dòng),引導(dǎo)市場,以靈活應(yīng)對(duì)客戶的所有需求和生產(chǎn)環(huán)境的需求。
[font=times]original text [/font] [font=times][color=#708090][b][align=center] MHI to Unveil 2 High-speed, Fully "Dry-cut" Gear Cutting Machines: “SE15A” Gear Shaping Machine for Small-size Workpiece Processing and “GE25A” 40 Sec. Cycle-time Gear Hobbing Machine with Chamfering Device [/align] [/b][/color][/font] [font=times][color=#708090] Tokyo, October 20, 2008 - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) will unveil two newly developed "dry-cut" type gear cutting machines - systems not using any cutting fluid for processing - at the 24th Japan International Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF 2008) to take place at Tokyo Big Sight from October 30 through November 4. The "SE15A," which can process workpieces up to 150 millimeters in outside diameter, will be added to the company‘s "SE" series of dry-cut gear shaping machines. The new "GE25A," a gear hobbing machine, will become available with a newly added chamfering device. SE15A Gear Shaping Machine The SE15A, which enables high-speed processing of small-size workpieces, will be available in two types with different peripheral device arrangements - a stand-alone type and a production line configuration type - to meet the customer‘s specific production environment. The SE15A, a fully “dry-cut” type unit that does not require cutting oil to reduce wear of the cutting tool or cleaning of the tool and workpiece during the cutting process, produces no oil mist or waste oil, and as a result contributes to a clean working environment while also addressing environmental demands. The machine also eliminates electricity normally needed for cutting oil-related devices such as the oil circulation pump and cutting oil cooler, thereby enabling a 20% saving in energy compared with the SD15CNC, the existing “wet-cut” machine for small-size workpiece machining. Featuring counterbalancing shafts optimally arranged within the gear train of the machine‘s drive system, the SE15A greatly reduces vibration and noise and enables stable machining at a maximum high speed of 2,000 spindle strokes per minute, about 50% faster than the current model. Together with a new machine design that requires roughly 18% less installation space than the SD15CNC, the SE15A facilitates easy configuration of production lines through modularized peripheral equipment and a conveyor system. Easy and simple operation software for setting the machining conditions and graphic display of the machine‘s operating status further enhance this model’s operability and ease of maintenance. New GE25A Hobbing Machine The new GE25A, based on the current GE25A system, is now equipped with a gear-tooth chamfering device. In customer‘s preference, the new machine is also available with a new hob introduced earlier this month, which uses Dry Cut III thin-film coating technology. Through these refinements, the new GE25A achieves a high-speed cycle time of 40 seconds for a final reduction gear of passenger cars together with highly precise hobbing capability. The elimination of chamfering after the hobbing machine, which has been required for the previous GE25A model, enables more compact gear cutting lines. The GE25A is capable of totally dry-cut machining of workpieces up to 250 millimeters in outside diameter, such as final reduction gears of automobiles, at a high speed of 250 meters per minute with high accuracy conforming to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) N8 grade standards. This is achieved by increasing the number of index points of the ring loader for automatic workpiece shifting to four, doubled from the previous model. The four-position ring loader moves the hobbed workpiece to the next index point of the chamfering station. By integrating the chamfering and hobbing processes, productivity is enhanced and a more compact gear cutting line becomes possible. For improvement of the working environment, workpiece machining is conducted within a fully enclosed unit to prevent machining chips from scattering. As with the SE15A, the new GE25A is equipped with easy, simple operation software. Going forward, along with further expansion of its dry-cut gearing cutting machine portfolio, MHI will introduce additional Dry Cut III tools, which have greatly enhanced wear resistance compared with existing tools, to provide customers with gear cutting systems incorporating both dry-cut machines and tools. The company will vigorously conduct marketing activities for this portfolio in a quest to respond flexibly to all customer needs and production environments. [/color][/font]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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