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招標編號:0702-0910CITC2101 招標代理:中機國際招標公司 業(yè)主單位:營口市排水公司 報名截止:2009-07-09 所屬地區(qū):遼寧 所屬行業(yè):能源化工,儀器儀表,電工電子電器,機械設(shè)備 項目名稱:營口市城市污水治理二期工程——泵站設(shè)備供貨及安裝合同(YWW/21.2) People’s Republic of China (PRC) Second Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure Project Loan No.: 4864-CHA Supply and Installation of Pumping Station Equipments of Yingkou Works (-YWW/21.2). IFB No.: 0702-0910CITC2101 1. This invitation for bids follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in Development Business, issue no. GPN of December, 2006. 2. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has received a loan from the World Bank toward the cost of Second Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure Project , and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the contract for Supply and Installation of Pumping Station Equipments of Yingkou Works (-YWW/21.2). 3. The CMC International Tendering Corp. now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for YWW/21.2: Supply and Installation of the specified mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and auto-control Plant and Equipment together with the provision of transmitting operation status and parameter signals to the auto-control system of WWTP for seven new pumping stations (Desheng road, Qinghuan street, south Bohai street, Chengzi, Huochangqiao, Pingyuan road and Longshan street), as well as supply of the specified mechanical, electrical, instrumentation for upgrading of one existing pumping station (Panpan road) 4. Bidding will be conducted through the international competitive bidding procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. 5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from CMC International Tendering Corp. and inspect the bidding documents at the address (1) given below from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM starting from May 26, 2009 (weekends and holidays excepted ). 6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to address(1) below and upon payment of a non refundable fee of RMB2000 or USD286 . The method of payment will be in cash or cashier’s check. RMB100 shall be added for the postage for express mail for purchasing by mail. 7. Bids must be delivered at or before 9: 00 am (Beijing Time) on July 9, 2009. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of minimum two percent (2%) of the bid price or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter at The 4th floor Meeting Room, Jinhuayuan Hotel (No.5 Beiqima Street, Heping District, Shenyang city, Liaoning province) in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend the bid opening. The Project Management Office: Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Project Office Address: No.19, Caita street, Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R.China Tel. +86-24-23942198; +86-24-23930810, Fax. +86-24-23932290 The Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Corp. Address: No.90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu, Fengtai District, Beijing,100055, P.R. China Tel. +86-10-63343552; +86-10-63348408, Fax. +86-10-63373540 Contact person: Ms Yang Qiaosong The Employer: Yingkou Wastewater Company Address: No.2 ,Yuanjiaojie St.,Xishi District,Yingkou City,LiaoNing, P.R.China Tel: +86-417-4835237 Fax: +86-417-4823319 Contact person: Mr. Wang Hui Name for account: CMC International Tendering Corp. Bank: Head office of Bank of China Account No.: 00063008091001 貸款/信貸號:4864-CHA 合同編號:YWW/21.2 招標編號:0702-0910CITC2101 1. 本項目的總采購通告于2006年12月發(fā)布 2. 中華人民共和國已從世界銀行獲得了一筆貸款,用于支付遼寧中等城市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施二期項目的費用,并計劃將部分款項用于營口污水處理項目:營口市東部污水處理廠泵站設(shè)備供貨與安裝合同項下的合格支付。 3. 我們,中機國際招標公司、遼寧天行健招投標有限責任公司受營口排水公司委托,邀請合格投標人就下列貨物和有關(guān)服務(wù)提交密封投標: ? 合同YWW/21.2:營口市東部污水處理廠泵站設(shè)備供貨與安裝 工程的內(nèi)容是為7座新建泵站(得勝路泵站、青花大街東端泵站、勃海大街南泵站、城子泵站、貨場橋泵站、平原路泵站和龍山大街泵站)提供和安裝指定的機械、電氣、儀表、自控設(shè)備,并為另1座泵站(盼盼路泵站)提供指定的機械、電氣、儀表、自控設(shè)備。 4. 本次招標將按照世界銀行采購指南規(guī)定的國際競爭性招標程序進行。采購指南中規(guī)定的合格成員國的所有投標人均可參加投標。本文件中關(guān)于投標人須知和通用合同條款中的條文都是世界銀行標準招標文件-設(shè)備供貨與安裝(2007年6月修訂版)中的條文。 5. 有興趣的投標人可從2009年5月26日起每天(節(jié)假日除外)上午9時至11時、下午14時至16時(北京時間)在中機國際招標公司505B標書室購買招標文件。 6. 本招標文件每套售價為2000元人民幣或286美元,標書售出后不退。如需郵寄,請另付100元人民幣的特快專遞費。 7. 所有投標書應(yīng)于2009年7月9日北京時間9時之前遞交到:遼寧省沈陽市和平區(qū)金華園賓館會議室(地址:遼寧省沈陽市和平區(qū)北七馬路5號)并應(yīng)附有不少于投標價格百分之二(2%)的投標保證金。請投標人代表出席開標儀式。 項目管理單位:遼寧省城市建設(shè)改造項目辦公室 地址:沈陽市沈河區(qū)彩塔街19號 電話:86-24-23942918、23930810 傳真:86-24-23942918、23932290 業(yè)主名稱:營口市排水公司 地址:遼寧省營口市西市區(qū)遠角一街2號 聯(lián)系人:王輝 電話:86-417-4835237 傳真:86-417-4823319 采購代理:中機國際招標公司 遼寧天行健招投標有限責任公司 地址:北京市豐臺區(qū)西三環(huán)中路90號通用技術(shù)大廈701房間 聯(lián)系人:楊峭松 電話:86-10-63348408 傳真:86-10-63373540 郵箱:yangqiaosong@citc.genertec.com.cn 有關(guān)帳戶信息(若采用匯款或銀行匯票方式): 帳戶名稱:中機國際招標公司 開戶銀行:中國銀行總行營業(yè)部 帳號: 00063008091001








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