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招標編號:0736-094020090020 招標代理:中國第一汽車集團進出口公司 業(yè)主單位:未公開 報名截止:2009-08-12 所屬地區(qū):吉林 所屬行業(yè):機械設備 中國第一汽車集團進出口公司受買方委托對下列產(chǎn)品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標?,F(xiàn)邀請合格投標人參加投標。 1、招標產(chǎn)品的名稱、數(shù)量及主要技術參數(shù): 包1、主軸頸連桿頸磨床1臺 該設備用于曲軸1-5主軸頸和1-4連桿頸軸頸的磨削加工。 包2、缸體缸蓋加工中心4臺 可完成缸體缸蓋相應加工工序的所有金屬切削加工。 包3、缸蓋罩蓋加工中心1臺 可完成缸蓋罩蓋零件相應加工工序的所有金屬切削加工。 包4、鏈輪罩殼加工中心1臺 可完成缸蓋罩蓋零件相應加工工序的所有金屬切削加工。 包5、連桿大頭孔、襯套孔精加工專用機床1套 連桿大頭孔半、精加工,連桿小頭孔半、精加工。 包6、曲軸全自動平衡機1臺 本機床用于曲軸動平衡。 包7、曲軸圓角滾壓校直機1臺 本機床用于曲軸圓角滾壓校直。 包8、數(shù)控曲軸車車拉機床1臺 用于曲軸第一主軸頸外圓、軸頭和法蘭外圓及端面、三主軸頸中心架支撐面及止推面粗加工。 2、招標文件售價:包1)為RMB1200(USD180);包2)為RMB2000(USD300);包3)為RMB800(USD120);包4)為RMB800(USD120);包5)為RMB1200(USD180);包6)為RMB800(USD120);包7)為RMB1200(USD180);包8)為RMB1200(USD180).如需郵寄,每包另加50元人民幣(國內)或者50美元(國外)(購買招標文件匯款名稱:長春一汽國際招標中心,匯款時寫明公司名稱,帳號同下)。 3、購買招標文件時間:從2009年07月22日每天(節(jié)假日除外)上午8:30至11:00,下午13:00至16:00(北京時間)。 4、購買招標文件地點:長春市東風大街118-1號,長春一汽國際招標中心405室 5、投標截止時間和開標時間:2009-08-12 10:00 6、開標地點:長春一汽國際招標中心五樓會議室 地址:中國吉林省長春市東風大街118-1號 郵編:130011 郵箱:wjc090_wj@faw.com.cn 電話:0431-85736156或0431-85736153 傳真:0431-85907216或0431-85908326 聯(lián)系人:楊柳女士、荊勝義先生 名稱:長春一汽國際招標中心 開戶銀行:中行吉林省分行汽車廠支行 帳號:02291508091001 Bid No.:0736-094020090020 China First Auto Group Import And Export Corpentrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. 1.Name of Products/Equipment, Quantity, and Main Technical Data: Package 1 、CNC Grinding machine of crankshaft main journal and connecting rod journa 1set This machine is used for grinding of main journals 1-5 and connecting rod journals 1-4 of the crankshaft. Package 2 、Machining Centers for Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head 4sets It can be used to complete all the metal cutting works at the corresponding work stations Package 3 、Machining Center for cylinder head cover 1set The machines can be used to complete all the metal cutting works of cylinder head parts at the corresponding work stations. Package 4 、Machining Center for Sprocket Housing 1set It can be used to complete all the metallic cutting for the machining workflow process relating to machining of cylinder head cover parts. Package 5 、Special-Purpose Machine for Finish Machining of Connecting Rod Big End Hole and Bushing Hole 1 Set Semi-finish machining and finish machining of connecting rod big end hole, Semi-finish machining and finish machining of connecting rod little end hole Package 6、Fully Automatic Crankshaft Balancer 1 Set This machine is used for dynamic balancing of the crankshaft. Package 7 、Crankshaft Rounding Rolling and Aligning Machine 1 Set This machine is used for rounding, rolling and aligning of the crankshaft. Package 8 、CNC Crankshaft Turning-Turning Broaching Machine 1 Set This machine is used for rough machining of the crankshaft on the excircle of the first main journal, shaft head and flange excircle and end face, and thrust surface and supporting surface of the third main journal center supports. 2.Price of Bidding Documents: Package 1) RMB1200(USD180);Package 2) RMB2000(USD300);Package 3) RMB800(USD120);Package 4) RMB800(USD120);Package 5) RMB1200(USD180);Package 6) RMB800(USD120);Package 7) RMB1200(USD180);Package 8) RMB1200(USD180).If mail is required, please add RMB50(domestic)or $50(abroad) for domestic or express delivery for each package. 3.Time of Selling Bidding Documents:From 8:30 am to 11:00 am and from 13:00pm to 16:00pm from Jul.22, 2009 every working day. 4.Place of Selling Bidding Documents:The room 405 of the Changchun FAW International Tendering Center (No.118-1, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, P. R. China) 5.The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2009-08-12 10:00. 6.Place of Bid Opening: The fifth floor Meeting Room of Changchun FAW International Tendering Center Address: No.118-1, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China Zip code:130011 E-mail: wjc090_wj@faw.com.cn Tel: 0431-85736156 or 0431-85736153 Fax: 0431-85907216 or 0431-85908326 Contact: Ms Yang Liu and and Mr Jing Shengyi Name: Changchun FAW International Tendering Center Bank name:Bank of China FAW Sub-branch Account No.:02291508091001








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