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匹茲堡 2007年3月20日消息——————艾默生過程管理公司宣布,其Ovation®專家控制系統(tǒng)已在鄒縣第七號發(fā)電機(jī)組成功運(yùn)行。2006年早期,艾默生就贏得了在鄒縣發(fā)電廠為兩組新1,000兆瓦的超臨界機(jī)組安裝擁有Ovation®專家控制系統(tǒng)的PlantWeb數(shù)字工廠架構(gòu)和基金會現(xiàn)場總線技術(shù)的合同。華電國際鄒縣發(fā)電廠四期工程在中國發(fā)電廠中是第一個安裝有監(jiān)測和控制的基金會現(xiàn)場總線設(shè)備技術(shù)的發(fā)電廠。 鄒縣發(fā)電廠的7#發(fā)電機(jī)組在2006年12月4號成功地完成了連續(xù)168小時(shí)性能測試——對即將聯(lián)機(jī)的新工廠來說是一個重要的里程碑,提前了9個月。試運(yùn)行下的8#發(fā)電機(jī)組預(yù)期在2007年六月完這一里程碑式測試。 當(dāng)四期工程完成,鄒縣發(fā)電廠在中國將成為最大的燃煤型發(fā)電廠,8#機(jī)組的預(yù)期發(fā)電量為4,540兆瓦。坐落在山東省的鄒縣發(fā)電廠,是中國華電集團(tuán)為滿足區(qū)域內(nèi)日益增長的電力需要一個重要舉措。對于四期工程艾默生的全面控制解決方案包括:總計(jì)64臺冗余控制器、24套Ovation工作站、AMS™ Suite設(shè)備管理軟件中的智能設(shè)管理軟件以及130 多臺基金會現(xiàn)場總線智能儀表,如Rosemount® 848T 溫度變送器、水平流動壓力傳送器。Ovation 系統(tǒng)將管理30,000 多個I/O 點(diǎn),對鍋爐、汽機(jī)和外圍設(shè)備實(shí)現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)采集、監(jiān)測和控制。 鄒縣發(fā)電廠新發(fā)電機(jī)組是中國首批1000兆瓦發(fā)電機(jī)組。超臨界發(fā)電機(jī)組應(yīng)用高級的清潔煤技術(shù)充許在溫度和壓強(qiáng)升高的環(huán)境下操作。由于超臨界技術(shù)可以把燃煤發(fā)電效率提高50%以上,同時(shí)又能達(dá)到環(huán)保的效果,因而它必將在中國獲得更為廣泛的應(yīng)用。 由于熱效率超過50%(典型的臨界發(fā)電廠熱效率為30%-38%),燃料轉(zhuǎn)換率少于272.9 grams/KWh (0.60 lbs./KWh),煙氣脫硫有效率超過95%以上,鄒縣7#發(fā)電機(jī)組在世界范圍內(nèi)是最清潔,最有效的和最先進(jìn)的超臨界發(fā)電機(jī)組。 中國華電廠高級工程師、熱控主任張華說:“艾默生公司的系統(tǒng)在168小時(shí)的測試中表現(xiàn)極佳。事實(shí)上,Ovation system的平穩(wěn)啟動和其平穩(wěn)性能,為獨(dú)立結(jié)構(gòu)貢獻(xiàn)了創(chuàng)記錄的22.6個月和試運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)23天時(shí)間架構(gòu)?!? “通過一次又一次的考驗(yàn),艾默生PlantWeb®數(shù)字工廠管控結(jié)構(gòu),不僅可以提高電廠的設(shè)備可利用率、熱效率和運(yùn)行效率,還能夠降低維護(hù)成本和其它運(yùn)行成本,最終提高電廠運(yùn)行收益?!卑竟檬聵I(yè)部(Power & Water Solutions)總裁Bob Yeager 說:“我們很高興中國華電集團(tuán)選擇艾默生數(shù)字自動化解決方案,同時(shí)艾默生為艾默生的技術(shù)能為這一破記錄里程碑事業(yè)出一份力而感到滿足?!? original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson‘s PlantWeb® Digital Plant Architecture Contributes to Operation of New Generating Unit Nine Months Ahead of Schedule PlantWeb with Ovation® expert control system supports record-setting timeframe for construction and commissioning of one of China‘s first 1,000-MW Ultra-Supercritical Power Generating Units PITTSBURGH, PA (March 20, 2007) — Emerson Process Management announced today that its Ovation® expert control system has been successfully implemented at Zouxian Power Plant Unit 7. In early 2006 Emerson won a contract to install its PlantWeb? digital plant architecture with the Ovation® expert control system and FOUNDATION™ fieldbus technology at two new 1,000-MW ultra-supercritical units at the Zouxian Power Plant. The Zouxian Phase IV project, awarded by China Huadian Group Corp., represents the first installation of FOUNDATION fieldbus device technology for monitoring and controlling processes at a power generation facility in China. Unit 7 of the Zouxian facility successfully completed the 168-hour performance test – a significant milestone for new plants coming online – on Dec. 4, 2006 – roughly nine months ahead of schedule. Unit 8, still under commission, is expected to complete this milestone in June 2007. When Phase IV is completed, Zouxian Power Plant is expected to be the largest coal-fired plant in China, with eight units having a total generating capacity of 4,540 megawatts. Located in the Shandong Province, the plant is a critical component of China Huadian Group‘s efforts to meet the increasing demand for power in the region. Emerson‘s comprehensive control solution for Phase IV includes a total of 64 redundant controllers, 24 Ovation workstations, AMS™ Suite asset management software and more than 130 Foundation fieldbus intelligent devices such as Rosemount® 848T 8-input temperature transmitters, and flow, level and pressure transmitters. The Ovation system, which will manage nearly 30,000 I/O points, will provide data acquisition as well as control and monitoring of the boilers and balance of plant processes. The new Zouxian units are among the first ultra-supercritical units in China to have a 1,000-megawatt output rating. Ultra-supercritical plants use new advanced clean coal technology that allows operation at elevated steam temperatures and pressures. Ultra-supercritical technologies are expected to become more prevalent in China because they typically boost the efficiency of coal-based electricity generation by more than 50 percent, while maintaining superior environmental performance. With a thermal efficiency of more than 45 percent (compared with a typical subcritical plant thermal efficiency of 30-38 percent), a fuel conversion rate of less than 272.9 grams/KWh (0.60 lbs./KWh), and a Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) effective rate of more than 95 percent, Zouxian Unit 7 is among the cleanest, most efficient and most advanced ultra-supercritical units in the world. "The Emerson system performed extremely well during the 168-hour test,” said Hua Zhang, senior I&C engineer, China Huadian Group. “In fact, the smooth startup and performance of the Ovation system contributed to a record-setting timeframe of 22.6 months for unit construction and a mere 23 days for commissioning.” "We‘ve seen time and time again in other industries how the early adoption of PlantWeb digital plant architecture not only reduces construction and engineering costs, but also translates into ongoing operational efficiencies,” said Bob Yeager, president of Emerson‘s Power & Water Solutions division. We‘re pleased that China Huadian Group selected Emerson‘s digital automation solution and we are gratified that our technologies could play a role in the achievement of the unit‘s record-breaking milestones.” [/COLOR]










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