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2007-03-26- ABB為荷蘭到美國航線提供高壓海岸通訊線(HVSC)以減少停靠在美國主要港口的船舶廢氣排放。ABB在2000年運送了世界上首個排放清潔HVSC,這是一個贏得歐盟環(huán)境獎的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品。 該岸艦電源解決方案使三個荷蘭到美國航線的13個巡航艦接通了當(dāng)?shù)仉娋W(wǎng),停靠在美國西雅圖港口時關(guān)閉柴油機。
ABB的高壓海岸通訊線使得巡航艦中途停靠在美國西海岸主要港口時減少燃料費用,實質(zhì)上消除了二氧化碳的排放和噪音污染。對于西雅圖來說就意味著改善的空氣質(zhì)量,和城市公共電力行業(yè)增加的稅收。 該方案包括艦艇電源管理系統(tǒng)的11 kV開關(guān)設(shè)備,自動化控制硬件和軟件,將靠岸甲板連接到主配電板的高壓電纜和低壓電纜以及隨船攜帶的電源管理系統(tǒng)。 特別是巡航艦在靠港的時候消耗大量的電力。 在??扛劭跁r,這些巨大的漂流旅館需要為約4000位旅客和船員提供供暖,空調(diào)和照明。 通過電網(wǎng)電源,而不是柴油機發(fā)電,真正的減少了二氧化碳排放節(jié)約了燃油。 空氣污染的最大來源 美國和歐洲港務(wù)局和艦艇操作員正面臨著潛在的壓力――改善港口空氣質(zhì)量,這些港口通常位于脆弱的海洋環(huán)境或者大型的重污染城市。 根據(jù)歐盟2005年報道,“艦艇迅速成為了歐洲最大的空氣污染源,”該報道得出結(jié)論,除非采取更多的措施,否則到2020年艦艇廢氣排放量將比所有大陸排放量還要多。 在美國也是相似的情形,在預(yù)期的法律出臺前,如洛杉磯,舊金山和西雅圖等城市正采取措施降低艦艇廢氣排放和環(huán)境影響,法律出臺將強制實施電網(wǎng)接通。 西雅圖港口另外一個工程――Princess海岸電源工程——包括Princess巡航艦采用海岸供電以大大降低發(fā)動機廢氣排放,根據(jù)西雅圖港務(wù)局報告,2005年該工程每個艦艇渦輪發(fā)電機燃料降低了35公噸,每季度降低了7.7噸顆粒物質(zhì)和203.5噸二氧化硫排放。 original text [COLOR=#708090]ABB solutions cut emissions at U.S. and EU ports 2007-03-26 - ABB is supplying Holland America Line with high voltage shore connections (HVSC) to eliminate the emissions of ships berthed at a leading U.S. port. ABB delivered the world‘s first emissions-free HVSC in 2000, an innovation that won the customer a major EU environmental award. The shore-to-ship power solutions enable three of Holland America Line‘s 13 cruise ships to plug into the local power grid and switch off their diesel engines while docked at their home port of Seattle in the United States. ABB‘s high voltage shore connection enables the vessels to cut fuel costs and virtually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution during stopovers at one of the leading ports on the U.S. west coast. For Seattle it means improved air quality and increased revenues for the city‘s publicly owned electric utility. The solution includes 11 kV switchgear, automation hardware and software for the ships‘ power management systems, and high voltage and low voltage cables that connect the shore panel to the main switchboard and power management system onboard each vessel. Cruise ships in particular use vast quantities of power while in port. These giant floating hotels require heating, air conditioning and lighting for around 4,000 guests and crew throughout their stay in port. By using electricity from the grid, rather then generating power from the diesel engines, the reductions in emissions and savings in fuel are substantial. Biggest source of air pollution Port authorities and shipping operators in the United States and Europe are under increasing political pressure to improve air quality in ports, which are often located in sensitive marine environments or large densely populated cities. According to a report issued in 2005 by the European Union, “ships are fast becoming the biggest source of air pollution in the EU.” Unless more action is taken, the report concludes, ships are set to “emit more than all land sources combined by 2020.” The situation is similar in the United States where cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle are taking steps to reduce ship emissions and lower the environmental impact of their ports ahead of expected legislation that could make shore power connections mandatory. Another project at the Port of Seattle - the Princess Shore Power Project - involving Princess cruise ships uses electric power from shore to significantly reduce engine emissions. The project in 2005 eliminated 35 metric tons of turbine engine fuel per ship call, and seasonal reductions of 7.7 tons of particulate matter, and 203.5 tons of sulfur dioxides emissions, according to the Seattle Port Authority.[/COLOR]








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