



偉肯PLC股東大會(huì)已經(jīng)于2007年3月28日在芬蘭Vaasa召開(kāi)。股東大會(huì)核準(zhǔn)了公司2006財(cái)政年度的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告并減負(fù)了董事會(huì)成員和常務(wù)董事的職責(zé)。股東大會(huì)采取了董事會(huì)關(guān)于每股支付0.65歐元股息的提議和批準(zhǔn)董事會(huì)在公司重新購(gòu)買股票的決議,以及通過(guò)公司處理自己手中的股票和修正公司章程的決議。 偉肯PLC2006財(cái)政年度的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告被批準(zhǔn)。 股東大會(huì)同董事會(huì)決議,每股支付0.65歐元股息或者支付總額9,888,728歐元。股息支付通告日為2007年4月2日,于2007年4月11日支付。 股東大會(huì)減負(fù)了董事會(huì)成員和常務(wù)董事的職責(zé)。董事會(huì)成員被證實(shí)為6名:分別是Pekka Ahlqvist, Jari Eklund, Kalle Heikkinen, Mauri Holma, Jan Inborr and Veijo Karppinen。在董事會(huì)構(gòu)成者會(huì)議上Jan Inborr被選為董事會(huì)主席,Veijo Karppinen為副主席。 股東大會(huì)決定每月向董事會(huì)成員支付1,000歐元的基本費(fèi),每月的額外費(fèi)用最多為2,000歐元。這一決議必須由董事會(huì)主席決定,每月向董事會(huì)成員發(fā)放兩次基本費(fèi)和附加費(fèi) 股東大會(huì)決定KPMG Oy Ab繼續(xù)為公司審計(jì)師。 股東大會(huì)同意董事會(huì)批準(zhǔn)在公司內(nèi)重新購(gòu)買股票的決議,以及通過(guò)公司發(fā)行股票處理自己手中的股票,根據(jù)董事會(huì)提議股東大會(huì)同意修正公司章程,修正的主要是因?yàn)樾鹿痉?。此次董事?huì)決議于2007年3月9日發(fā)布在證券交易新聞中。 所有決定由股東大會(huì)全體成無(wú)異議通過(guò)。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Vacon Plc‘s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2007-3-28 Vacon Plc‘s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held on 28 March 2007 in Vaasa. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the company‘s financial statement for the fiscal year 2006 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from liability for the fiscal year 2006. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the proposal of the Board of Directors that a dividend of EUR 0.65 will be paid on each share. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the proposals of the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase shares in the company and to dispose of own shares held by the company as well as to amend the Articles of Association. The financial statement of Vacon Plc for the fiscal year 2006 was approved. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the proposal by the Board of Directors to pay a dividend of EUR 0.65 on each share or EUR 9,888,728 in total. The record day for the dividend payment is 2 April 2007. The dividend will be paid on 11 April 2007. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from liability for the fiscal year 2006. The number of members of the Board of Directors was confirmed to be six (6). Pekka Ahlqvist, Jari Eklund, Kalle Heikkinen, Mauri Holma, Jan Inborr and Veijo Karppinen were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. Jan Inborr was re-elected Chairman and Veijo Karppinen was re-elected Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at the constitutory meeting of the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved to pay the members of the Board of Directors a basic fee of EUR 1,000 a month and an additional fee of maximum EUR 2,000 a month. It was resolved that the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be paid twice the basic fee and twice the additional fee paid to the members of the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that KPMG Oy Ab shall continue as the company‘s auditor. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the proposals of the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase shares in the company and to dispose of own shares held by the company through share issue. Further, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved to amend the Articles of Association in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors. The amendments are mainly due to the new Companies Act. The proposals of the Board of Directors were reported in the stock exchange release of 9 March 2007. All decisions adopted at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders were made unanimously.[/COLOR]










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  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
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  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
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  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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