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特拉華州WILMINGTON和莫里斯鎮(zhèn)3約29日新聞――美國杜邦公司和霍尼韋爾公司今天宣布就自動車空氣調(diào)節(jié)行業(yè)達成了一項全球聯(lián)合發(fā)展協(xié)議,加速研發(fā)下一代低全球變暖潛值制冷劑,并將其商品化。 新制冷劑將使汽車制造商符合歐洲新規(guī)定,該規(guī)定要求自動車空氣調(diào)節(jié)應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域運用低全球變暖潛值(GWP)制冷劑。今天的自動車空氣調(diào)節(jié)運用氫氟烴-134a,新規(guī)定計劃2011年新型汽車開始實施該規(guī)定,到2017年全部機動車輛使用該新型制冷劑。 規(guī)定,杜邦和霍尼韋爾將共同鑒別,研發(fā),測試和檢測新的低GWP制冷劑,該制冷劑與汽車行業(yè)其他技術(shù)相比更經(jīng)濟實惠。汽車制造商目前正在評估運用該技術(shù)的汽車交流系統(tǒng)。汽車制造商正在尋找一種可行的氟化氣方案,該方案適合傳統(tǒng)的HFC-134a自動車空調(diào)系統(tǒng)技術(shù),相比二氧化碳技術(shù)更經(jīng)濟。 霍尼韋爾公司Fluorine 產(chǎn)品部副主席兼總經(jīng)理Terrence Hahn 表示:“霍尼韋爾有著研發(fā)制冷技術(shù)成熟的經(jīng)驗以滿足工業(yè)和客戶的需求”“我們希望提供一種接近的替代產(chǎn)品以降低汽車行業(yè)昂貴的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計需求。對于消費者來說,我們將提供一種更環(huán)保的,低GWP 的解決方案,而不會降低汽車舒適度和可靠性?!? 品公司副主席兼總經(jīng)理Cynthia C. Green表示:“杜邦公司的科技和創(chuàng)新有助于減少工業(yè)領(lǐng)域和社會從氯氟化碳到可選擇的產(chǎn)品的轉(zhuǎn)換,現(xiàn)在,我們對全球汽車行業(yè)對制冷劑的要求作出快速響應(yīng),生產(chǎn)新型低全球變暖潛值制冷劑,降低全球變暖的可能性需要更好地平衡安全性,性能和性價比間的利益關(guān)系?!薄巴ㄟ^利用杜邦和霍尼韋爾公司資源,我們可以加速產(chǎn)品驗證和商品化,及時提供新的全球工業(yè)方案以滿足規(guī)定要求,加速減少全球二氧化碳的排放。” 作為協(xié)議內(nèi)容的一部分,杜邦和霍尼韋爾計劃共享資源,投資和技術(shù)。兩家公司將與汽車行業(yè)緊密配合,到2007年中旬驗證該制冷劑。據(jù)行業(yè)預(yù)測,全球?qū)⒂兴膬|多輛汽車安裝空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng),每個系統(tǒng)運用一到量磅制冷劑。利用氟制冷劑的空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng),如那些霍尼韋爾和杜邦尋求研發(fā)的制冷系統(tǒng),比基于二氧化碳的空氣制冷系統(tǒng)更高效,在很高的周圍環(huán)境溫度時尤為如此。 根據(jù)杜邦公司的測試,比較運用杜邦公司的低GWP制冷劑和二氧化碳制冷劑的汽車交流系統(tǒng),到2017年,基于氟的制冷劑的廣泛應(yīng)用將使燃料廢氣排放量降低到每年2.3億加侖。 original text [COLOR=#708090]DuPont, Honeywell Announce Refrigerants Global Joint Development Agreement Low Global Warming Refrigerants for Automobiles Provide More Sustainable Solutions for Air Conditioning Systems WILMINGTON, Del., and MORRIS TOWNSHIP, N.J., March 29, 2007 – DuPont and Honeywell (NYSE: HON) today announced a global joint development agreement to accelerate the development and commercialization of next generation, low global warming refrigerants for the automotive air conditioning industry. The new refrigerants would enable automakers to meet new regulations in Europe that require the use of low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants in mobile air conditioning (AC) applications. Today‘s automotive air conditioners use hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-134a. The new regulation is scheduled to take effect in 2011 for new model automobiles, with the transition complete by 2017. Under the agreement, DuPont and Honeywell will jointly identify, develop, test and qualify new low GWP refrigerants that are cost-effective alternatives to other technologies being considered by the auto industry. Automakers are currently evaluating mobile AC systems that use such technologies. Ideally, automakers are seeking a commercially viable fluorinated gas solution that is compatible with conventional HFC-134a mobile air conditioning system technology and offers a more cost-effective industry transition versus CO2 technology. “Honeywell has a proven track record of developing refrigerant technologies to meet industry and customer requirements,” said Terrence Hahn, vice president and general manager for Honeywell‘s Fluorine Products business. “We look forward to providing a near drop-in replacement that reduces the need for costly system redesign for the automotive industry. For the consumer, we will provide an environmentally friendlier, low-GWP solution without sacrificing comfort or reliability.” “DuPont science and innovation helped ease the transition from chlorofluorocarbons to alternative products for both industry and society. Now we are quickly responding to the global automotive industry‘s request for new refrigerants with lower global warming potential that offer a strong balance of benefits for safety, performance and cost-effectiveness,” said Cynthia C. Green, vice president and general manager —— DuPont Fluoroproducts. “By leveraging DuPont and Honeywell resources, we can expedite product qualification and commercialization to provide a new global industry solution in time to meet regulations and effect an accelerated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions around the world.” DuPont and Honeywell plan to share resources, investment and technology as part of the agreement. The companies will work closely with the automotive industry to qualify a low GWP alternative by mid-2007. According to industry estimates, there are more than 400 million cars with air conditioning systems globally, with each system using between one to two pounds of refrigerant. Air conditioning systems utilizing fluorine-based refrigerants, such as those Honeywell and DuPont are seeking to develop, are more energy efficient than CO2-based air conditioning systems, particularly at high ambient temperature conditions. Based on a test conducted by DuPont comparing mobile AC systems utilizing DuPont‘s low GWP replacement refrigerant and CO2, widespread utilization of a fluorine-based refrigerant could lead to worldwide emissions reduction equivalent to 230 million gallons of fuel per year by 2017.[/COLOR]










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