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圣塔克萊拉市4月2日新聞 安捷倫科技公司今天推出16款電池供電6000系列數(shù)字存儲示波器(DSOs)和復(fù)合信號示波器(MSOs),使工程師和技術(shù)員可以在沒有線路供電的環(huán)境中進(jìn)行高性能測量。
安捷倫科技是首個(gè)提供1 GHz寬帶的電池供電DSOs的公司,6000系列MSO模塊繼承了安捷倫十年的MSO技術(shù)創(chuàng)新經(jīng)驗(yàn),是首個(gè)電池供電的復(fù)合信號示波器。 6000系列DSOs和MSOs是第一個(gè)帶汽車CAN總線, LIN總線,F(xiàn)lexRay系列總線觸發(fā)和遠(yuǎn)程測量協(xié)議解碼的電池供電示波器。這些示波器是工程師和技術(shù)員測量工業(yè)電子設(shè)備,如汽車工業(yè),工業(yè)和航空防御電子設(shè)備的理想選擇。
安捷倫科技設(shè)計(jì)確認(rèn)部門總經(jīng)理Jay Alexander表示: “我們客戶的產(chǎn)品與不斷增長的,電子價(jià)值相結(jié)合,”“可以快速調(diào)試和確認(rèn)設(shè)計(jì)是他們?nèi)〉贸晒Φ年P(guān)鍵。我們對客戶高性能電池供電設(shè)備的要求作出響應(yīng),以前這些設(shè)備還沒有在市場中出現(xiàn)?!? 通常遠(yuǎn)程實(shí)地測量,如汽車行業(yè)車內(nèi)測量,要求電池充電。先前,只有最基本的低帶寬領(lǐng)域是電池供電。測量現(xiàn)今汽車系列總線,如CAN,LIN和FlexRay總線,要求高性能和多功能示波器。隨著安捷倫600系列示波器的推出,現(xiàn)在工程師擁有了滿足他們特殊應(yīng)用性能和測量的電池充電示波器。 安捷倫科技的集成充電電池基于鋰離子技術(shù),電池供電長達(dá)兩小時(shí)以上。插入線路電源即可充電,并且隨時(shí)拔出而示波器無需斷電。另外,安捷倫科技提供一個(gè)適配器為汽車12-V的示波器供電。 登錄網(wǎng)站www.agilent.com/find/6000-bat查找有關(guān)安捷倫科技電池供電6000系列示波器信息.登錄網(wǎng)站:www.agilent.com/find/6000-bat_images查看該示波器圖片。 安捷倫科技簡介 安捷倫科技公司是世界領(lǐng)先測量公司,在通信,電子,生命科學(xué)和化學(xué)分析領(lǐng)域處于領(lǐng)先地位。公司擁有員工19,000人為110多個(gè)國家的客戶提供服務(wù),安捷倫科技公司2006年財(cái)政年度凈收入50億美元。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies Introduces Industry‘s First 1-GHz Battery-Powered Digital Storage Oscilloscopes and First Battery-Powered Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 2, 2007 Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced battery-power options for all 16 of its 6000 Series digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs) and mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs), giving engineers and technicians the ability to make high-performance measurements in environments where line power is unavailable. Agilent is the first to offer battery-powered DSOs with up to 1 GHz bandwidth. Continuing Agilent‘s 10 years of innovation in MSO technology, the 6000 Series MSO models are the first mixed signal oscilloscopes with battery operation. And, the 6000 Series DSOs and MSOs are the first battery-operated oscilloscopes with automotive CAN, LIN, and FlexRay serial bus triggering and protocol decode for remote testing. These oscilloscopes are ideal for engineers and technicians testing electronics in industries such as automotive, industrial and aerospace/defense. "Our customers‘ products incorporate ever-increasing electronic value," said Jay Alexander, Agilent Design Validation Division general manager. "Being able to rapidly debug and validate designs is key to their success. We are responding to our customers‘ requirements for higher-performance battery-powered instruments not previously available in the marketplace." Battery-operated scopes are often required for remote field testing, such as in-car testing in the automotive industry. Previously, only lower bandwidth portable scopes with very basic scope functionality were battery operated. Testing today‘s automotive serial buses such as CAN, LIN and FlexRay require scopes with higher performance and functionality. With Agilent‘s 6000 Series oscilloscopes, engineers now have the portability of a battery-operated oscilloscope with the performance and measurement features that meet their specific applications. Agilent‘s integrated rechargeable battery options are based on lithium-ion technology, and they provide more than two hours of battery life between charges. The battery charges while plugged into line power and can be disconnected at any time without powering off the oscilloscope. In addition, Agilent offers an adapter cable to power oscilloscopes from 12-V automotive outlets. Information about Agilent‘s battery-powered 6000 Series oscilloscopes can be found at www.agilent.com/find/6000-bat. A photograph of the battery-powered oscilloscope is available at www.agilent.com/find/6000-bat_images. About Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world‘s premier measurement company and a technology leader in communications, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis. The company‘s 19,000 employees serve customers in more than 110 countries. Agilent had net revenue of $5.0 billion in fiscal 2006.[/COLOR] [align=right]聲明:本文為中國傳動網(wǎng)獨(dú)家稿件。未經(jīng)許可,請勿轉(zhuǎn)載。








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