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導(dǎo)語:ABB最新研發(fā)的DCS 800,這是世界上一款最先進(jìn)的直流驅(qū)動器。

2007-04-03 ――美國一位系統(tǒng)集成商表示:“我們最關(guān)心的是驅(qū)動器供應(yīng)商沒有為直流驅(qū)動器作出任何新的研發(fā)努力,只是固守十年前到二十年前的老產(chǎn)品,” ABB最新研發(fā)的DCS 800解決了這個問題,這是世界上一款最先進(jìn)的直流驅(qū)動器。
系統(tǒng)集成商SDS公司與美國一家龍頭造紙廠簽訂協(xié)議,為其設(shè)計一個驅(qū)動器解決方案以提高縱切機(jī)生產(chǎn)力和效率,該公司正在研究一個可以利用機(jī)器現(xiàn)存的直流電機(jī)和電力系統(tǒng)的尖端驅(qū)動器。 SDS公司高級應(yīng)用工程師Craig Tierno解釋道:“尋找一個像ABB這樣不斷創(chuàng)新直流電機(jī)技術(shù)的供應(yīng)商是項(xiàng)目成功的關(guān)鍵?!? 直流電機(jī)在整個北美廣泛應(yīng)用。其壽命長,為了獲得高性能的交流驅(qū)動器帶來的效益客戶不愿花費(fèi)高額成本丟棄直流電機(jī),Tierno 說,“如果有一個更經(jīng)濟(jì)的方法,客戶就想要聽到這個方法?!? ABB公司推出的DCS800驅(qū)動器于2005年在歐洲投放市場,該驅(qū)動器與市場領(lǐng)先的交流驅(qū)動器擁有同樣的使用設(shè)備和選擇,將最具用戶友好的特性與無限可測量性和市場最優(yōu)良的功能大小比相結(jié)合。 關(guān)鍵設(shè)備 縱切機(jī)是造紙過程中關(guān)鍵的設(shè)備。該設(shè)備將新造出的大紙卷切短,再將其重繞至小的更容易處理的紙卷。縱切機(jī)出現(xiàn)任何問題都將導(dǎo)致整個造紙線停止。
紙卷的質(zhì)量在很大程度上都由驅(qū)動器的性能所支配,驅(qū)動器性能出現(xiàn)較小的錯誤就可引起如紙張破裂,毛邊,紙張壓縮,偏移—導(dǎo)致停工,不合格卷紙和利潤降低。 通過在浮動滾子上安裝DCS800四個現(xiàn)存的直流電機(jī),兩個新型ACS800驅(qū)動器和兩個15馬力的電機(jī),SDS設(shè)計了一個方案達(dá)到了客戶的目標(biāo):提高了卷軸質(zhì)量,將機(jī)器速度提到最高水平并減少成本。 SDS公司高級銷售專家John Parker表示:“我們非常高興得到ABB公司的產(chǎn)品和支持,目前,我們有八個造紙項(xiàng)目,這八個項(xiàng)目中我們都選用了ABB驅(qū)動器:ACS800, DCR800新式驅(qū)動器和DCS800” original text [COLOR=#708090]Advanced ABB DC drive technology is the answer for DC motors 2007-04-03 - “Our biggest concern is that drive suppliers are not doing anything new with DC drives; they‘re sitting on products that are 10-to-20 years old,” says a U.S. systems integrator. ABB‘s new DCS800 – the most advanced DC drive in the world – is the answer. Contracted by a leading U.S. paper mill to design a drives solution to increase the productivity and efficiency of a slitter-rewinder machine, systems integrator SDS Inc. was searching for a cutting-edge drive that would utilize the machine‘s existing DC motors and power system. “Finding a supplier like ABB which continues to innovate new technology for DC motors was vital to the success of the project,” explains Craig Tierno, senior application engineer for SDS. DC motors are widely used throughout North America. They have a long life, and customers are not keen to rip them out at great cost in order to get the benefits of high-performance AC drives. “If there is a more cost-effective method, customers want to hear about it,” says Tierno. Launched in Europe in 2005, ABB‘s DCS800 offers the same tools and options as its market-leading AC drives, and combines best-in-class user-friendliness with unlimited scalability and the best power-to-size ratio on the market. Critical equipment The slitter-rewinder is a critical piece of equipment in the papermaking process. It cuts huge rolls of newly made paper into shorter lengths and rewinds them into smaller, more manageable rolls. Any problem at the slitter-rewinder can bring the entire paper line to a halt. The quality of the roll is governed largely by the performance of the drives. Minor inaccuracies in drive performance can cause defects like sheet breaks, rough edges, telescoping, offsets and tie-ups – resulting in downtime, rejected rolls and lost profit. By equipping the four existing DC motors with DCS800 drives and installing two new ACS800 drives and 15 horsepower motors on the machine‘s rider rolls, SDS designed a solution that achieved the customer‘s targets: improved roll quality, increased machine speed to the highest possible level, and the elimination of costly shutdowns. “We are pleased with the ABB products and support,” says John Parker, senior sales engineer at SDS. “At the moment we have eight paper manufacturing projects in front us for which we are recommending ABB drives - either ACS800, DCR800 retrofit drives, or DCS800.”[/COLOR]










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