



德州AUSTIN 2007年4月4日消息――艾默生過程管理公司的產(chǎn)品和技術(shù)已經(jīng)被應(yīng)用于新西蘭有名的懷卡托理工大學(xué)(Wintec)支持工業(yè)計(jì)量和控制培訓(xùn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室。此學(xué)院是經(jīng)新西蘭資格授權(quán)的唯一一家提供國家框架的IMC四級和五級培訓(xùn)的學(xué)院。 WintecIMC項(xiàng)目領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人和主要負(fù)責(zé)人Simon White說:“作為唯一一家在新西蘭提供這一項(xiàng)目的學(xué)院,裝備具有最新技術(shù)解決方案的設(shè)備是有必要的。我們?yōu)槲覀兊膶?shí)驗(yàn)室和艾默生提供設(shè)備的真正價(jià)值感到高興。”
Wintec承辦IMC培訓(xùn)課程已有20年,并且近來在以艾默生為主要提供商基礎(chǔ)上,在新過程控制設(shè)備方面做出了重要貢獻(xiàn)。學(xué)院的DeltaV™數(shù)字自動(dòng)化體系更新后,包括六個(gè)應(yīng)用最新的艾默生PlantWeb®數(shù)字架構(gòu)一部分的DeltaV軟件的工程工作站。其它來自艾默生的設(shè)備有Rosemount®差壓變送器,磁流測量計(jì)和PH傳導(dǎo)變送器。 WHITE又補(bǔ)充說到:“對于我們的學(xué)生來說,使用可靠的、先進(jìn)的設(shè)備可保證他們在實(shí)驗(yàn)室學(xué)到的技術(shù)盡可能地與在工業(yè)現(xiàn)場遇到的技術(shù)相近。我們承認(rèn)艾默生是市場的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,并且對于我們學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境艾默生是極好的選擇?!? 在2006年12月,艾默生向Wintec贈(zèng)予了最新的Micro Motion® ELITE™科利奧利流量計(jì)。這款儀器可直接測量塊的流速,排除了補(bǔ)償溫度改變、粘性和壓力條件的需要。
White先生說:“我們真誠地感謝艾默生通過贈(zèng)予我們先進(jìn)的流量計(jì)表達(dá)對我們的支持。把此流量計(jì)安裝在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)面板上,將會(huì)很容易地使不同的過程在實(shí)驗(yàn)室中相連接,同時(shí)所有的其它流量測量設(shè)備就能夠以這個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)儀器為參考。 另外的一些艾默生產(chǎn)品也普遍地應(yīng)用在Wintec實(shí)驗(yàn)室中,包括:擁有基金會(huì)現(xiàn)場總線的Rosemount壓力傳送器、流量計(jì)、手動(dòng)通信程序、Micro Motion塊流動(dòng)和體積密度傳感器;Rosemount Analytical分析器;裝有Fisher® FIELDVUE®數(shù)字閥控制器的Baumann控制閥。 艾默生過程管理公司(新西蘭)經(jīng)理Steve Baillie說:“通過配置這一新技術(shù)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,Wintec可為學(xué)生們在錯(cuò)誤分析、產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)和維護(hù)方面研發(fā)新技術(shù)提供理想的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。艾默生同樣為能夠?yàn)橛袃r(jià)值的職業(yè)規(guī)劃事業(yè)做出貢獻(xiàn)感到自豪?!? Wintec提供在職業(yè)教育和培訓(xùn)基礎(chǔ)之上的高質(zhì)量、職業(yè)技能教育,包括工業(yè)關(guān)注的國家認(rèn)證工業(yè)測量和控制課程(四級),學(xué)期為兩年,提供有遠(yuǎn)程教育和板塊課程。課程適合在工業(yè)控制和廣泛應(yīng)用于工業(yè)的儀器使用設(shè)備方面在安裝、運(yùn)行和維護(hù)領(lǐng)域的人們尋找工作。Wintec是唯一一家在新西蘭提供這類教育的學(xué)院。 original text [COLOR=#708090][b]Emerson powers IMC training laboratory at leading New Zealand educational institute Emerson‘s PlantWeb® digital architecture provides ideal environment for industrial measurement and control curriculum[/b] AUSTIN, TEXAS (April 4, 2007) - Emerson Process Management products and technologies have been selected to power the Industrial Measurement and Control (IMC) training laboratory at New Zealand‘s renowned Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). The college is the only provider of IMC training at Level 4 and Level 5 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority National Framework. "As the only institute in New Zealand that offers this program, it is essential that our facilities are equipped with the latest technology solutions," said Simon White, principal tutor and IMC program leader at Wintec. "We are very proud of our laboratory and truly value the Emerson equipment it houses." Wintec, which has been offering IMC courses for just over 20 years, recently made a significant investment in new process control equipment with Emerson as the principal supplier. The institute‘s DeltaV™ digital automation system was upgraded to include six engineering workstations with the latest DeltaV software, part of Emerson‘s PlantWeb® digital plant architecture. Other equipment from Emerson includes Rosemount® differential pressure transmitters, magnetic flowmeters, and pH and conductivity transmitters. "It is important that our students have access to reliable, state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the skills that they obtain in our laboratory are as close as possible to what they will be exposed to in the industry," added White. "We recognize that Emerson is the market leader, which makes Emerson products the perfect choice for our learning environment." In December 2006, Emerson donated the latest Micro Motion® ELITE™ Coriolis flowmeter to the Wintec technology laboratory. This instrument measures the mass flow rate directly, which eliminates the need to compensate for changing temperature, viscosity and pressure conditions. "We are truly grateful to Emerson for demonstrating their support through the kind donation of this state-of-the-art flowmeter," said White. "By mounting it on a standard panel, it is easily connected to the different processes within the lab and all other flow measuring equipment can now be referenced to this standard instrument." Additional Emerson products currently in use in the Wintec laboratory include: Rosemount pressure transmitters with FOUNDATION fieldbus, flowmeters, and a hand-held field communicator; Micro Motion mass flow and volume density sensors; Rosemount Analytical analyzers; and a Baumann control valve equipped with a Fisher® FIELDVUE® digital valve controller. "Equipped with this latest-technology laboratory, Wintec provides the ideal environment for students to develop skills in fault analysis, design and maintenance of equipment," said Steve Baillie, manager, Emerson Process Management New Zealand. "Emerson is proud to contribute to the advancement of this valuable vocational program." The Waikato Institute of Technology provides high quality, vocational skills based on professional education and training. Included in its industry-focused curriculum is the National Certificate Industrial Measurement and Control (Level 4), a two-year, full time program offering by distance learning and block courses. The course is suitable for people seeking a career in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of industrial control and instrumentation equipment for use in a wide range of industrial applications and includes on-job assessment. Wintec is the only institution in New Zealand that offers this course[/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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