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2007-04-04 – 一輛法國列車本周創(chuàng)下列車速度世界新紀錄574.8公里/小時(356英里/小時)。該列車所用技術包括ABB公司最尖端科技的牽引變壓器,該變壓器幫助列車制造商創(chuàng)造了新一代高速鐵路運輸。 阿爾斯通和法國國家鐵路公司SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français - France‘s national rail carrier)以及RFF (Réseau Ferré de France - the company that owns and manages France‘s rail network)共同創(chuàng)下新列車記錄。 該列車是在法國高速鐵路TGV東線運行,這是一個長達三百公里的高速鐵路,該鐵路計劃2007年六月投入使用,這將大大降低巴黎至德國目的地盧森堡和瑞士的旅行時間。 該鐵路還將巴黎至法國西部邊境的斯特拉斯堡的旅程減少至一半,旅行時間減少至兩小時十八分鐘,到2008年該線全面投入使用時間將少于兩小時。在TGV東線運行的列車速度將達到時速320公里,或比其他列車時速快20公里。 世界鐵路歷史記錄是515.3 km/h (320 mph),這項記錄是1990年由一輛TGV列車所創(chuàng),絕對速度記錄是2003年日本磁浮列車Maglev 所創(chuàng),時速達到了581公里(361mph),該列車運行于一個特殊的磁軌,該磁軌與鐵路干線不相兼容, 阿爾斯通正在研發(fā)新一代高速AGV列車,隨后將會成功研發(fā)TGV系列列車。 下一代高速列車 隨著SNCF升級其高速TGV列車,計劃在極端條件下對4月3日星期四所創(chuàng)記錄測試新鐵路的性能和可靠性,列車構造以及材料。 改良的測試列車包括兩個動力車,三個TGV雙層車廂和兩個AGV自動轉(zhuǎn)向架,相比傳統(tǒng)TGV列車輸出9.3兆瓦(12,500 馬力),該列車輸出19.6兆瓦(25,000馬力)。 創(chuàng)新的AGV牽引鏈(驅(qū)動類得車裝置)與ABB牽引變壓器(由ABB Sécheron Ltd研發(fā),設計和制造)大小相吻合,該牽引鏈位于車廂中部帶動四個安裝在臨近轉(zhuǎn)向架的永磁電機。 AGV列車與TGV列車相比突破了基本列車原理。AGV列車不是在車體兩邊安裝單個的動力車,而是在車廂地板下面安裝幾個AGV牽引鏈電機,每個車輪產(chǎn)生更低的功率,以便更好的向前推動,速度越高則列車越舒適。這還意味著列車可承載更多乘客,AGV列車目標速度是350 km/h。 主要合作伙伴 ABB是阿爾斯通研發(fā)其AGV技術的一個主要合作伙伴,為其提供牽引變壓器,該變壓器是列車牽引鏈的一個容量最大的設備。 ABB公司的變壓器設計輕便,可以安裝在列車地板下面, 是一個多系統(tǒng)部件,可以在歐洲任何領域,任何電壓水平下使用。 該記錄在高速列車分布式電源技術方面設立了一個新的ABB基準。ABB擁有最尖端技術的變壓器,在全球高速鐵路市場是一個重要的角色,它在日內(nèi)瓦設有Sécheron公司和日內(nèi)瓦,德國Halle,印度Vadodara以及中國大同市都設有生產(chǎn)企業(yè)。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Advanced ABB technology helps Alstom set a new rail speed record 2007-04-04 - A French train set a new world rail speed record of 574.8 kilometers per hour (356 miles per hour) this week. Among the technologies onboard was a state-of-the-art ABB traction transformer, which is helping trainmakers create a new generation high-speed rail service. The new record was set by Alstom, SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français - France‘s national rail carrier), and RFF (Réseau Ferré de France - the company that owns and manages France‘s rail network). The record-breaking run was on the TGV (train à grande vitesse) east line, a 300-kilometer stretch of new high-speed track scheduled to open in June, 2007, which will significantly reduce travel time between Paris and destinations in Germany, Luxemburg and Switzerland. It will also cut the journey between Paris and Strasbourg on France‘s eastern border in half, to 2 hours 18 minutes in June, and less than two hours when the line is fully commissioned in 2008. Trains using the TGV east line will operate at speeds of 320 kilometers per hour (km/h), or 20 km/h faster than other TGV trains. The old world rail speed record is 515.3 km/h (320 mph), set by a TGV train in 1990. The absolute speed record was set by a Japanese magnetic levitation prototype train - Maglev - in 2003, which runs on a special track not compatible with railway lines. It reached 581km/h (361mph). Alstom has been developing a new generation of very high-speed AGV trains (automotrice à grande vitesse) that over time will succeed the TGV series. The next generation The record run on Tuesday, April 3, was designed to test the performance and reliability of new rail and train infrastructure and material under extreme conditions, as SNCF upgrades its high-speed TGV trains. The modified test trainset included two power cars, three TGV double-decker carriages and two AGV motorized bogies (rail chassis with wheels). It develops an output of 19.6 megawatts (more than 25,000 hp) versus 9.3 megawatts (12,500 hp) in a conventional TGV train. The innovative AGV traction chain (the equipment which drives the train) located in the middle car and feeding four permanent magnet traction motors mounted onto the adjacent boggies is fitted with an ABB traction transformer which was developed, designed and manufactured by ABB Sécheron Ltd. AGV trains incorporate fundamental breakthroughs compared to TGV trains. Instead of using separate power cars at either end, AGV traction chain motors are located beneath the floors of passenger carriages, creating lower power levels per wheel for better track adherence and more comfort at higher speeds. This also means there‘s room for more passengers aboard AGV carriages, which have targeted speeds of 350 km/h. A key partner ABB is a key partner for Alstom in the development of its AGV technology, and provides the traction transformer which is the bulkiest component of the traction chain. ABB‘s transformer features reduced size and weight allowing it to be mounted underfloor. It is also a multi-system unit that can operate anywhere in Europe, at any voltage. The record sets a new ABB benchmark in distributed power technology for very high-speed trains. With its state-of-the-art traction transformers, ABB is a key player in this global high-speed rail market thanks to ABB Sécheron in Geneva (Switzerland), and production facilities in Geneva, Halle (Germany), Vadodara (India) and Datong (China).[/COLOR]








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