安捷倫 4080系列參數(shù)測(cè)試系統(tǒng)




運(yùn)行先進(jìn)的加工程序的現(xiàn)有的和新的晶圓廠面臨比以往更艱巨的參數(shù)測(cè)試挑戰(zhàn),必然地,參數(shù)測(cè)試已經(jīng)超出了單純地DC測(cè)量,目前包括很多種不同地測(cè)量類型,包括平行測(cè)試,閃存寫入測(cè)試/抹除測(cè)試和RF S-參數(shù)描述。安捷倫科技預(yù)見(jiàn)這些需求研發(fā)了靈活通用的4080參數(shù)測(cè)試平臺(tái)。 下一代測(cè)試平臺(tái)運(yùn)用超速CPU提高性能 設(shè)計(jì)新穎的4080系列參數(shù)測(cè)試平臺(tái)將功能更強(qiáng)大的CPU和其他改進(jìn)的架構(gòu)相結(jié)合,無(wú)需調(diào)試程序即可提高轉(zhuǎn)換的4070系列平臺(tái)性能10%到20%,降低了測(cè)試時(shí)間節(jié)約成本。 虛擬多重測(cè)試技術(shù)提高動(dòng)態(tài)吞吐量 所有運(yùn)行SPECS(半導(dǎo)體加工過(guò)程評(píng)價(jià)核心軟件)的4080系列檢測(cè)儀采用安捷倫虛擬多重測(cè)試技術(shù),都支持同步和異步平行測(cè)試。運(yùn)用該技術(shù)與適當(dāng)?shù)臏y(cè)試元素組(TEG)設(shè)計(jì)相結(jié)合,使吞吐量較傳統(tǒng)系列技術(shù)提高50%以上成為可能。 靈活的安裝降低成本 4080系列測(cè)試儀有兩種型號(hào):標(biāo)準(zhǔn)低電流測(cè)試儀和超低電流測(cè)試儀,使您為每個(gè)4080系列測(cè)試儀選擇最經(jīng)濟(jì)的配置 高速電容測(cè)試時(shí)間降低測(cè)試成本 4080系列測(cè)試儀支持可選的高速電容測(cè)試組件(HS-CMU),該組件集成到測(cè)試頭電子中 HV-SPGU支持下一代閃存單元處理測(cè)試 4082F和4083A都支持半導(dǎo)體脈沖發(fā)生器組件(SPGU),主機(jī)和高壓SPGU模塊,支持先進(jìn)閃存單元技術(shù)測(cè)試 RF S-參數(shù)測(cè)量和可選RF矩陣允許生產(chǎn)中的RF結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行有效測(cè)試 4083A支持安捷倫PNA用于20 GHz S-參數(shù)測(cè)量。另外,20 GHz 的寬帶的8x10 RF矩陣中測(cè)試多達(dá)5個(gè)RF結(jié)構(gòu)。 統(tǒng)一的硬件平臺(tái)節(jié)約投資 4080系列測(cè)試儀共享軟件,易于升級(jí),節(jié)約投資,避免設(shè)備陳舊。 復(fù)合SEMI自動(dòng)化標(biāo)準(zhǔn) SPECS-FA是安捷倫SPECS參數(shù)測(cè)試環(huán)境的工廠自動(dòng)化版本,可以在4080系列測(cè)試儀所有家族產(chǎn)品中運(yùn)行,SPECS-FA完全支持SEMI自動(dòng)化標(biāo)準(zhǔn)E5 (SECS II), E30 (GEM), E87 (CMS), E39 (OSS), E40 (PMS), E90 (STS), 以及 E94 (CJM). Linux OS提高耐受性降低成本 安捷倫4080系列系統(tǒng)軟件,安捷倫SPECS測(cè)試外殼和SPECS-FA測(cè)試外殼都采用Linux操作系統(tǒng),節(jié)省成本?;贚inux系統(tǒng)的硬件成本更低且更易于維修。
original text [COLOR=#708090]4080 Series of Parametric Test Systems Existing and new wafer fabs running advanced processes face ever-greater parametric testing challenges. Out of necessity, parametric test has expanded beyond pure DC measurement and now spans a variety of different measurement types, including parallel test, Flash cell write/erase testing, and RF S-parameter characterization. Anticipating these needs, Agilent has developed the versatile and flexible 4080 parametric test platform. Next generation test platform boosts performance with ultra-fast CPU The newly-designed 4080 platform incorporates a more powerful CPU and other architecture improvements that boost the throughput of transferred 4070 plans by 10 to 20 percent without any program modifications. This reduces test times and saves you money. Virtual Multiple Testhead Technology offers dramatic throughput improvements All 4080 Series testers running SPECS support both synchronous and asynchronous parallel test using Agilent‘s Virtual Multiple Testhead Technology. Using this technique in conjunction with the appropriate test element group (TEG) design, it is possible to get throughput improvements of up to 50% over conventional serial techniques. Flexible configuration minimizes costs 4080 Series testers are available in two versions: standard low-current and ultra-low current, allowing you to select the most cost-effective configuration for each 4080 Series tester that you purchase. High-speed capacitance measurement reduces test times 4080 Series testers all support an optional high-speed capacitance measurement unit (HS-CMU) that is integrated into the test head electronics. HV-SPGU supports testing of next-generation Flash memory cell processes The 4082F and 4083A both support a Semiconductor Pulse Generator Unit (SPGU) mainframe and high-voltage SPGU (HV-SPGU) modules that permit testing of advanced Flash memory cell technologies. RF S-parameter measurement and optional RF matrix permit efficient testing of RF structures in production The 4083A supports an Agilent PNA for 20 GHz S-parameter measurements. In addition, an 8x10 RF matrix option with 20 GHz bandwidth is also available to enable the test of up to 5 RF test structures in a single touchdown. Uniform hardware platform protects your investment All members of the 4080 Series share the same hardware, and it is easy to upgrade from one model to another. This protects your investment and insures that your equipment does not become obsolete. Conformance to SEMI standards facilitates test automation SPECS-FA, the factory automation version of Agilent‘s SPECS test shell, runs on all models of the 4080 Series tester family. SPECS-FA fully supports SEMI automation standards E5 (SECS II), E30 (GEM), E87 (CMS), E39 (OSS), E40 (PMS), E90 (STS), and E94 (CJM). Linux OS improves supportability and lowers costs The Agilent 4080 Series system software and Agilent SPECS and SPECS-FA test shells use the Linux operating system. This saves money through the use of cheaper and more maintainable Linux-based system hardware. [/COLOR]










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