操作簡(jiǎn)單可靠 用于工件防錯(cuò)拾取應(yīng)用的PICK-TO-LIGHT光電傳感器




明尼阿波利斯4月5日新聞――邦納工程公司推出了K50系列單點(diǎn)pick-to-light光電傳感器用于工件拾取防錯(cuò)應(yīng)用。K50系列傳感器裝備一個(gè)50 mm大的半透明球罩指示工件拾取狀態(tài),里面裝配了一兩種顏色的高亮度LEDs。該傳感器成本低于110美元,與可選的bin-picking系統(tǒng)相比成本低很多。 有幾種可選的模式:包括背景抑制模式和按鈕模式。當(dāng)感應(yīng)到手接觸傳感器反向反射器和固定反射器即受到激發(fā)處于工作狀態(tài),并且提示匯編器下個(gè)拾取位置或者錯(cuò)誤拾取。機(jī)械按鈕模式有一個(gè)壓力激活按鈕。
邦納公司EZ-LIGHT 產(chǎn)品部經(jīng)理Joe Dolinsky表示: “K50系列傳感器配置匯編器,可靠性強(qiáng),較其他箱拾取系統(tǒng)具有設(shè)計(jì)簡(jiǎn)單易于操作的防錯(cuò)方法,”Dolinsky 補(bǔ)充道:“向反射器模塊和固定反射器模塊具有可靠的光束操作特性,允許匯編器有效工作而無(wú)需在每次拾取后停止并再次按動(dòng)按鈕,按鈕模塊要求刻意激活,使匯編器向更多部位發(fā)出信號(hào)而無(wú)需離開(kāi)工作崗位,”“這個(gè)過(guò)程非常流暢,節(jié)約時(shí)間并且降低出錯(cuò)次數(shù),因此,提高了產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,降低了成本?!? 應(yīng)用場(chǎng)合:經(jīng)濟(jì)型K50系列傳感器是任何要求可靠的單點(diǎn)位置拾取方案應(yīng)用的理想選擇。運(yùn)用該系列傳感器使得最復(fù)雜的匯編過(guò)程簡(jiǎn)單易行。舉例如下: ● 綠燈提示提供匯編器正確的命令選擇配套操作正確的部件 ● 確認(rèn)拾取 ● 紅燈提示匯編器拾取錯(cuò)誤部件 ● 壓力激活按鈕向要求部件發(fā)出信號(hào) ● 提供每日感應(yīng)任務(wù)的最佳解決方案 K50系列傳感器優(yōu)越的特性使其安裝簡(jiǎn)單便于使用 ● 絕佳的設(shè)計(jì),50 mm半透明球罩帶一燈或兩燈 ● IP69K結(jié)構(gòu)(某些型號(hào)),耐用,充分壓縮 ● 可選50mm.,10mm背景抑制模式,適用于輕型安裝領(lǐng)域或移動(dòng)部件或工作機(jī)器 ● 可選2m鏡反模式 ● 壓力激活按鈕模式防止意外啟動(dòng) ● 與AS-i 模塊兼容 ● 30 mm線索式安裝襯套 ● 多種安裝選擇簡(jiǎn)化安裝,包括平面或28 mm管道不銹鋼,加固熱塑性聚酯,成角,穿孔,夾緊式或旋轉(zhuǎn)安裝,或客戶定制安裝方式 ● 2m歐式整體快速拆分集成電纜或150 mm歐式整體快速拆分 PVC軟線或PUR軟線 規(guī)格:K50系列傳感器應(yīng)用于12v到30v直流操作電壓,包括NPN電流吸收或PNP電流源輸出。所有模式配置一個(gè)高亮度綠燈。配置紅燈用于感應(yīng)確認(rèn),幫助視覺(jué)確認(rèn)或校驗(yàn)傳感器正常工作。 original text [COLOR=#708090]RELIABLE, EASY TO OPERATE PICK-TO-LIGHT SENSORS FOR ERROR-PROOFING ASSEMBLY APPLICATIONS Minneapolis, MN—April 5, 2007—Banner Engineering Corp. introduces the K50 Series of single-point pick-to-light sensors to error proof assembly applications. To indicate the status of a job pick, the K50 Series sensor has a large 50 mm translucent dome that houses highly visible LEDs of one or two colors. Priced as low as $110, K50 sensors cost far less than alternative bin-picking systems. Several models are available, including no-touch sensors and push-button models. Retroreflective and fixed-field activate when they sense the presence of a hand and visually alert the assembler of the next pick location or a mispick. Mechanical push-buttons models have a pressure-activated button. “The K50 Series sensors offer a simple, easy-to-use error-proofing solution to other bin-picking systems because they perform reliably with almost no effort from the assembler,” said Joe Dolinsky, Banner‘s EZ-LIGHT product manager. “The retroreflective and fixed-field models provide reliable beam-break operation, allowing the assembler to work efficiently without having to stop and push a button after every pick. The push-button models require intentional activation, allowing the assembler to signal for more parts without leaving the work station.” Dolinsky adds, “The entire process is much smoother, saving time and reducing the number of mistakes, thereby boosting product quality and reducing cost.” Applications. The ergonomic K50 Series sensors are ideal for any application requiring a reliable single-point part-picking solution, making even the most complicated assembly process easy to follow. Examples include the following: • Shows the assembler the correct order for selecting parts in a kitting operation, by displaying a green job light • Confirms a pick was made • Alerts the assembler that a wrong part was picked, by displaying a red light • Signals destination for requested parts with a pressure-activated push button • Provides a robust solution for everyday sensing tasks Several features of the K50 Series sensors make them particularly easy to install and use: • Offers a unique design with 50 mm large translucent dome and one or two lights • Rated to IP69K (some models); rugged, fully-encapsulated construction • Available in fixed-field background suppression models with 50 or 100 mm cutoff for tight mounting areas and areas near moving parts or active machines • Offers polarized retroreflective models with an extended 2 m sensing range • Includes push-button models with a pressure-activated button for protection against accidental activation • Provides AS-i module compatibility • Includes 30 mm threaded mounting hub • Simplifies installation with dozens of mounting options, including stainless-steel or reinforced thermoplastic polyester; angled, through-hole, split-clamp or swivel mount for installation on a flat surface or 28 mm pipe; or custom-made configurations • Available with 2 m integral cable, Euro-style integral quick disconnect, or 150 mm PVC or PUR pigtail with Euro-style quick disconnect Specifications. The K50 Series operates on 12 to 30V dc and includes either NPN (current sinking) or PNP (current sourcing) outputs. All models include a bright green job light. Models are available with a red light for sensing acknowledgement, to aid in alignment or to verify visually that the sensor is functioning properly. [/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動(dòng)控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺(jué)
  • 機(jī)械傳動(dòng)
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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