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艾默生將流量計商標(biāo)名稱Solartron®更改為Micro Motion®



導(dǎo)語:Micro Motion流量計提供流量,密度和粘度測量的完整解決方案

科羅拉多州BOULDER市4月10日新聞――艾默生過程管理公司宣布公司流量計產(chǎn)品線商標(biāo)名稱由Solartron®更改為Micro Motion®。艾默生公司2005年收購了Solartron Mobrey公司,并將其產(chǎn)品納入了Micro Motion旗下,為客戶提供了一個用于流量,密度&粘度測量的完整的單源解決方案。艾默生公司測量知識&經(jīng)驗隨著主要的Micro Motion技術(shù)的發(fā)展也不斷擴(kuò)大,推出更多測量問題解決和創(chuàng)新的解決方案。 “Solartron產(chǎn)品的加入以及豐富的密度測量經(jīng)驗進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)了我們?yōu)榭蛻籼峁┓桨?,鞏固了我們的?jīng)驗。” 艾默生過程管理公司Micro Motion 部門經(jīng)理Tom Moser說道,“艾默生現(xiàn)在可以幫助客戶直接獲得流量,密度粘性世界領(lǐng)先的測量技術(shù)?!? Micro Motion科氏測量產(chǎn)品同時精確測量流量和密度。在不要求流量測量或者有單獨(dú)設(shè)備測量流量的應(yīng)用中,流量計通過其獨(dú)特的濃度測量特性提供了卓越的測量值,這就加強(qiáng)了高精確性的直管式流量計解決方案,這些流量計應(yīng)用于密度/濃度測量,用于氣體密度/分子量的氣體密度測量計,以及用于音叉密度/粘度裝置的直插式液位測量計。 “雖然產(chǎn)品本身將繼續(xù)提供較好的技術(shù)和高可靠性,Solartron密度計現(xiàn)在改為Micro Motion密度計” Moser補(bǔ)充道,“不論測量大流量、高密度、濃度或粘度,客戶現(xiàn)在可以求助艾默生提供領(lǐng)先的測量方案、及其最佳測量值、測量經(jīng)驗、絕佳的性能和質(zhì)量?!? 更多Micro Motion比重計信息登陸網(wǎng)站:www.micromotion.com。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson Changes Brand Name of Densitometers from Solartron® to Micro Motion® BOULDER, COLORADO (April 10, 2007) - Emerson Process Management announces a change in the brand name of the company‘s densitometers product line from Solartron® to Micro Motion®. Emerson acquired the densitometers product line in 2005 and added it to the Micro Motion offering, giving customers a complete single-source solution for flow, density and viscosity measurement. Emerson‘s measurement knowledge and expertise are expanded with the leading Micro Motion technology to deliver measurement problem solving and innovative solutions. "The addition of Solartron products, and tremendous density experience of the team, further broadens our offering to customers and strengthens our expertise," said Tom Moser, president of Emerson Process Management‘s Micro Motion division. "Emerson can now provide customers with direct access to the world‘s leading mass flow, density and viscosity technologies." Micro Motion Coriolis products precisely measure flow and density simultaneously. For applications where a flow measurement is not required or is being performed by a separate instrument, densitometers provide excellent added value through their exceptional density measurement performance. These new additions to the Micro Motion portfolio enhance the solutions provided with highly accurate straight tube densitometers being applied for fiscal density/concentration measurement, gas densitometers for gas density/molecular weight measurement, and fork density/viscosity devices for direct insertion tank measurement. This combination of Micro Motion products provides a complete range of leading technologies for applications where both flow and density or density measurement alone are required. "While the products themselves will continue to offer superior technology and reliability, Solartron density will now be known as Micro Motion," Moser added. "Whether measuring mass flow, density, concentration or viscosity, customers can now turn to Emerson for the leading measurement solutions, along with the best value, expertise, performance and quality." For information about Micro Motion densitometers, visit the Micro Motion website at www.micromotion.com. 圖片:http://www.emersonprocess.com/home/news/pr/704_densitometers.html[/COLOR]










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