艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司推出帶高密度電子集成冷卻的Liebert XDK機(jī)柜外殼



導(dǎo)語:高表面放熱率冷卻方案Liebert XD家族的一部分,19英寸機(jī)柜可以將冷卻系統(tǒng)效率提高30%

俄亥俄4月10日新聞――艾默生公司的下屬公司和執(zhí)行關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)全保障理念的全球龍頭企業(yè)艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司今天宣布推出Liebert XDK,這是一款帶集成冷卻功能的Knurr機(jī)柜外殼。艾默生最近收購(gòu)Knurr公司數(shù)據(jù)中心機(jī)柜業(yè)務(wù),19英寸機(jī)柜目前已經(jīng)推向美國(guó)市場(chǎng),為17kw高密度電子提供安全而可靠的冷卻機(jī)柜。 首次推出的Liebert XDK利用水作為流體釋放外殼的熱量,該機(jī)柜外殼在歐洲以Knurr CoolTherm®為商標(biāo)名稱銷售。這是一個(gè)封閉結(jié)構(gòu)方案,運(yùn)用內(nèi)部空氣循環(huán)將熱量釋放到外殼,該外殼完全封閉,與外界空氣和環(huán)境條件隔離。機(jī)柜集成冷卻水系統(tǒng)通過機(jī)柜底部的一個(gè)高效的空氣——水熱交換器吸收服務(wù)器熱負(fù)荷。 該方案使得IT 專家可以配置刀片式服務(wù)器和其他高密度熱負(fù)荷處理設(shè)備而不會(huì)在其數(shù)據(jù)中心產(chǎn)生新的過熱點(diǎn)。帶溫度相關(guān)調(diào)速的冗余高性能風(fēng)扇驅(qū)動(dòng)機(jī)柜內(nèi)部的閉環(huán)空氣循環(huán),同時(shí),在機(jī)柜前端為服務(wù)器提供冷空氣。Liebert XDK與傳統(tǒng)的空間冷卻系統(tǒng)比較,可以將冷卻系統(tǒng)的效率提高30%。 “因?yàn)長(zhǎng)iebert XDK是與環(huán)境條件隔離的,這使數(shù)據(jù)中心管理人員擁有機(jī)柜水平更多的功能和更高的冷卻靈活性,同時(shí),它還適合高實(shí)用性環(huán)境下的設(shè)計(jì)改變和需求改變” 艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司Liebert XD高級(jí)產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理 Lennart Stahl說道,“該封閉架構(gòu),基于水的系統(tǒng)是高表面放熱率應(yīng)用的理想選擇,在這些應(yīng)用中噪音隔離是計(jì)算機(jī)房中的另外一個(gè)重要的要求?!? Liebert XDK的性能和節(jié)省空間的關(guān)鍵是在于Liebert XDP抽水機(jī)組,也即冷凍劑分配機(jī)組(CDU)該機(jī)組具有重要的控制特性,將液體溫度維持在露點(diǎn)以上,以防止液體冷凝在機(jī)柜外殼的管道,線圈上和柜壁上。Liebert XDP另一個(gè)關(guān)鍵的作用是確保樓宇冷凍水系統(tǒng)和Liebert XDK間的絕緣。 Liebert XDK是艾默生公司成熟的高表面放熱率冷卻方案Liebert XD產(chǎn)品線的拓展,該方案通過補(bǔ)充傳統(tǒng)的冷卻技術(shù)和瞄準(zhǔn)高密度區(qū)域從而提高業(yè)務(wù)連續(xù)性。Knurr是總部位于德國(guó)的設(shè)備裝架和機(jī)箱的龍頭生產(chǎn)商,2006年被艾默生公司收購(gòu),并且納入艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司業(yè)務(wù),艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司業(yè)務(wù)包括Liebert電源,冷卻技術(shù)和監(jiān)控技術(shù)。Knurr產(chǎn)品線補(bǔ)充了艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司現(xiàn)在的機(jī)箱產(chǎn)品線,使艾默生成為了世界第二大機(jī)柜系統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)商以及計(jì)算機(jī)冷卻龍頭供貨商。 更多Liebert XDK信息或Liebert其他技術(shù)信息以及艾默生網(wǎng)絡(luò)能源公司服務(wù)信息登陸網(wǎng)站: www.liebert.com。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Rockwell Emerson Network Power Introduces Liebert XDK Rack Enclosure With Integrated Cooling for High Density Electronics Part of the Liebert XD family of high heat-density cooling solutions, the 19-inch rack can improve cooling system energy efficiency by 30 percent Columbus, Ohio (April 10, 2007) — Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR) and the global leader in enabling Business-Critical Continuity™, today announced the availability of the Liebert XDK, a Knurr rack enclosure with integrated cooling capabilities. A product of Emerson`s recent acquisition of Knurr Inc., the 19-inch rack is now available in the United States and provides secure and reliable cooling for up to 17 kW of high-density electronics. This first release of the Liebert XDK, which has been marketed in Europe as the Knurr CoolTherm®, utilizes water as the fluid to transport the heat out of the enclosure. It is a closed architecture solution utilizing air circulation internal to the enclosure that is completely sealed from room air and environmental conditions. Server heat load is absorbed by the rack`s integrated cold water system through a high efficiency air-to-water heat exchanger in the bottom of the rack. This solution enables IT professionals to deploy blade servers and other high density heat load computing equipment without creating hot spots in their data centers. Redundant high-performance fans with temperature-dependent speed regulation drive closed loop air circulation in the rack`s interior, while servers are supplied with cold air at the front of the rack. The Liebert XDK can improve cooling system efficiency by up to 30 percent compared to traditional room cooling systems. “Because it is independent from environmental conditions, the Liebert XDK gives data center managers greater power and cooling flexibility at the rack level while they adapt to design and demand changes in high-availability environments,” said Lennart Stahl, Liebert XD senior product manager at Emerson Network Power. “The closed architecture, water-based system is ideal for high heat density applications where noise containment is another important requirement for the computer room.” Key to the performance and space saving of the Liebert XDK is the Liebert XDP pumping unit, also known as a coolant distribution unit (CDU). This unit delivers the critical control feature of maintaining the fluid temperature above the dew point to prevent condensation on the piping, coils and walls of the enclosure. Another key role of the Liebert XDP is to ensure isolation between the building chilled water system and the Liebert XDK. The Liebert XDK is an extension of Emerson`s Liebert XD line of proven high heat-density cooling solutions that improves business continuity by supplementing traditional cooling and targeting high density areas. Knurr Inc., a leading manufacturer of equipment racks and cabinets based in Germany, was acquired by Emerson in January 2006, and has been integrated into the Emerson Network Power business, which includes Liebert power, cooling and monitoring technologies. The Knurr line complements Emerson Network Power`s existing line of enclosures and makes Emerson the world`s second-largest manufacturer of rack systems, along with being the leading computer cooling supplier. For more information on Liebert XDK, or any other Liebert technologies and services from Emerson Network Power, visit www.liebert.com.[/COLOR]










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