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丹佛斯公司的展位位于1A展廳主門廊附近,面積占到了90平方米,展位設計像一個巨大的鋼琴,結實的木質結構,用纓裝飾,穩(wěn)固和靈活集于一體,給參展人員留下了高藝術的印象,同時,展示了丹佛斯公司扎實的技術和公司客戶之上的理念。 4月4日,丹佛斯在廣州白天鵝賓館舉行了一場記者招待會和2007碩士生全球輪訓項目(PRP)頒獎典禮,參加人員有丹佛斯管理組隊的幾個成員,包括制冷和空調部門總裁Vagn Helberg,制冷和空調部門新總裁Kim Fausing,以及丹佛斯中國總裁Mogens Paulsen。在記者招待會上,丹佛斯宣布管理層的人事調動,在中國發(fā)布了許多新的節(jié)能方案。丹佛斯還舉辦了碩士生全球輪訓項目(PRP)頒獎典禮,宣布了獲獎者。來自中國13座大學的獲獎者和榮譽專家參加了典禮接受獎項。 4月4日下午,丹佛斯專家舉行了一場名為“丹佛斯壓縮機商用冷藏機Hermetics新一帶產(chǎn)品”技術研討會,有多人參加了此次研討會,同時,來自丹佛斯Qinbao公司的專家們也舉辦了一場名為“制冷和A/C系統(tǒng)中銅焊板式換熱氣應用”技術研討會。 晚上,丹佛斯制冷和空調部門在海豚一號船上舉辦了一場客戶宴會,加強了與客戶的交流,為進一步合作打下了堅實的基礎。 4月5日,丹佛斯組織了三場技術研討會:“丹佛斯工業(yè)制冷新自動控制技術” ,“磁懸浮和變速技術在空調中的應用”以及“AKD在超市制冷和HVAC系統(tǒng)中的應用”發(fā)言者都來自丹佛斯,并且是各自領域的佼佼者。 時光如水,2007中國制冷展于4月6日下午5點閉幕,展會期間,丹佛斯展出了范圍廣闊的來自丹佛斯制冷和空調部門的產(chǎn)品,包括制冷和空調控制,家用壓縮機和商用壓縮機,食品零售行業(yè)用新型AKD5000以及銅焊板式換熱氣系列產(chǎn)品,這些產(chǎn)品都在丹佛斯公司位于杭州的Qinbao工廠在中國本地生產(chǎn)。
2008中國制冷展將在上海舉行。讓我們相約2008上海! original text [COLOR=#708090]Great Success for Danfoss at China Refrigeration 2007 13 April 2007 On 4th April 2007, the 18th International Exhibition for Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, Frozen Food Processing, Packaging and Storage (CHINA REFRIGERATION 2007) was officially opened at CECF Pazhou Complex China in Guangzhou. Danfoss, as well as nearly 1,000 other manufacturers from 30 countries and areas all over the world, attended this exhibition. The Danfoss booth was located near the main entrance of Hall 1A and covered a 90 m2 area. The booth was designed to look like a huge piano, with solid timberwork as the main body and interspersed with tassel elements. It was firmness and flexibility integrated into one, thus providing people with state-of-the-art impressions while at the same time displaying the firm Danfoss technology and the company‘s focus on customers. In the morning of 4th April, Danfoss hosted a Press Conference & PRP 2007 Award Ceremony at the White Swan Hotel, Guangzhou. Attending the event were several members of the Danfoss management team including Vagn Helberg, President of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning division, Kim Fausing, the new President of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning division and Mogens Paulsen, President of Danfoss China. During the press conference, Danfoss announced changes to management and launched several new energy efficient solutions in China. Also, Danfoss held the annual Postgraduate Rotational Programme (PRP) Award Ceremony and announced the award winners. Winners and honorary professors from 13 Chinese universities presented and accepted the awards. In the afternoon of 4th April, Danfoss experts held a technical seminar named “New Generations of Hermetics for Commercial Refrigeration from Danfoss Compressors” and many visitors attended the lecture. At the same time, experts from Danfoss Qinbao also held a technical seminar named “Applications of Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger in Refrigeration and A/C Systems”. In the evening, Danfoss Refrigeration and Air Conditioning hosted a Customer Banquet onboard the “Dolphin No.1 Vessel”. It strengthened the communication with customers and established a sound foundation for further cooperation. On April 5th, Danfoss organized three technical seminars on “New Danfoss Automatic Control Technology for Industrial Refrigeration”, “Application of Magnetic Levitation & Variable Speed Technology in Air-Conditioning” and “AKD Application on Refrigeration and HVAC System in Supermarkets”. The speakers were all from Danfoss and all are leading experts in their fields. How time flies! CHINA REFRIGERATION 2007 concluded at 5 pm on April 6th. During the exhibition, Danfoss displayed many products from the large range by Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Division. This extensive product range includes Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Controls, Household Compressors and Commercial Compressors, the new AKD5000 for the food retail industry as well as the Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers range, manufactured locally at Danfoss Qinbao‘s facilities in Hangzhou, China. CHINA REFRIGERATION 2008 will be held in Shanghai. Let‘s meet in Shanghai in 2008![/COLOR]








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  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
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