



擴(kuò)展EasyEXPERT軟件測試和表征性能,加強(qiáng)軟件測試外殼特性 安捷倫科技今天宣布加強(qiáng)B1500A半導(dǎo)體器件分析儀和EasyEXPERT參數(shù)分析軟件測試外殼用新型硬件和軟件性能,這降低了測試,先進(jìn)的不易丟失存儲(chǔ)器(NVM)單元的表征以及開發(fā)下一代半導(dǎo)體設(shè)備的時(shí)間。 帶EasyEXPERT參數(shù)分析軟件的B1500A將支持兩個(gè)完全集成的新型高壓半導(dǎo)體脈沖發(fā)生器組件(HV-SPGU)模塊,滿足先進(jìn)的NVM單元評(píng)估要求,B1500A成為首個(gè)用于實(shí)驗(yàn)室和研究的基于儀器的單純硬件NVM單元測試解決方案。
安捷倫目前為NVM單元評(píng)估提供一個(gè)完整的脈沖解決方案,從實(shí)驗(yàn)室應(yīng)用(運(yùn)用B1500A)到生產(chǎn)使用(運(yùn)用安捷倫4080,4月2日宣布)。用于兩個(gè)平臺(tái)的共享技術(shù)脈沖模塊確保了數(shù)據(jù)再現(xiàn)性和從產(chǎn)品研發(fā)到生產(chǎn)的快速轉(zhuǎn)換。研發(fā)先進(jìn)的NVM儀器的客戶一起提供了這些解決方案。 此外,安捷倫科技的B1500A的EasyEXPERT軟件性能大大提高,目前支持低漏電絕緣材料表征的準(zhǔn)靜態(tài)電容-電壓(QSCV)測量。Desktop EasyEXPERT參數(shù)分析軟件還支持安捷倫4155B/C 和4156B/C半導(dǎo)體參數(shù)分析儀,為用戶提供一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的參數(shù)測試儀器環(huán)境。 需要NVM單元寫/擦性能的參數(shù)表征以確保在產(chǎn)品壽命中的可靠使用,例如,最新的閃存處理具有先進(jìn)的技術(shù)特征,如電荷擷取閃存(CTF)和多層單元閃存(MLC)設(shè)計(jì),以及更小的特征尺寸。這些技術(shù)進(jìn)步對(duì)于NVM單元特征來說具有更高的精確度。 安捷倫B1500A滿足了基于儀器的解決方案的行業(yè)需求,這個(gè)方案支持現(xiàn)代NVM技術(shù)要求,包括MRAM, PRAM, RRAM, NAND 以及NOR Flash,如支持高于20v的電壓和脈沖電流精確控制,以及前緣和后緣。帶EasyEXPERT 參數(shù)分析軟件和高壓半導(dǎo)體脈沖發(fā)生器組件的B1500A設(shè)計(jì)使用戶完成NVM單元耐久性測試的速度比之前的方案快十倍。 “安捷倫的實(shí)驗(yàn)和測量方案使我們的客戶不斷的應(yīng)對(duì)其下一代評(píng)估挑戰(zhàn),”安捷倫科技Hachioji半導(dǎo)體測試部門執(zhí)行副主席兼總經(jīng)理 Minoru Ebihara說道,“安捷倫B1500A 和EasyEXPERT新擴(kuò)展的功能提供了評(píng)估多種最新機(jī)器的功能和性能?,F(xiàn)在我們的客戶可以通過熟悉的EasyEXPERT參數(shù)分析軟件環(huán)境控制其他安捷倫半導(dǎo)體參數(shù)分析儀?!? 用于測試不易丟失存儲(chǔ)器和MOSFETs的新型硬件模塊 增強(qiáng)的安捷倫B1500A支持一個(gè)高壓半導(dǎo)體脈沖發(fā)生器組件HV-SPGU模塊和一個(gè)先進(jìn)的HV-SPGU以滿足先進(jìn)的NVM單元評(píng)估要求。每個(gè)HV-SPGU的每個(gè)模塊有兩個(gè)通道,B1500A中最多可安裝五個(gè)模塊。每個(gè)模塊支持+/- 40 V輸出(80 V 峰-峰)脈沖性能,升降時(shí)間為20毫微秒,2 mV的脈沖電壓精度。此外,先進(jìn)的HV-SPGU支持簡單編程的綜合波形發(fā)生特性,以及每個(gè)通道上的奇次脈沖和開放狀態(tài)脈沖性能。HV-SPGU的行業(yè)領(lǐng)先脈沖電流精確度保證了可靠的MLC存儲(chǔ)器評(píng)估。 完整的單純硬件參數(shù)測試解決方案 獲獎(jiǎng)的EasyEXPERT參數(shù)分析軟件最新版本EasyEXPERT 3.0包括很多新的特性,提高B1500A參數(shù)測量性能,執(zhí)行多種測量更簡單:從DC IV曲線測量 到QSCV測量到5 MHz CV測量都在一個(gè)單一的設(shè)備中完成。EasyEXPERT 3.0運(yùn)用B1500A 的SMU資源支持QSCV測量。當(dāng)與B1500A多頻電容測量組件結(jié)合使用時(shí),B1500A 成為唯一提供電容-電壓測量(從QSCV 到 5 MHz)的設(shè)備,B1500A多頻電容測量組件支持1 kHz 到 5 MHz的電容-電壓(CV)測量。 EasyEXPERT 3.0軟件包括一個(gè)直接控制型模式,允許用戶生成能直接將EasyEXPERT分析軟件用戶界面的安捷倫FLEX命令發(fā)送到B1500A的應(yīng)用測試,這使用戶可以使用B1500A的所有測量性能,甚至可以使用那些不能直接通過EasyEXPERT Classic Test方法的測量性能。 EasyEXPERT 3.0還支持快速平行動(dòng)態(tài)負(fù)偏置溫度不穩(wěn)定性(NBTI)測試。NBTI測試是現(xiàn)代半導(dǎo)體工藝的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵的可靠性測試。安捷倫是首個(gè)在單純硬件解決方案中提供該性能的公司。 2007年6月,安捷倫將推出一款功能強(qiáng)大的Desktop EasyEXPERT參數(shù)儀器測試軟件新版本,提供免費(fèi)下載新版本使用戶能夠在外部PC上控制B1500A。Desktop EasyEXPERT 3.0還將提供安捷倫4155B, 4156B, 4155C,以及4156C半導(dǎo)體參數(shù)分析儀基本控制。這將使目前使用這些儀器的用戶提高生產(chǎn)力,而生產(chǎn)力的提高得益于EasyEXPERT測試外殼軟件,使用B1500A,客戶還將創(chuàng)造一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的基于儀器的參數(shù)測試環(huán)境。 美國價(jià)格和購買 EasyEXPERT 3.0軟件和B1500A將在下月開始出貨,現(xiàn)有的B1500A用戶可以下載,Desktop EasyEXPERT軟件新版本可以免費(fèi)下載,安捷倫將于4月1日起開始接收B1500的新型HV-SPGU模塊的訂單,12月開始首次出貨。HV-SPGU模塊價(jià)格在$10,000到 $20,000之間。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies Reduces Endurance Test Time for Non-Volatile Memory Cells from Days to Hours Enhanced Software Test Shell with EasyEXPERT Expands Testing, Characterization Capabilities SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 17, 2007 Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced new hardware and software capabilities for its B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer and EasyEXPERT software test shell, which reduce the time required for the testing and characterization of advanced non-volatile memory (NVM) cells and other next-generation semiconductor devices. The B1500A with EasyEXPERT will support two new, fully integrated high-voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit (HV-SPGU) modules to meet the requirements of advanced NVM cell evaluation, making it the first instrument-based single-box NVM cell testing solution specifically for laboratory and research use. Agilent now offers a complete range of pulse solutions for NVM cell evaluation, from laboratory use (using the B1500A) to production use (using the Agilent 4080, announced on April 2). Pulse modules with shared technology for both platforms ensure data reproducibility and a quick transition from development to production. These solutions have been created in collaboration with customers who are developing advanced NVM devices. In addition, the Agilent B1500A‘s EasyEXPERT software has been enhanced significantly and now supports quasi-static capacitance versus voltage (QSCV) measurement for characterization of low-leakage dielectric materials. The desktop version of EasyEXPERT also has been expanded to support the Agilent 4155B/C and 4156B/C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers, providing users a unified instrument environment for parametric test. Parametric characterization of NVM cell write/erase performance is necessary to ensure reliable operation over product lifetimes. For example, the latest flash-memory processes feature advanced technologies, such as charge trap flash (CTF) and multi-level cell (MLC) designs, as well as ever-smaller feature sizes. These advancements necessitate more precise evaluation of the NVM cell characteristics. The Agilent B1500A meets the industry‘s need for an instrument-based solution that supports modern NVM technology requirements, including MRAM, PRAM, RRAM, NAND and NOR Flash, such as support for voltages greater than 20 V and precise control over the pulse level, and leading and trailing edges. The B1500A with EasyEXPERT and the HV-SPGU is designed to allow users to complete endurance testing of NVM cells up to 10 times faster than with previous solutions. Agilent‘s test and measurement solutions continually evolve to allow our customers to meet their next-generation evaluation challenges," said Minoru Ebihara, vice president and general manager of Agilent‘s Hachioji Semiconductor Test Division. "The newly expanded capabilities of the Agilent B1500A and EasyEXPERT provide the functionality and performance required to evaluate a variety of the latest devices. Now our customers can control other Agilent semiconductor parameter analyzers from the familiar EasyEXPERT environment." New Hardware Modules for Testing Non-Volatile Memory and MOSFETs The enhanced Agilent B1500A supports a HV-SPGU module and an advanced HV-SPGU to meet the requirements of advanced NVM cell evaluation. Each HV-SPGU has two channels per module, and up to five modules can be installed in the B1500A. Each module supports +/- 40 V output (80 V peak-to-peak) pulse capability, with rise and fall times of 20 ns and 2 mV pulse voltage resolution. In addition, the advanced HV-SPGU supports features such as complex waveform generation with easy programming, as well as three-level pulse and open-state pulse capability on each channel. The HV-SPGU‘s industry-leading pulse level accuracy ensures reliable MLC memory evaluation. Complete Single-Box Parametric Test Solution The latest version of the award-winning EasyEXPERT software, EasyEXPERT 3.0 includes several new features to increase the B1500A‘s parametric measurement capabilities, making it easy to conduct a full range of measurement types, from DC IV to QSCV to 5 MHz CV measurement, all with a single instrument. EasyEXPERT 3.0 supports QSCV measurement using the SMU resources on the B1500A. When used in conjunction with the B1500A multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit, which supports capacitance versus voltage (CV) measurement from 1 kHz to 5 MHz, the B1500A becomes the only instrument to offer CV measurement range coverage from QSCV to 5 MHz. EasyEXPERT 3.0 software includes a Direct Control mode, which allows users to create application tests that can send Agilent FLEX commands directly to the B1500A from the EasyEXPERT user interface. This gives users access to all of the measurement capabilities of the B1500A, even those not directly available through the EasyEXPERT Classic Test mode. EasyEXPERT 3.0 has also been enhanced to support fast parallel on-the-fly NBTI (negative bias temperature instability) testing. NBTI testing is a critical reliability test for modern semiconductor processes. Agilent is the first company to offer this capability in a single-box solution. In June 2007, Agilent will offer a new version of its powerful desktop EasyEXPERT parametric instrument test software, which allows users to control the B1500A from an external PC, for free download. The Desktop EasyEXPERT 3.0 will also provide basic control of the Agilent 4155B, 4156B, 4155C, and 4156C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers. This will allow current users of these instruments to gain the productivity benefits inherent in the EasyEXPERT test shell software and to create a unified instrument-based parametric test environment with the B1500A. U.S. Pricing and Availability EasyEXPERT 3.0 software will start shipping with the B1500A next month, with a downloadable version available for current B1500A users and the new version of Desktop EasyEXPERT available for free download. Agilent will begin accepting orders for the new HV-SPGU modules for the B1500 on July 1, and first shipments will occur in December. The HV-SPGU modules will range in price from $10,000 to $20,000.[/COLOR]










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