艾默生宣布Micro Motion® Coriolis全系列高溫流量計上市




艾默生新型Micro Motion高溫F系列傳感器在抗高溫的條件下,進行操作與排水。 BOULDER, COLO 2007年4月19日消息—高溫Coriolis流量計家族系列的全部面市,艾默生過程管理公司推出F系列高溫產(chǎn)品。F025, F050和F100模型所用的材料都為不銹鋼或是鎳基合金,外形緊湊具備可排泄功能,額定溫度為350º C。 加之對ELITE™高溫儀表的歡迎,新F系列高溫儀表完成了Micro Motion在高溫條件下的管道尺寸應用測試,提供316L不銹鋼或鎳基合金C-22的6mm到100mm(1/4" to 4")的儀表。兩種儀表線的電子設備都安裝在一個靈活的導管末端,遠離傳感器中心。這意味著用戶可以選擇任意傳輸項傳輸整個變送機裝備。 Micro Motion F系列高溫Coriolis儀表尤其適用于苛刻操作環(huán)境和應用,如難以精煉的重質石油,可選擇的流量計設備已不能在高溫條件下處理。其它應用高溫處理的如柏油、瀝青、單聚物、聚合體、臘和食用油在低溫條件下很難控制和保存的物質都可以應用這一儀表。
艾默生Micro Motion F系列高溫Coriolis儀表可在高達350º C環(huán)境下工作
擁有Micro Motion高溫Coriolis儀表,使用者可以在高溫條件下對重油產(chǎn)品進行重復操作達到多產(chǎn)效果。由于Micro Motion高溫儀表所具備的性能,不需要將溫度保持在最高點。通過對儀表的特殊設計使其具備更強的可靠性,用戶可通過低操作成本可實現(xiàn)高收益率并減少原材料成本。 所有其它Coriolis儀表的精確性依賴于流速,只有擁有MVD™專利技術的Micro Motion儀表是不依賴于流速的,在典型的流動范圍之上,不用考慮零穩(wěn)定性引起的不確定性就可以傳輸標定精度。應用這一嚴格的規(guī)范方法意味著Micro Motion F系列儀表擁有改良的傳感器設計和先進的Micro Motion MVD技術,通過全面的流程范圍比任何Coriolis儀表在緊湊和可排泄級具備更高的精確性。 新高溫Micro Motion Coriolis儀表是艾默生智能化、數(shù)字化設備的一部分,為PlantWeb®數(shù)字化工廠架構供以動力,通過優(yōu)化設備傳輸、過程自動化和管理執(zhí)行,可以將工廠效率提高到2%。并且能進一步節(jié)省成本,提高工廠功效,加強安全性。同時,當儀表整合在PlantWeb架構時同樣符合環(huán)境標準。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Emerson announces a full range of Micro Motion® Coriolis high temperature flowmeters Emerson’s new Micro Motion high temperature F-Series sensors deliver performance and drainability where resistance to high temperatures is required BOULDER, COLO (April 19, 2007) — Completing its family of high temperature Coriolis flowmeters, Emerson Process Management has introduced the Micro Motion F-Series range of high temperature products. The Models F025, F050 and F100, are now available in Stainless Steel or Hastelloy, all rated to 350º C for best-in-class measurement in a compact, drainable style. Together with the highly-acclaimed ELITE™ high temperature meters, the new F-Series high temperature meters complete the range of line sizes from Micro Motion for high temperature applications, offering 6mm to 100mm (1/4" to 4") in 316L Stainless Steel or Hastelloy C-22 (available in all sizes up to 3"/80mm size). The electronics for both meter lines are attached at the end of a flexible conduit and away from the heat of the sensor. This means that customers are able to choose any transmitter option for integral transmitter mounting. Micro Motion F-Series high temperature Coriolis meters are especially suited to harsh operating environments and applications, such as hard to refine heavy crude, where alternative flow measurement devices cannot handle the high temperature process fluids. Other applications include high temperature processes such as asphalt, bitumen, monomers, polymers, wax and cooking oils that are difficult to control and keep below a set temperature limit. With Micro Motion high temperature Coriolis meters, customers can run heavy refined products hotter for a more productive and repeatable process. And, because Micro Motion high temperature meters have higher operating limits, there is no need to keep temperatures from exceeding an upper limit. With the added confidence in the reliability of a meter designed especially for high temperature service, users can realize greater profitability through lower operating costs and reduced raw ma terial costs. Whereas the accuracy of all other Coriolis meters is dependent on the flow rate, only Micro Motion meters with patented MVD™ technology are flow rate independent, delivering stated accuracy without additional uncertainty caused by "zero stability" over the typical flow range. Use of this rigorous specification methodology means that the Micro Motion F-Series meter, with improved sensor design and advanced Micro Motion MVD technology, is more accurate across its overall flow range than any Coriolis meter in the compact, drainable class. The new high temperature Micro Motion Coriolis meters are part of the broad range of intelligent, digital field devices from Emerson that power the PlantWeb® digital plant architecture to improve plant efficiency by 2% and more through delivering asset optimization, process automation, and management execution. Further cost savings, increased plant availability, and enhanced safety and environmental compliance are achieved when the meters are integrated into the PlantWeb architecture.[/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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