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NATICK, MA,4月16日新聞――機器視覺傳感器及系統(tǒng)世界龍頭供應商康耐視公司今天宣布日本工業(yè)機器人主要供應商為其三軸和SCARA機器人選擇康耐視In-Sight®視覺傳感器。 該生產(chǎn)商將生產(chǎn)一些機器人模型,In-Sight傳感器將直接配置在該模型中,其他模型將裝配特殊設計的固件以優(yōu)化In-Sight視覺傳感器和機器人控制器間的直接聯(lián)結。此次合作預計將為康耐視帶來價值30萬美元的年收入。 視覺機器人通過去除部件夾持將幫助生產(chǎn)商提高靈活性,大大節(jié)約了成本, 使得在同一個裝配線生產(chǎn)多種不同部件成為可能。這種“大規(guī)模定制”使得生產(chǎn)商無需生產(chǎn)單個部件的專用裝配線即可非常有效的定制產(chǎn)品。 “汽車行業(yè)早已使用視覺機器人,但是最近康耐視公司推出的視覺傳感器在成本,簡單使用以及可靠性方面的突破使得其他行業(yè)開始廣泛使用視覺機器人?!笨的鸵暪局飨鍯EO Robert J. Shillman博士表示,“In-Sigh視覺傳感器設計以最低的價格為機器人應用提供最佳性能,除了該視覺傳感器高度耐用性,還可以使用康耐視PatMax®軟件,在部件方向,尺寸和外形變化的情況下高精度的定位和確認部件。PatMax軟件工具使In-Sight視覺傳感器成為眾多工業(yè)應用的首選,現(xiàn)在,該視覺傳感器也將很快成為機器人視覺指導的標準?!? 康耐視簡介 康耐視公司設計,開發(fā),生產(chǎn)和銷售機器視覺產(chǎn)品及系統(tǒng)和可視化產(chǎn)品??的鸵曇曈X傳感器用于全世界工廠,用于自動操作各類產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn),確保其質量??的鸵暿菣C器視覺行業(yè)的世界領先企業(yè),自1981年公司建立以來,已經(jīng)運送了35萬個機器視覺系統(tǒng),累計總收入達到了20億美元。公司總部位于馬薩諸塞州Natick,此外在北美,日本,歐洲,亞洲以及拉丁美洲還有地區(qū)辦事處和貿(mào)易公司。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]COGNEX VISION SENSORS SELECTED BY LEADING JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL ROBOT MANUFACTURER NATICK, MA, April 16, 2007——Cognex Corporation (NASDAQ: CGNX), the world‘s leading supplier of machine vision sensors and systems, announced today that a major Japanese supplier of industrial robots has standardized on Cognex In-Sight® vision sensors for their 3-axis and SCARA robots. The manufacturer will produce certain robot models with the In-Sight sensor integrated directly into the robot, and other models will be provided with specially designed firmware to optimize direct connection between In-Sight and the robot‘s controller. This partnership is expected to generate more than $300,000 in annual revenue for Cognex. Vision-guided robots offer manufacturers increased flexibility and significant cost savings by eliminating the need for part fixturing, making it possible for a variety of different items to be manufactured on the same assembly line. This “mass customization” enables manufacturers to customize products very efficiently, without the need for a dedicated line for each version of the product. “Industries such as automobile manufacturing have long used vision-guided robots, but recent breakthroughs in cost, ease of use, and reliability by Cognex have led to wider acceptance by other industries,” said Dr. Robert J. Shillman, Cognex‘s Chairman and CEO. “In-Sight is designed to provide the best possible performance for robotic applications at the lowest possible price. In addition to its extraordinary ruggedness, In-Sight comes with the option to use Cognex PatMax® software, which can locate and identify parts with extremely high accuracy, despite variations in orientation, size and appearance. Software tools such as PatMax have made In-Sight the preferred choice for many industrial applications, and now, with this win, In-Sight should soon become the standard for robot guidance, too.” About Cognex Cognex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets machine vision sensors and systems, or devices that can "see." Cognex vision sensors are used in factories around the world to automate the manufacture of a wide range of items and to assure their quality. Cognex is the world‘s leader in the machine vision industry, having shipped more than 350,000 machine vision systems, representing over $2 billion in cumulative revenue, since the company‘s founding in 1981. In addition to its corporate headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, Cognex also has regional offices and distributors located throughout North America, Japan, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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