Silicon Image選擇安捷倫HDMI1.3測試解決方案



導語:Silicon Image所有授權測試中心選擇安捷倫HDMI1.3測試解決方案

服務提供商使安捷倫HDMI設備標準化 安捷倫技術有限公司(NYSE: A)今天宣布Silicon Image Inc.已選擇其HDMI1.3測試解決方案,高清數(shù)字內容安全存儲、傳輸與演示半導體廠商,并應用在其所有的授權測試中心。安捷倫已在2007年1月宣布Silicon Image的一個授權測試中心已經(jīng)應用了安捷倫解決方案。 安捷倫HDMICTS1.3測試解決方案通過其市場領先的完整信號和獨特的獨立時鐘和數(shù)據(jù)抖動插入功能提高測量質量。Silicon Image選擇的方案解決包,包括安捷倫DSO80000B擁有新版N5399AHKMI相關測試軟件的即時示波鏡,擁有電纜仿真器的E4887ATMDS信號發(fā)生器,N1080ATPA,N5990A 自動化測試軟件平臺和N5998A協(xié)議/音頻/視頻發(fā)生器和分析儀。 安捷倫設計確認部技術營銷經(jīng)理Kurt Hellinga說:“安捷倫所從事的工作與HDMI技術驅動器很接近,包括Silicon Image在內,從CTS1.3上市以來,Silicon Image就一直應用安捷倫HDMI解決方案應用在相應測試中。” “安捷倫HDMI和其性能解決方案是安捷倫打入國際市場的關鍵部分”,Silicon Image副總裁負責ATCS的Joseph Lias說,“信號質量、短基線和文本執(zhí)行時間以及解決方案的簡易使用和其獨特的抖動插入能力已被我們的ATC所證實。所有ATC的開發(fā)都在快速配置上述功能,使其能更好地滿足我們的用戶?!? 安捷倫數(shù)字確認解決方案部副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Siegfried Gross說:“安捷倫為HDMI1.3測試規(guī)定de-facto標準。我們的解決方案在ATC占多數(shù)比例,保證了500+ HDMI接受管可依靠覆蓋在關鍵終端跑動公差的廣泛測試?!? original text [COLOR=#708090]Agilent Technologies’ HDMI 1.3 Test Solution Selected for All Silicon Image Authorized Test Centers Service Provider Standardizes on Agilent HDMI Equipment SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 23, 2007 Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) announced today during the Consumer Electronics Association plugfest that its HDMI 1.3 Compliance Test Solution has been selected by Silicon Image Inc., the leader in storage, distribution and presentation of high-definition content, for use in all of its Authorized Test Centers (ATCs). Agilent announced in January 2007 that Silicon Image had selected an initial Agilent solution to test in one of its ATCs. The Agilent test solution for HDMI CTS 1.3 enables high-quality measurements through its market-leading signal integrity and unique independent clock and data jitter insertion capability. The solution package that Silicon Image selected includes the Agilent DSO 80000B real-time oscilloscope with a new version of N5399A HDMI compliance test software, E4887A TMDS signal generator with cable emulators, N1080A TPAs (Test Point Access Assemblies or fixtures), N5990A test automation software platform and N5998A protocol / audio / video generator and analyzer. "Agilent worked closely with HDMI technology drivers, including Silicon Image, since the start of the discussions about CTS 1.3," said Kurt Hellinga, technical marketing manager of Agilent’s Design Verification Division. "Since the CTS 1.3a release, Silicon Image has been using the Agilent HDMI solution for compliance testing." "Agilent’s commitment to HDMI and the performance of the Agilent solution were key factors in our decision to standardize on this solution for our ATCs around the world," said Joseph Lias, vice president for Silicon Image, who manages the ATCs. "The signal quality, short calibration and test execution times as well as the ease-of-use of the solution and its unique jitter insertion capabilities were proven in a thorough evaluation in one of our ATCs. Deployment in all ATCs will now quickly make this performance available to our global customers." "Agilent set the de-facto standard for HDMI 1.3 testing," said Siegfried Gross, vice president and general manager of Agilent’s Digital Verification Solutions Division. "The availability of our solution in the vast majority of ATCs ensures that the 500+ HDMI adopters can rely on the broadest test coverage for the critical sink jitter tolerance test."[/COLOR]








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