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4月24日新聞 丹佛斯公司的產品通常多是肉眼看不見的,在汽油站用的閥門就是這種產品的一個例證,丹佛斯公司的閥門將汽油混合至恰當的辛烷值,并確保汽車所有者得到精確的汽油量。 丹佛斯公司生產的閥門在歐洲市場上占據第一,在世界市場上占據第二。目前的目標就是到2010年成為全球第一,丹佛斯高級主管Andreas Dobratz表示。 “我們每年生產10萬到12萬個閥門,到2010年我們的目標是生產現有數量的雙倍,”他說。 目前,丹佛斯為四家最大的加油泵制造商中的三家制造商提供閥門――明年將為美國市場生產特制閥門。 新型燃料 丹佛斯閥門已經用于添加汽油,趕明年之前,將用閥門混合乙醇和汽油。世界上對這種燃料的需求很廣,例如,巴西,瑞典和加利福尼亞,歐洲對這種燃料的需求也不斷增長。 此外,丹佛斯是世界上唯一一家提供經過獲得專利特種涂料加工閥門的公司,該特種涂料為卡車提供一種特制的添加劑以降低廢氣中有害的NOXs含量。 目前,亞洲加油泵市場正在以7%到8%的速度增長,然而在歐洲和北美卻處于穩(wěn)步增長階段,Andreas Dobratz希望這些地區(qū)市場有所發(fā)展。 他希望隨著更多生物燃油需求的增長歐洲和北美市場也有所發(fā)展,這符合歐盟在該地區(qū)的政策。 未來,Dobratz預計汽車將使用氫和壓縮天然氣。他說:“至少在2010年可以達到這樣的目標,但是,通常燃料需求的增加將會使閥門的需求也增加?!? original text: [COLOR=#708090]Danfoss wants to be the leading global supplier of valves used at petrol stations 24 April 2007 Danfoss‘ products are often invisible to the human eye. And this is the case at petrol stations, where Danfoss‘ valves mix petrol to the right octane number – and also ensure that the car owner gets exactly what he or she pays for at the petrol station. In Europe, valves from Danfoss are number one on the market; number two on a global scale. Now the target is to be on the winner‘s podium by 2010, says Senior Director Andreas Dobratz. "We produce 100,000-120,000 valves each year and the goal is to double that number by 2010," he says. Currently, Danfoss supplies valves to three of the four largest manufacturers of petrol pumps – next year it will be producing valves specifically designed for the American market. New fuels Danfoss valves are already used for filling up with gas and before the turn of this year, a valve will be launched which mixes ethanol and petrol. There is a significant demand for this fuel all over the world - e.g. in Brazil, Sweden and California, and an increasing demand in Europe. Furthermore, Danfoss is the only worldwide supplier of valves which are treated with a patented special coating that provide trucks with a special additive to reduce the harmful NOXs contained in exhaust gas. Currently, the petrol pump market is growing by 7-8 per cent in Asia; whereas in Europe and North America, the markets are experiencing stable growth. However, Andreas Dobratz expects these markets to develop. He expects this to take place at the same time as demand increases for petrol with a larger proportion of bio fuel – in line with EU policy in this area. In the future, Dobratz predicts that cars will use hydrogen and compressed natural gas. "For this we are talking at least 2010 but, generally, more fuels will require more valves," he says.[/COLOR]








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