


導(dǎo)語(yǔ):Aromatics Oman LLC選擇Experion R300對(duì)12億設(shè)備實(shí)現(xiàn)有效控制

韓國(guó)首爾2007年4月23號(hào)消息,霍尼韋爾宣布獲得了一項(xiàng)770萬(wàn)美元的工程,為世界上最大的對(duì)二甲苯工廠提供Experion®過程知識(shí)系統(tǒng)(PKS) R300和安全管理器技術(shù)。Experion霍尼韋爾旗下工業(yè)領(lǐng)先過程控制和自動(dòng)化平臺(tái)品牌,為操作者集中關(guān)鍵信息,保證位于Sohar阿曼港的投資12億美元的Sohar Aromatics工廠實(shí)現(xiàn)平穩(wěn)運(yùn)作,達(dá)到有效生產(chǎn)。這一合同由位于首爾的GS工程建設(shè)公司贏得。 Experion廣泛應(yīng)用于全球化工廠,通過整合關(guān)鍵子系統(tǒng)實(shí)現(xiàn)流線型生產(chǎn)。操作者可以了解子系統(tǒng)是如何影響整個(gè)工廠,以及對(duì)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)備做出更準(zhǔn)確的決策。Experion還可以整合儀器安全系統(tǒng)(SIS),例如安全管理器,更加安全地控制啟動(dòng)和關(guān)閉次序。這種整合在化工廠等地是至關(guān)重要的,因?yàn)閾]發(fā)性物質(zhì)會(huì)對(duì)工作環(huán)境產(chǎn)生危害。 除Experion和安全管理器之外,霍尼韋爾還將提供有數(shù)據(jù)歷史記錄的Uniformance® PHD,以及工程管理和工程服務(wù)。該工程預(yù)計(jì)在2008年12月完成,而Aromatics阿曼有限責(zé)任公司擁有的工廠將于2009年投入生產(chǎn)。 GS工程建設(shè)公司副總裁JT Chung說:“Experion是已被證實(shí)的可用于從底層設(shè)備向正確的操作人員傳遞正確信息的技術(shù),而霍尼韋爾也被公認(rèn)是工程安全保護(hù)領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。這些都是決定哪一個(gè)技術(shù)將執(zhí)行這一世界級(jí)工程的關(guān)鍵因素。一旦工廠進(jìn)入運(yùn)作階段,將會(huì)有更深層次的需要,它將滿足這一需求盡可能的發(fā)揮功效。我們只所以選擇霍尼韋爾也是出于此目的的?!? 工廠每年將生產(chǎn)81.4萬(wàn)噸對(duì)二甲苯和21萬(wàn)噸苯。生產(chǎn)的對(duì)二甲苯用于聚脂光纖和塑料瓶,苯則用于工業(yè)上生產(chǎn)大范圍的塑料、清潔劑和其它化學(xué)用品。 霍尼韋爾(韓國(guó))過程解決方案區(qū)域部經(jīng)理Simon Park說:“為保證有效的生產(chǎn),化學(xué)制品公司應(yīng)對(duì)每一項(xiàng)技在他們廠房的技術(shù)是怎樣影響整個(gè)操作的要有一個(gè)深入的了解。” Experion提供價(jià)值豐富的信息,這些信息可幫助操作人員了解更多信息,幫助做出更好的決議產(chǎn)生最佳的效果。 由于霍尼韋爾承擔(dān)了此工程的項(xiàng)目管理服務(wù),GS工程建設(shè)公司有望將預(yù)期計(jì)劃減少四個(gè)月,從而有機(jī)會(huì)關(guān)注工廠其它關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)域上。 Chung說:“任何新系統(tǒng)的實(shí)施,良好的項(xiàng)目管理是保持進(jìn)度的關(guān)鍵。擁有一個(gè)公認(rèn)的可交付運(yùn)作的合作伙伴就像霍尼韋爾,是絕對(duì)可靠的,尤其是這樣一個(gè)大型的復(fù)雜的工程。” 霍尼韋爾國(guó)際公司的年銷售額為330億美元,是多元技術(shù)和制造業(yè)領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,提供的服務(wù)涉及到航天航空產(chǎn)品及服務(wù),樓宇及住宅控制技術(shù)和工業(yè)控制技術(shù),自動(dòng)化產(chǎn)品,渦輪增壓器和特殊物料??偛课挥贛orris Township, N.J.霍尼韋爾的股票在紐約、倫敦和芝加哥股票交易所上市交易,是道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)30個(gè)中的一個(gè),也是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500指數(shù)的組成部分。更多消息請(qǐng)登錄:http://www.honeywell.com,霍尼韋爾過程解決方案是霍尼韋爾自動(dòng)化和控制解決方案集團(tuán)的一部分,霍尼韋爾作為在產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)解決方案的全球提供商,一直致力為于為家庭、樓宇和工業(yè)提供提高有效的和收益性解決方案,支持兼容,維護(hù)安全、舒適的環(huán)境。詳情請(qǐng)登錄:http://www.honeywell.com/ps original text [COLOR=#708090]HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SELECTED FOR WORLD’S LARGEST PARAXYLENE PLANT Aromatics Oman LLC Chose Experion R300 to Efficiently Control Processes at $1.2 Billion Facility SEOUL, Korea, April 23, 2007 – Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced a $7.7 million project to supply its Experion® Process Knowledge System (PKS) R300 and Safety Manager technology for the world’s largest paraxylene plant. Experion, Honeywell’s industry leading process control and automation platform that funnels critical information to operators, will ensure smooth and efficient production at the $1.2-billion Sohar Aromatics plant, located at Oman’s Port of Sohar. The contract was awarded by GS Engineering and Construction, based in Seoul. Experion is widely used in chemical plants throughout the globe to streamline production by integrating critical subsystems. It gives operators greater insight into how subsystems affect the overall plant, as well as better information to make decisions on the plant floor. Experion can also integrate safety-instrumented systems (SIS) like Safety Manager to more safely automate start-up and shutdown sequences, for example. This integration is crucial in a facility such as a chemical plant, where volatile products make for dangerous working environments. In addition to Experion and Safety Manager, Honeywell will provide Uniformance® PHD, its data historian, as well as project management and engineering services. The project is expected to be completed by December 2008, and production at the Aromatics Oman LLC-owned facility is slated to begin in 2009. “Experion is a proven technology that gets the right information to the right people on the plant floor, and Honeywell is a proven leader in safety, project delivery and engineering,” said JT Chung, vice president of GS Engineering & Construction. “Those were critical factors in deciding which technology to implement in this world-class facility. When the plant becomes operational, it will feed a fast-growing demand and need to function as efficiently as possible. We chose Honeywell’s solution with that objective in mind.” The plant will produce 814,000 tons of paraxylene per year and 210,000 tons of benzene. Paraxylene is used in the production of polyester fibers and plastic bottles. Benzene is an industrial chemical used to produce a wide range of plastics, detergents and other chemicals. “To ensure efficient production, chemical companies must possess a keen understanding of how every piece of technology within their plants affects the overall operation,” said Simon Park, regional general manager for Honeywell Process Solutions Korea. “Experion provides that kind of meaningful information and helps operators see the bigger picture, which ultimately leads to better decisions and results.” By contracting Honeywell for engineering and project management services, GS Engineering and Construction expects to shave about four months off the project schedule and will be able to focus on other critical areas of the plant. “In any new system implementation, good project management is critical to keeping schedules. Having a partner with proven project-delivery capabilities like Honeywell is reassuring, especially for a project of this size and complexity,” said Chung. Honeywell International is a $33 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell’s shares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. For additional information, please visit www.honeywell.com. Honeywell Process Solutions is part of Honeywell’s Automation and Control Solutions group, a global leader in providing product and service solutions that improve efficiency and profitability, support regulatory compliance, and maintain safe, comfortable environments in homes, buildings and industry. For more information about Process Solutions, access www.honeywell.com/ps. [/color]










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  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
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  • PLC
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