



2002年到2003年間,在高優(yōu)先級世界銀行貸款項(xiàng)目中,阿爾斯通在喀布爾使一個停產(chǎn)了十年的發(fā)電廠又重新恢復(fù)生產(chǎn)。2007年2月阿富汗經(jīng)濟(jì)部長Mohammad Jalil Shams參防了阿爾斯通瑞士公司,討論進(jìn)一步對電廠的兩個GT9D型燃?xì)鉁u輪提供服務(wù),于3月中旬簽署了服務(wù)合同,合同包括檢查和各種復(fù)原工作。 阿富汗國家電網(wǎng)被連年的戰(zhàn)爭嚴(yán)重的損壞了,僅能發(fā)出小于10%的電能。目前的努力主要關(guān)注在通過復(fù)原現(xiàn)存的電力設(shè)施試應(yīng)對當(dāng)前的對電的需要。下一步我們需要盡快解決的是與國家謀劃發(fā)展相連接。 Shams對阿爾斯通說,阿富汗政府及相關(guān)國際組織已經(jīng)制定了一個宏偉目標(biāo)——到2010年,實(shí)現(xiàn)城市65%、農(nóng)村25%面積的穩(wěn)定供電 喀布爾電力短缺 在塔利班政權(quán)倒臺五年后,喀布爾僅6%城市與電網(wǎng)相連接。城市每天有電的時間僅為3小時或4小時,電供應(yīng)相當(dāng)?shù)牟灰?guī)律,人們無法正常使用。 許多城市中心的店主都擁有發(fā)電機(jī),自己發(fā)電以備每天必須的照明、電腦或復(fù)印使用。到處都是煙塵和電纜產(chǎn)生的噪音,整個喀布爾市郊地區(qū)沒有一點(diǎn)電。幾萬喀布爾居民在2006年忍受了沒有電風(fēng)扇電冰箱的酷熱夏天,又忍受了沒有熱水和熱氣的冬天。 影響喀布爾電力短缺的直接原因是雙重的:被損壞了的電力設(shè)施無法修復(fù)和日益增長的電力需求。 三個水力發(fā)電所和阿爾斯通兩個GT9D型燃?xì)鉁u輪的44MW發(fā)電廠可為整個城市提供最基本的供電。當(dāng)全部投入運(yùn)營后約發(fā)電254MW能夠?yàn)?0萬人口提供電供應(yīng)。 于1985年完工的阿爾斯通44MW發(fā)電廠由兩個GT9D燃?xì)鉁u輪組成,每個的發(fā)電能力是22MW,發(fā)電廠位于喀布爾Khair Khana區(qū),可以滿足城市超過峰值30%的電供應(yīng)量,渦輪機(jī)還能夠再運(yùn)行15年。 original text [COLOR=#708090]Alstom to service two gas turbines in Kabul, Afghanistan In 2002/2003, in a high priority World Bank financed project, Alstom rehabilitated a power plant in northwest Kabul after it had been shut down for ten years. In February 2007 Afghanistan’s Minister of Economy Dr. Mohammad Jalil Shams visited Alstom Switzerland to discuss further service work on the plant’s two type GT9D gas turbines. In mid-March a contract was signed that includes inspections & various rehabilitation work. Afghanistan’s power grid has been severely damaged by years of war, and less than 10 percent of its population has access to electricity. Current efforts are focussed on simply trying to deal with today’s pressing needs by rehabilitating existing electrical infrastructure and buying new capacity. And much more will be needed very soon to match the country’s planned development. Dr. Shams told Alstom that by 2010 the Afghan government has set itself and the international community the ambitious goal of delivering reliable power to 65% of urban and 25% of rural areas. Power shortages in Kabul Just 6% of the capital Kabul is connected to the grid five years after the Taliban regime was toppled. The city sometimes receives only three or four hours per day of power, and electricity comes on at irregular times and cannot be relied upon. Most shopkeepers in the city centre have a generator cranking out the necessary power to run lights, computers or copiers. Everywhere there is smoke and noise with cables snaking across footpaths. But entire districts of the poor outskirts of Kabul have no electricity. In 2006 tens of thousands of Kabul households endured a sweltering summer without fans or refrigerators and a high-altitude winter without hot water or heat. The immediate causes of Kabul’s power shortage are two-fold; a battered urban infrastructure and dramatically increased electricity demand. Three hydroelectric power dams and Alstom’s 44MW power plant with two GT9D gas turbines provide baseload power to the city. This represents an installed capacity, when fully operational, of approximately 254MW - fit for around 800,000 people. Alstom’s role Completed in 1985, Alstom’s 44MW power plant consists of two GT9D gas turbines - each having a capacity of around 22MW. The plant, located in Kabul’s Khair Khana district, can potentially provide up to 30% of the city’s peak electricity requirements, and the client wants the turbines to run for at least another 15 years.[/COLOR]










  • 運(yùn)動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機(jī)器視覺
  • 機(jī)械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機(jī)界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機(jī)器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機(jī)柜
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