阿爾斯通向法國國家鐵路公司提供新Citadis Dualis型小火車



導(dǎo)語:阿爾斯通向法國國家鐵路公司(SNCF)提供其總計為1億歐元31輛新Citadis Dualis型小火車

SNCF法國國家鐵路公司,向阿爾斯通訂購了其31輛新Citadis Dualis郊外鐵路電車,總價值為1億歐元。有24輛將用于Rhône-Alpes區(qū),另外7輛用于Pays-de-la-Loire區(qū)。此次訂購包括對169輛小火車有條件的選擇,其中的一些小火車將被用于Alsace和 Ile-deFrance區(qū),最后將有6億5千萬歐元的訂單。 這一訂單是阿爾斯通開發(fā)的世界上第一個對新Dualis型鐵路電車的訂單。設(shè)計為滿足城市到郊區(qū)交通的流動性,Dualis起著聯(lián)系城市中心和其郊區(qū)的作用,貨物在轉(zhuǎn)車時不需要卸載,使為車和電車軌道發(fā)揮其最大優(yōu)勢。 基于阿爾斯通的Citadis電車軌道,Dualis版是集中了其基本元素的成功模型具備模塊性、易接近性和可靠性。由于對電力、安全和舒適度的一體化調(diào)整,作為一個區(qū)域鐵軌網(wǎng)其在電車軌道網(wǎng)絡(luò)上運(yùn)行時的性能要遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過Citadis。這一構(gòu)造使得其在運(yùn)輸領(lǐng)域具備了多方面的功能:可以通過整個城市、由于其擁有和火車一樣的性能,允許在市郊100km/h的速度下運(yùn)載乘客而不需要改變運(yùn)載方法。 鐵路電車概念始于德國,阿爾斯通在卡塞爾交付使用的Regio Citadis模型就是一例。由于Citadis的應(yīng)用,也使得阿爾斯通做出了擴(kuò)展電軌網(wǎng)絡(luò)的決定。Dualis和Regio Citadis一起服務(wù)于駛?cè)胧袃?nèi)的區(qū)域線。 在法國阿爾斯通瓦良朗謝訥站,第一個Citadis Dualis小火車將于2010年1月在南特網(wǎng)投入使用,在2010年在里昂網(wǎng)投入使用。 至此,930 輛Citadis tramsets已被世界上24個城市訂購,另外30個城市的電車軌道工程預(yù)定在未來的3年實(shí)施。電車軌道是市內(nèi)交通的首選,再三的思考和對市區(qū)空間的認(rèn)識,電車軌道既可保護(hù)建筑遺產(chǎn)又能為城市建設(shè)發(fā)展做貢獻(xiàn)。 技術(shù)特性: • 模塊性 o 3長:33m, 42m, 52m o 2寬:2.40m, 2.65m • 載客量 o 市內(nèi)車形構(gòu)造:95個座位可載乘客220名(42米長 2.65米寬) o 郊區(qū)車形構(gòu)造:80人座位可載乘客240名(42米長,2.65米寬) • 電車軌道網(wǎng)絡(luò)—與郊區(qū)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)通性 o 基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)提供的三種電源25kv-750v / 1,500v-750v / diesel-750 v o 鐵路信號允許使用接近歐洲ERTMS標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的解決方案 o 輪子既適合電車軌道也適合區(qū)域間鐵軌。 • Comfort et可接近性 o 定制的內(nèi)部配置 o 為輪椅設(shè)計的完整的低入口和特殊區(qū)域 o 錄像監(jiān)督和即時信息。 o WiFi立即多媒體小火車頭 original text [COLOR=#708090]Alstom to deliver 31 trainsets of its new Citadis Dualis model to SNCF, for a total amount of 100 million euros SNCF, France‘s national railway company, has ordered 31 trainsets of Alstom‘s new Citadis Dualis suburban tram-train, worth a total of 100 million euros. 24 of the trainsets are destined for the Rhône-Alpes region and 7 will be used in the Pays-de-la-Loire region. The order includes a conditional option of 169 trainsets, of which some would be supplied to the regions of Alsace and Ile-deFrance regions, which would ultimately bring the order to 650 million euros. This order is a world first for the completely new Dualis model of tram-train developed by Alstom. Designed to meet the need for greater fluidity between urban and suburban transport, Dualis operates the link between a city‘s centre and its suburbs, without the need for off-loading, by reconciling the advantages of the train and the tramway. Based on Alstom‘s Citadis tramway, the Dualis version employs the fundamental elements that have contributed to that model‘s success: modularity, accessibility, reliability. But Dualis goes even further as it is just as capable of operating on a tramway network as on a regional rail network thanks to adaptations incorporated in terms of power, safety and comfort. This configuration makes it a highly versatile means of transport: its tram build enabling it to run through the city, while its performance as a train allows it to transport passengers at over 100km/h once on the outskirts of town, without the need to change the means of transport. The tram-train concept was initially developed in Germany, where Alstom has put into service its Regio Citadis model, in Kassel. The Citadis range therefore enables Alstom to respond to the extension of tramway networks to city suburbs with Citadis Dualis and to the penetration of regional lines into urban spaces with Regio Citadis. Developed at Alstom‘s Valenciennes site in France, the first Citadis Dualis trainsets should enter service in January 2010 on the Nantes network and, in March 2010, on the Lyons network. To date, 930 Citadis tramsets have been ordered by 24 cities around the world and another 30 cities have a tramway project scheduled for the next 3 years. Tramways are now well on their way to becoming the urban transport solution of choice because they make it possible to offer sustainable mobility, to rethink and re-energize urban space, to preserve architectural heritage and contribute to city growth. Technical characteristics: • Modularity o 3 lengths: 33m, 42m, 52m¬ o 2 widths: 2.40m, 2.65m • Capacity o Periurban configuration: 220 passengers of which 95 seated (42m-long, 2.65m-wide version) Suburban configuration: 240 passengers of which 80 seated (42m-long, 2.65m-wide version) • Tramway network – suburban network compatibility o 3 types of power supply depending on the network: 25kv-750v / 1,500v-750v / diesel-750 v o Railway signalling allowing an evolution towards European ERTMS standards Wheels adapted to tramway rails and to regional train rails • Comfort et accessibility o Customisation of interior outfitting o Integral low floor and special zones for wheelchairs Video-surveillance and real-time information o WiFi multimedia-ready trainsets [/COLOR]










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