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4月26日新聞 最初是在陸地,現(xiàn)在在海上,2006年,丹佛斯高壓系統(tǒng)»Nessie«引進了WaterCube,這是一個將鹽水轉化為陸地小型家庭用潔凈飲用水的系統(tǒng),目前,由于丹佛斯收購了總部位于加利福尼亞的公司,»Nessie«占領了更多市場。 丹佛斯收購了Sea Recovery,該公司為豪華快艇和巡航艦生產飲用水系統(tǒng)。此外,該公司還提供鉆探設備和大型漁船。Sea Recovery公司的生產基地位于加利福尼亞,這里是»Nessie «脫鹽和飲用水市場的競爭中心。 “我們或者可以自己建立一個WaterCube的自產自銷,或者通過購買的方式達到推銷,Sea Recovery公司被證實是目前脫鹽系統(tǒng)市場進一步發(fā)展的完美平臺,該公司選擇了代售的方式?!盧O解決方案高級主管Anders Valbjørn表示。 Sea Recovery每年生產4,000多個系統(tǒng),每天可以提供10,000到166,000升飲用水,快艇安裝抽水機可以攜帶更多燃料,并且不需要安裝大型水箱的空間。此外,船員總是可以有干凈的水清潔餐具和洗澡。如果出發(fā)遠行,也無需擔心水箱中的水受到污染。 Sea Recovery廣泛的脫鹽知識和反滲透――將鹽水轉化為飲用水――將受益于»Nessie«,因為該公司即將研發(fā)下一代WaterCube。 “Sea Recovery擁有成熟的技術理解,我們準備在WaterCube中結合新技術的時候可以運用這些知識?!? original text: [COLOR=#708090]Danfoss has begun supplying drinking water to luxury boats by means of desalination 26 April 2007 First it was on land – now it‘s at sea. In 2006, Danfoss High-Pressure Systems, »Nessie,« introduced the WaterCube - a system which transforms salt water into clean drinking water in small households on land. Now »Nessie« has acquired one more share of the desalination system market, thanks to the purchase of a Californian-based company. Danfoss has acquired a company called Sea Recovery, which produces drinking water systems for luxury yachts and cruise boats. In addition, the company supplies drilling rigs and large fishing boats. California, where Sea Recovery‘s production is based, will be the competence centre for »Nessie‘s« activities within the desalination and drinking water market. "We could either have set up production ourselves and headed sales and distribution for the WaterCube, or we could have bought our way into it. Sea Recovery proved to be the perfect platform for further development of our current activities on the desalination system market and the company was for sale," says Anders Valbjørn, Senior Director, RO Solutions. Sea Recovery produces more than 4,000 systems annually and the systems in its range are capable of supplying between 10,000 and 166,000 litres of water every day. With a water machine on board, yachts can carry greater volumes of fuel and there is no need to find room for large water tanks. Furthermore, the sailors always have clean water for doing the dishes and bathing. And when they set out on long voyages, they won‘t have to worry about polluted or contaminated water in the water tank. Sea Recovery‘s extensive knowledge of desalination and reversed osmosis – transforming salt water into drinking water – will benefit »Nessie« because the company is about to develop the next generation of the WaterCube. "Sea Recovery has a good technical understanding and we can utilise this knowledge when we are ready to integrate new elements in the WaterCube," says Anders Valbjørn. he new version of the Danfoss WaterCube will be launched in 2007. [/COLOR]








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