Dallas Semiconductor――溫度傳感器確定多個物理位置




5月2日新聞 Dallas Semiconductor 公司推出的DS28EA00數(shù)字溫度傳感器采用一個新型的鏈式協(xié)議信號快速自動確定應用中的單個傳感器的物理位置,這些應用中的多個傳感器連接到一個共同的線路中,該裝置采用公司的1-Wire接口,這種接口通過一個簡單的連接傳輸功率和通信,允許多個傳感器獨立安裝在線路中操作,這種安裝簡化了要求精確多點數(shù)字溫度測量的應用中的配線,降低了相關成本。 DS28EA00測量溫度范圍從−40°C到85°C。液體槽中的工廠溫度確保了周圍溫度在−10°C到85°C間的最壞狀況下轉換誤差為±0.5°C。周圍溫度在−40°C 到−10°C間最壞狀況轉換誤差為±2.0°C,設備溫度感應和數(shù)字化是由于匹配的晶體管不同的 VBE輸出以及一階sigma-delta模擬數(shù)字轉換器。轉換方案是用戶采用9-bit到12-bit編程。 所有1-Wire設備都有一個唯一的64-bit內部串口序號,這些序號用于一個多支路環(huán)境選擇特定的設備測試溫度。但是DS28EA00是首個允許用戶確定多個傳感器物理位置的傳感器,要求一個鏈式命令設置和兩個信號針用于鏈式多支路設備。一個1-Wire主控制器采用鏈式命令協(xié)議獲得鏈中每個部分的64-bit串口序號,從第一個現(xiàn)場設備開始同步進行。這項序列直接連接到每個傳感器的物理位置。鏈式信號針還可以作為5-V 4-mA多用IO使用,控制LED指示器或其他I/O信號發(fā)送。DS28EA00使用8引腳封裝。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]Temperature Sensor Signals Its Physical Location In A Crowd May 2, 2007 The DS28EA00 digital temperature sensor from Dallas Semiconductor uses a new chain-mode protocol signal to quickly and automatically ascertain the physical locations of individual sensors in applications where multiple sensors are connected to a common line. The device operates over the company‘s 1-Wire interface that delivers power and communication over a single connection, allowing multiple sensors to be placed on the line and operated independently. This arrangement minimizes wiring complexity and associated costs in applications that require accurate multipoint digital temperature measurements. The DS28EA00 measures temperature over the −40°C to 85°C range. Factory calibration in a liquid bath ensures a worst-case conversion error of ±0.5°C within an ambient-measurement range of −10°C to 85°C. Worst-case conversion error from −40°C to −10°C is ±2.0°C. Device temperature sensing and digitization is produced from the differential VBE output of a matched-npn transistor pair and a first-order sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter. Conversion resolution is user-programmable with 9-bit to 12-bit options. All 1-Wire devices have a unique 64-bit internal serial number that is used in a multi-drop environment to poll specific devices for temperature results. But the DS28EA00 is the first of its kind to allow users to determine the physical locations of the multiple sensors, employing a chain-mode command set and two signal pins for daisy-chaining multi-dropped devices. A 1-Wire host controller uses the chain-mode command protocol to learn the 64-bit serial number of each part in the chain, starting with the first device on the line and proceeding sequentially. This sequence knowledge is directly linked to the physical location of each device. The daisy-chain signal pins can also be used as 5-V, 4-mA general-purpose IO to control LED indicators or other I/O signaling. The DS28EA00 comes in an 8-pin microSOP package. [/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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